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Everything posted by JoshPlayzDayZ

  1. Ok, so I recently bought Arma2 combined operations and I got dayzcommander from a friend. So I started up arma 2 and arma2 oa then I started up dayzcommander and installed arma2 and arma2 oa. When I join a server it takes like 2 minutes and sends me back to the Arma2 menu... Im getting really pissed I spent $25 bucks and cant even use it Have any answers? Email me at : [email protected] Please help :(
  2. JoshPlayzDayZ

    DayZ beta patch

    Ok so I recently bought Arma 2 combined operations and I got the Arma 2 DayZ mod, so I went to get Dayzcommander and people keep saying I need to downgrade to the 2nd lowest update so I tryed to do that and it said that I cant downgrade it. It says something like my version is higher please help! My skype: assassinpvparmy If you get it working for me ill buy you a game! :D
  3. JoshPlayzDayZ

    DayZcommander sending me to start menu

    I have launched both games I dont know how to check the versions and I have arma 2 operation arrowhead Beta If you help me there could be a game in it for you :P