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Everything posted by Chroma

  1. Chroma

    Dayz on Sale

    http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2009/02/left-4-dead-sees-3000-jump-in-sales-on-steam/ Old but worth a read ;) Digital sales generate a metric shitload of revenue, the same article seems to crop up every now and again when 'X' title goes on sale. I see it as a good thing, more money inbound means more scope for changes in-game and so on, lets face it, we paid to support the development, and now they'll get even more income and hopefully add things that would be prohibitively expensive otherwise :) And as for the people butthurt over paying full list price, BAAAAaaaaaaawww! You saw the price of entry, made a value based judgement on that and took the ride, if it didn't seem worth the money then you wouldn't have ponied up right? Now people who looked at the initial entry cost and felt it wasn't worth it may view otherwise and will soon be complaining about KOS and glitched out zombies in no time at all :D Fresh friendly blood is never a bad thing, especially at this juncture when people seem more concerned with exploring new features and being more social, rather than just spraying ammo all over Berezino at anything that moves. People may actually have a good start for once! This may actually be good for the community as a whole. $0.02 and all...
  2. Chroma

    There is no such thing as a random kill.

    But, But, But murderous ba***rd staircases! Those are entirely random and heartbreaking :D Till you realize you don't own anything in game, merely rent for a time.
  3. Watched this today and couldnt help thinking i was riding through Chenarus on one of the trains :D
  4. Chroma

    General timeline on fixing scripts

    Nope ;) Think about what you're asking for a second. VAC/Battleeye Advertising the fact that they monitor for certain exploits is pretty much akin to a cop approaching drug/arms dealers and saying "id like to buy some drugs'n'guns please, so i can arrest you." I'm all for transparency in a lot of ways, but when it comes to something of this nature, transparency defeats the entire purpose.
  5. Chroma

    only playing 4 the lulz

    So my question is: did they or did they not get their reservations at Dorsia???? Ive been doing the same thing, wandering around whistling "farmer in the dell" carrying a shotgun YO, WHERE THE REUP AT????