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About shepard06

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    On the Coast
  1. Yesterday I was killed by a guy with speedhack and wallhack. I was on the roof of one of the tall buildings in berezino, near the police station, the apartments. I was there lying down for maybe 10 minutes, because I was waiting for a friend. Suddenly I saw a guy 800m way running like a car, carrying two weapons. we just run straight to my building ( we couldn´t by a chance know that I was there, I didn´t even move, and the build is really tall), he started to fire his mousin to the building, hitting the walls, clearly trying to hit me. Suddenly he disappears and appears again near me and killed me with an m4. In maybe 2 secs he was on the top of the building. After I respawn, I found a new player in Dubrovka. He just bought the game, we talked for a while,He told me he was very excited because he saw some cool videos about the game and was trying to learn how to play. I taught him some things and told him to be carefull because there was hackers in the game, and almost every body was KoS. After 2 minutes the same hacker killed us on our way to Berezino, there he was, running like a ferrari, and killed two new spawns that had a bike helmet and a baseball bat. I don´t understand what is the fun of ruining the game, ruining the community and make new players hate the game. I think that there should be a special team of devs only to improve the security of the game. I know that all the games have hackers, and that this is an alpha, but when you create an alpha version for people who bought the game, you should have security of the community will be ruined before the game even hit the release version
  2. Hey guys After jumping from server to server searching for a good, non-KOS server, I got in this "amazing" server with a clan of 5 ou 6 guys that start firing at me and my friend. To run away from them, me and my friend got in to a building and closed the doors. I went to the second floor and he stayed in the first floor. They just could know which building we were because they were firing from 600-700 meters and we just kept running between the building. After some time of hiding, I got an huge suprise, 3 dudes passed by the wall of my second floor and started shooting at me. My friend got killed after me. The doors were always closed. They even left the build by the wall. What kind of anti-cheating system this game have? when we have 6 dudes using hacks ( the server only had 20 players) that's almost half of the server! After this episode ( this was like 2 or 3 days ago) I'm catching more and more players with hacks. Today l watched, near NEAF, Some dude duplicatiing his all gear for 3 friends. 2 of them where new spawn and got full gear in 1 minute. Am I the only one getting this kind of things? Regards
  3. shepard06

    Problems Drawing my weapons

    I usually play in 40/40 players servers. and it's no the case of double tapping the same key. I really think that is server lag, or actions lag. Yesterday I tried to use the menu to throw away a magazine, the magazine dropped on the floor, but still appear on my backpack. Im getting more and more problems with laggy hotbar actions or backpack actions But at least I see that I'm not the only one
  4. Hello guys, Since the latest patch I'm having a lot of problems drawing my weapon. Yesterday i tried to draw it like 10 times before I got killed. Every time i pressed a number um the hotbar ( in my case i used 3 for magnum) the character draw the weapon and holster it back again. Im getting this more and more. I tried to change my keyboard configuration but still nothing. Am I the only one getting this? Regards