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About ZMEY

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  1. ZMEY

    Day Z mod EASTER EGG

    Santa lives in that chimney since ArmA 1.
  2. ZMEY

    Winchester magazines

    I would rather see something like Browning Maxus from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12338 instead of winchester - more casual 5 gauges mag, and much better fit modern era and situation. For now, imho, theres no point in carrying remington m1014 and benelli 870 (even if thers flashlight and higher fire rate) as far as winchester has 15 rnds mag and its ammo much more common. So basicly, if you have got 3-5 winch mags you dont need to care about ammo for next couple hours. Some time ago, i spawned near electro, found winch and went north along the coast, shooting everything i could kill. In about 2 hours i killed more than 400 z's and never had lack of ammo.
  3. ZMEY

    Would you kill a bandit?

    "We do not negotiate with terrorists" ©:D
  4. ZMEY

    DayZ Update 1.4.9

    Same, at 4.8 was alive, 4.9 spawned at coast without my stuff...
  5. Have you played the original ArmA 2 campaign? The US were involved in a war in Chernarus' date=' so chances are there were still US Soldiers around when the outbreak started. [/quote'] Lol, and what about ancient Enfield and Winchester 1866 in such great amount? Does cowboys were involved in a war too? Or before Chernarus became post-soviet republic, was it actualy British Colony or 51st State?
  6. Now, with voice channel restrictions, you cant use direct channel for typing. Peoples near by wont see anything you type in direct. Meanwhile side works fine. Any ways to fix that?
  7. Probably, good solution is if we could form and join squads with trusted mates (so we can use green squad voice channel), in case of fratricide you dont get any penalty at all.
  8. ZMEY


    Maybe not so melee, but i remember in OFP times there was a throwing knife addon, even with spining animation. Would be cool if we see something alike. Like 1 pack takes 1 inventory slot and consist 5 non-retrievable small throwing knifes. Would be cool for stealth z's kilings or if you are out of ammo.
  9. ZMEY

    Receiving data...

    Tried both EU servers, and both servers were crowded by reconnecting ppls. Took for me almost 20 mins to join game.