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Posts posted by umd223

  1. IGN - Era



    Skills as a Pilot~ 

    (Top at the list = Most fluent/skilled, Bottom of the list = Least fluent/skilled)



    I am fluent with the following Jets/Planes:

    - A10 Thunderbolt II (Precision Bombing, All-Vehicle and Peronsell Interception)

    - MV22 / Ospray (Fast Extract, Fast Transport)

    - F35b (All-Vehicle Interception, Precision Bombing)

    - C130J (Short Landings, Airfield to Airfield Transport)



    I can adapt to the following Jets/Planes if given Access and Time to them:

    - AC130H Spookie II (Rmod)

    - AV-8B (Fighter/Bomber Interception, Anti-Building Precision Bombing)

    - Su-34 (Vehicle Interception)

    - Su-25/39 (Bombing Strikes)

    - L39ZA (Anti-Light Armor, Aircraft Interception)




    I am fluent with the following Helicoptors: 

    - AH-1/AH-64D Apache / AH-1Z (Light/Heavy Armor Interception by Pilot and Gunner Position)

    - UH60m/s (Fast Extract, Fast Transport, Anti-Personell Gunship)

    - AH6J (Anti Personell and Light Armor Interception)

    - All Littlebird Varients (Extract, Transport)

    - AH-11 Wildcat (Light Armor and Personell Interception)

    - Mi-24D / Mi-17 / Mi-8 All Varients (Anti Armor/Personell, Extract, Transport)

    - KA-52 (Anti Armor/Personell, Transport)

    - UH-1Y (Transport, Extract, Anti-Personell, Anti-Light armor))



    I can adapt to the following Helicoptors if given Access and Time to them: 

    - Merlin HC3 (Extract, Transport)

    - Ka-137 (PK) (Recon, Anti-Personell)


    I have estimated that I have in experiance, 60-65 hours of Pure flight and/or fight; 

    Though I might have well over 300 hours, through two years of Dayz/Arma II my memory 

    is alittle fuzzy. 



    Skills as a Sniper~


    I am fluent with the following weapons:

    - AS50 (Normal/TWS)

    - M107 (Normal/TWS)

    - M110 NV

    - M24 / M40A3

    - MK 12 SPR

    - AA12

    - G36 SD

    - M249 SAW

    - G36MG

    - M4A1 SD



    I am not fluent but would like to with the following weapons: 

    - LRR Lapua

    - KSVK



    I can also drive and be a fluent gunner in All Ground/Light/Medium/Heavy Armor vehicles, though between Lag and co-ordination, I do better as a lone wolf in ground vehicles, unless I have a spotter driving in another vehicle behind/infront. 


    I can also build bases quite well, given that I have access to Snap Build and the resources to build said base (Metal Floors, Cinder Block walls, combination locks, etc)





    I am know my way around the following maps: 

    - Chernarus

    - Taviana

    - Panthera


    I want to become fluent on the following maps: 

    - Takistan 

    - Napf



    I have Teamspeak 3, I'm 18 Years old, only language is English, and ive spent Well over 1,000 hours on ArmaII/Dayz/Epoch/Origins/Overwatch.

    I get along quite well with small groups of players (2-7) though have alittle trouble co-ordinating with anything much larger. 


    My Timezone is AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) - UTC/GMT + 10 Hours, though I can adapt to later times (Up until 3am at most) 


    My goal right now is to support other friendly players by using my skills with familier aircraft and ground vehicles. 

    I do require an MV22 / Ospray to keep my piloting skills sharp, though its not Needed. 
