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Everything posted by Shrub Rocketeer ™
today i was going in FOGland and met 2 frend...
3 frendly player just doing survive
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Shrub Rocketeer ™'s topic in Gallery
haha this maked me felt emotion :') pinky say thanks for dont shot papa -
sun going down over the north airport 3 frends take the water brek
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
today i was spawned cherno my frend luke was kamishovo we agree to met firestation in elektro one close the power factory was fun i collect 6 gun mosin and 5 diffrent pistol haha my frend was spem ke use the steam chat he say i am vary closer will ariving soon so i do a zombie cleaning after was relax clsoe all door sit the corner eat my yellow safety fruits box and black person player was coming in i say hey he say 'hey shrub' i puting evry pistol on floor and say take wat you want also take plese longhorn and i gived him ammos so i say 'we can go?' he say 'ok' then was steam message from luke say 'hey i am almos there' : O this black guy wat i gived 2 pistol and ammo was random person NOT MY FREND LUKE i nevr met befor but was ok he was a frendly also : ) we going all 3 persons in the north direction like a clan : ) and we maked good tem we do loot in many town and nevr see no bandit was a good day i enjoy next time we will go to airport because luke want to met fog i say him 'you are sure they shot us without think' he say 'i am sure we can make a peace treaty like you saying' so that is next mision for us maybe we bringing the black man we meet name was DJclick and my frend luke name is 'nine' if you met them plese say hey and be a frend so maybe they coming here to play many time in futur also is nice to see FOG is show some emotion and dont evrytime do the murder i know your are bandit clan addict for pvp but sometime is also fun to do a interctions and is evrytime some persons coming wat dont want to chat like cannibal clan and you can relax do kill no consience: ) edit here is movie episod of my later adveture in FOGland : ) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218310-3-frendly-player-just-doing-survive/ -
tatanko is maked vary nice beauty photo show best side of dayz me too i like to make a photo but is nevr look like this qality maybe i ned new camera ; )
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
haha i dont beleve but i hope is the true -
is good idea wat you suggest if you finding dead player you can do a investigate find out is killer bandit around? is use m4 full auto or was baseball bat or was a zombie doing? maybe was falled from the ladder and you can relax do a loot in peace
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
there is some player wat nevr do a shot on sight attack play this servers ; ) but is small group maybe 5 or 6 persons wat i met and me too i dont nevr shot no reson -
I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to scaramoosh (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
haha i dont have clue : o i will ask my brother about maybe if there is pig i will try to play XD -
I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to scaramoosh (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
i nevr play the mod but my brother was playing many time he enjoy but he say now is dead but we both play the SA and we loving is sandbox game with more better map and maybe not so much item feature but evry time is coming mor so wen we start to think ha i see evrything in dayz SOMETHINGS NEW IS COMING wen game have freedom like dayz tyou dont ned many item to hav fun times only imaginate and other human will create nice adveture i play SA and i fely evry emotions like scare or hapy or panic or angery or sad or alone or excite or shocked or surprise or relef from survived and this is why many persons play my brother say dayz mod version was great but moment is gon finish is like many game was vary special but time is coming most persons decied to move on to new things and SA is the new things wat improve and also evolve and we can experience many new emotion i nevr felt boring in SA -
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
helo : ) you dont ned to felt sory for aim the gun is dayz and many time frendly person is betray also you was show vary patince wen i was disturbed you in log out safety place with 2 zombie and panic shotgun XD I hope to met you again in FOGland stay frendly but kep gun ready not all player is frendly same like us ; ) -
i was nevr do a official trade but i was met some player in game most time they want to make a gift for me some book or new gun so i will make a list evry person i met who is honest good person you can trust 100% helix2000 - vary nice frendly guy complete honest was gift me many things and help me huf757 - is same vary nice to met huf and i trust he help me too and give nice gift BigBoss - he is bandit but he can be trust if he say something is hapen i giv recomend for this guy Yazar8 - vary generos also honest was met me and gib the alice book and halp me definite is a good person there was mor player but i forgot name or i was delet the pms i will make edit wen i remeber : )
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
i maked a movie with naked truck man -
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
i was just met THC Burkake he was frendly stop to giv me ride after he ned to go was gift to me the truck but was finish the petrol i looking in evry farm town around was no petrol can so truck is in town north from gren mountain is close to barn AND PETROL TANK jus ned some can -
When did people start hating on the game so hard?
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Cap'n (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
haha is hate coming for evryting in planet include game most time coming after butt was hurt experiance if youtuber is do a contract with sony THEY SELL SOUL TO SATAN AND WILL SAY ANYTHINGS TO KEP THE BOSS HAPPY i don listen to hater i make a decid use evidance of my game experiance yes is bug yes is problem yes is sometime maked me frustrate BUT I KEP LOG IN CONTINUE MY PLAY BECASE I LOVE 99% WAT IS GOOD IN DAYZ -
Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Matej (DayZ)'s topic in Gallery
one tim i was prsinoer from m4 bandit clan after they kill my frend machete master they taking me here maked me jump in hole they say if i survived they dont shot me they maked me eat and drink many supply to make me full helth status i was jump in the hole i was survived broked leg the bandit clan laugh and after the shot me i dont go back there no more IS THE TRUE??? maybe i going back there -
Fix 1st Person Head Torch Please.
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Shanoby's topic in General Discussion
yes plese fix also i hav hedtorch in my house is possibel change the angel for light up and down maybe put feature is possibel make ajust for the angel plese -
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
haha dont wory nothing was make my day starting with alot adrenalin excite and also satsfy after survived from bandit attack ii dont like tio die but i love to survived : ) maybe was me i was there for maybe 20 minute in the morning i was find many nice loots wat punisher ruin destroy in afternoon XD -
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
today was fun time going to met my frend luke in green mountai i was see a helicopter crahsed so iwas go for look a zed was chased me VARY CLOSE TO HELI but i dont relise was player there other side i kill zombie and after i see a player do maximum fast zig zag sprint in the forest i was type' hey i dont shot you was zombie' but he dont stop hide in the tree i shot other zombie type'is ok i am frend' after was many full auto shot coming i was hit fractur my arm and bled so i decid is my turn for zig zag panic sprint to the town bandit was chased me but i lost him in the town i going in one house 3 zombie follow up the stair i nedd to shot many time my repeter and after bandit was hunt for me I check my gear was 90% ruin include ammos so was only 5 bullet in repeter rifle and my frend was type 'where we can met' in steam chat BUT I MAkED A REPLY IN THE SIDE CHAT AND EXPLAN EXACT MY LOCATION now i was listen the bandit foots aroung the house sometime shot a zombie but wen i typr to make a peace was no reply coming my frend arrive gren mountain i say him ok i try to run there and i was put away rifle go down stair to back door open door and do a sprint in the forest do escap i was survived my frend was find me we loot the green mountain after we decid look for FOG bandit clan but server was crash we coming later wen server was fix but was nervos to log in gren mountain 16 persons in server was ok no persons there we run to the forest and say ok we we find safety place make a fire for stop shake make splinter to fix my arm and luke leg was fracture also and we eat many foods water make again the gpood helths and after we loot starry and many small village and replace evry ruin loots now is time for bed i going now and we log out in safety place next time we continue the mision to find FOG and make a peace : ) -
after we met in the mountain luke was maked a fire and we talk about surviver life
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
me too was experiance same problem dont picking up sometime hotkey dont function but i see this same things in evry server wat i play include public privat high ping low ping is dayz problem not evry time the server problem point is i like to plyaing this server BECASE I TRUST ADMINS alsothey doing test for different server is evidance they relise is problam and try to find solution wen is cost the extra monieys for doing i apreciate evry persons who putting money giv the nice server no bullshits in honest way nevr do request for cash contribute from players make a lie say is max loot server to attracting the easy target noobs or say isfrendly server but server clan is nevr frendly persons only want to kill the frendly because MOST TIME IS BANDIT CLAN WANT TO MAKE A FULL SERVER WITH MANY TARGET XD i dont care nothing because this fog guys also putTING efforts to MAKE nice experiance and SHOW respect for other player becase they show maximum integrity evry time wen they spek or do sometings for this reson i am happy to play there if i was bandit i would join FOG bandit clan and i am hapy to find this server and sometim small problem dont make me changed -
welom in dayz : ) was a vary nice story i was enjoy to read is maked me remeber wen dayz was new for me i was felt the same way but i DONT NEVR LOSE THIS PASION FOR GAME also evrytim is hapen a good story plese coming here and share becase is not enough story here : )
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
hahab i was spawned NAkED NO SHOE NO FLASLIGHT NO NOTHING!!! but 5 minute i was find v3s and evry clothe and shotgun also ammos and nice bagpack after i was drive to random town and i was see helicpter crash site : ) sometime this game is vary generos is giv balance for evry time i was murder XD -
| FOG's Crazy Community | 1PP | Persistence Disabled | All Playstyles Encouraged |
Shrub Rocketeer ™ replied to Vex_Vehix's topic in Servers
was nice to met hex was my first time met the FOG bandit and was peace moment i hope is same like this evry time in future but i think maybe no XD here is movie of my chrismas in FOGland -
today i was go in the green mountain with plan to find safety place to met my frend irish so i can tech him how to look the book but now i relise is never safety place in the gren mountain...