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Everything posted by thealgerian

  1. Results should be sensibly different this time than a month ago if everyone answers honestly.
  2. First of, I think the OP is right, I too don't really give a crap anymore until I find a weapon, thing I would never have done back when we had the makarov. Still, bringing it back wouldn't be a great idea. I'm thinking, another pistol, any pistol that wouldn't be in the game yet, with like 1 mag left, and no ammo for it to be found anywhere in the map.
  3. thealgerian

    Most bandits are posers

  4. thealgerian

    Most bandits are posers

    As I say all the time here, most people who kill on sight are morons who are bored of CoD and found in Day Z a 225km² deathmatch game even easier since some people either don't have guns or don't shoot on sight. All those "it's zombie outbreak, people do crazy stuff" is complete BS.
  5. Where there's authenticity there is no exploit or flawed design. I don't mean realism because let's face it, no game has ever achieved realism, i mean authenticity.
  6. thealgerian

    DayZ for ArmA 2 ONLY?

    "TotalBiscuit: WTF is Armor 2? o,O" OT: I hope the next ArmA will run on my PC....
  7. thealgerian


    I'm pretty sure I could go around beating up or killing random people without the cops catching me. So why aren't I doing it? And why are there so many soldiers coming back from war having psychological councelling because of the guilt and remorse? Pretending most people don't go around killing each others because of the cops is a very weird (false) statement to make.
  8. thealgerian

    i need an online map

    I like this simple one better. Too much indications is kind of a spoiler to me. http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/images/chernarus_big_hq.jpg
  9. 98% people shooting on sight is anything but realistic. What happens is the game gains popularity and attract morons who are just bored of their generic CoD shooters and just want a 225km² map deathmatch.
  10. So what if he likes controller better, you're not the ones getting yourselves killed, are you?
  11. thealgerian

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    When do this guy eats and sleep, I'll never now.
  12. thealgerian

    The Water Bottle?

    The easiest way to fix this would be to give an empty bottle at spawn.
  13. Thanks :) When your leg is broken' date=' and you're at the top of the lighthouse, if you crawl close enough to the edge and you crouch, you press V and your guy will still vault despite his broken leg. lol, thank you :shy:
  14. thealgerian

    DayZ Stories

    Thanks a lot, I tried my best to recapture those moments in my text despite english not being my primary language :) (I also loved your story I read somewhere else on the forum with the guy approaching you from behind)
  15. thealgerian

    Is it possible to trust?

    We should bring back bandit skins, that is all. I've been shot by so many morons I'm starting to get very tired of this, and by morons I don't mean bandits, I just mean morons who seem to be there just because they're bored of their generic CoD shooters.
  16. thealgerian

    Yo Rocket! Chance we can get one of these

    Looks like a perpetual motion device.
  17. thealgerian

    What about this?

    What happened to "body still existing 5 seconds after the player disconnects" mentionned in a previous patch? It didn't work? Was it removed because it caused problems?
  18. Looks real enough for ITV to pass it as news.
  19. thealgerian

    DayZ Stories

    I met some friendly guy yesterday (for once). He asked me If I needed something, I said food, he wanted to give me two cans but I only took one. I asked him what he needed and he said he was looking for weapons, so I told him "If you can tell me which town this is, I could lead you to some weapons." He said we were in Cherno, I told him there were weapon at the airfield like 1 km from Cherno, so we took the road, carefully. We walked and walked, being attacked from time to time but he had an axe and I found a Shotgun on our way. Turned out we weren't in Cherno before but in Elektro as we were reaching the small village in-between (don't remember its name). He went inside a barn while I was covering him, but one of them attacked by surprise and I had a broken leg and like 400 blood left. I told him to go on without me and that I'll make a last stand, taking as much of them as I can into the grave. He didn't wan't too, and he went seaching for morphine while I was looking for zeds to provoke so I could fight them and die so my new friend could think about himself. But he came back pretty fast, he found a blood pack not far and transfused me while I was passed out. I regained hope as my blood was full, even though I had a broken bone. He left in search of morphine again while i was lying there, hoping he'd be back soon enough. Five minutes later he told me through the side channel: "Bad news... I have a broken bone too". "Oh my God", I answered, "Let's die like men then". "It was an honor knowing you Smile" I got on my knees, and started picking the zeds one by one with my shotgun until I was out of bullets. My friend died, but befire I was out of ammo, the zeds were out of reinforcements. "I'm still alive", I thought, now what do I do.... I stood there for a few 30 seconds, then a message popped in the side chat. "Scott: Anyone has blood please? I'm in Cherno hospital" "Scott", i remembered that name from half an hour ago, he was displaying the same message, I thought I was going to help him when I reached Cherno if he still needed it. Apparently he did but this time I couldn't reach Cherno with a broken leg. "I'll transfuse you if you bring me morphine" I told him. "Ok I'll bring if I find some" "There must be plenty of it in the hospital you're in" "Yes, I found some, where are you" "I'm in Pridoroky" "I don't know where it is" "It's just between Cherno and Elektro, just follow the railroad, I'll wait in front of the train station" "Ok I'm on my way". I dragged myself in front of the train station, adjusting my position as zeds were getting my scent and closing in. I waited, and waited. What is he doing, he's he alright? "I'm being chased by zeds" he said I counted my bullets left, I had 4. "How many of them?" I asked "6" "I only have 4 bullets left". He didn't answer until a few minutes later. "I was trying not to led them to you, but now I'm pinned in the lighthouse" The lighthouse was in the opposite direction he came from, it was as far West as Cherno was far East. I had some flares, "hang in there" I told him "I'm coming to lure them out". "No, it's too late, they can climb ladders, I didn't know they could do that.... I'm going to jump down and kill myself, if you get in there in less than 15 minutes, my body will still be here and you can take the morphine, good luck!" And he threw himself off the lighthouse. As I was still emotionally drained by the sacrifice of this friend I never saw, and by the other one who took the road with me, I dragged myself to the lighthouse, hoping to make it in time. As I was crawling, time was flying, merciless as ever. I finally reached it. I looked around... nothing. Double-checked, Triple-checked, there was no sign of my never-seen friend or of the morphine he was carrying. I climbed the ladder to see if maybe, it could be up there, maybe zeds got to him before he could jump. Nothing up there. It was just me and the sea. I sat down and stared at the horizon, the tide seemed refreshing. I pulled a water bottle out of my bagpack, and said out loud to myself: "Here's to Taytay and Scott, the bravest men this goddam zombie apocalypse took away" I drank bottoms up. Took a last long stare at the sea, and I jumped.
  20. thealgerian

    A Kill Contract - GO HUNT

    I meant addition as in a future update with ingame mechanics and stuff.
  21. thealgerian

    Please read and give feedback!

    I'm never clicking a thread again just because someone said "please" thanks to you -_-'
  22. thealgerian still drops FPS like a bag of dirt

    My performances are much better with too. The max it dropped so far was to 19 fps and even then, only for half seconds.
  23. thealgerian

    Death music?

    Don't mention it, mate ;)