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Rusty Shackleford Hitman

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Everything posted by Rusty Shackleford Hitman

  1. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    All Out War DayZ Overpoch

    Awesome server, awesome admins :D
  2. What I lack in experience I make up for in determination, whatever target you give me, wherever he is, I will find him, and I will kill him. It does not matter to me the amount of time it will take, because the longer it takes to kill a target the more satisfaction I will enjoy when I bring you his head. My services are free, this is a hobby.
  3. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    I suppose I will record if I am able to remove his head for you my lord. (Just watched 3 and a half seasons of Game of Thrones in a week, fuck it's a good show)
  4. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    Theroad64, maybe not, but there is a reason there are people in power who rule over those with greater physical abilities. Weyland Yutani, if he is teleporting he may slip through my fingers, or get banned in the near future. But he is now on my list.
  5. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    A reasonable fee.
  6. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    Wizard of Pug, I do not kill innocents, and even though it is rare that I find a completely innocent person, I do not wish to slaughter for the sake of slaughtering. There are interrogation methods at my disposal that do not require the person I interrogate to die. Along with a name, I ask for the servers he frequents, the time of day he frequents these servers, and his favorite locations in Chernarus. The absence of this information may make it near impossible to find the right person, but that is a thought that excites me. I will find them, it is only time that stands in my way.
  7. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    Guppy you have got yourself an escort. But never mention my real name again, if you like your tongue attached to your body.
  8. Rusty Shackleford Hitman

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    Guppy, not exactly what I was looking for, but I have many talents, message me details of the assistance you require when needed.