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Everything posted by kryvian

  1. kryvian

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    before I took my dayz break i was the sort of a night walker hermit medic. with a gillie on 24/7. all patients rarely saw me blood bagging them or healing them since most missions happened at night and I always sneaked up on them, fixed up and hid away for the very reason that all bandits prefered to wear a ghillie as they're sniping cerno/electro/stary/NWAF so other's fear/hatred toards them is justified. I wore it to increase my survival chances as I looted military areas for silent stanag SD rounds. Why? because it's a lot easier to get rid of zombies without alerting the whole area that you exist. as for the AS50. you dun goof'd walking with it to show. I mean I carried a sniper on me at all times if a gun fight ever broke out, since you need precision over distance, but I kept it in my back pack. at some point I managed to get my hands on an AS50 with the night vision thingie from a traders clan in exchange for bison ammo and sachel charges.
  2. kryvian

    TMW are (not) bandits

    I was saddened by the thread title. the following posts made me giggle.
  3. kryvian

    Slow zombies down

    zeds are quite easy to counter actually. I sort of know your pain since I was a newb once as well, but trust me, soon enough zombies will be a minor annoyance. players on the other hand are the true threat so far, that and NPC guards in Origins. I mean last night I put together a fully armored battle bus barely bothering to kill zeds since I know how to walk/strafe/loose them using trees and buildings and so on, zombies are weak as is, maybe once servers finally update to 1.7.7, zombies knocking you down will make them more of a threat again. btw the "zeds" are actually living people that are infected, so their speed is justified. They are NOT undead. One huge hint would be that if you shoot them in the chest/heart, it will kill them, whereas if it were undead, you'd need to shoot them in the brains to kill them.
  4. kryvian

    Wrong CD KEY - ArmA2 ACR Patch

    BUMP. I have this as well, does it affect the game in any way?
  5. this is the ancient way duping is done, but you had to re-log very fast for this to work, hearing that you duplicated your self with a relog that took over 5 minutes is just odd/new.
  6. My patience is wearing thin I have used this setup before I took a break from the game some 6 or more months ago, and I've played countless hours just fine back then Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead or A2 OA beta (steam has them both) and Arma 2 free, from the link from the tutorial that is linked on the wiki. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/How_to_install_DayZ DayzCommander will not recognize the games (I don't know if one or the other or both since it does not mention what's not working). I tried installing dayz via the steam dayz installer, it gets in the game but I cannot enter any server, says cernarus is missing, or any other file redownloading arma 2 free again from their main site. I'd like to note that I could no longer find Arma 2 FREE on steam (yes I know on ARMA 2's info page), and that I have to get arma 2 free outside of steam. now when i try to get the beta patch for arma 2 OA, it says Wrong CD KEY. even tho it says update successful and all that. I tried the registry thing, and it sort of made things worse, deleted arma 2 : OA from steam, then set to redownload, and will try again. any advice out there please PLEASE point out. thanks.
  7. ok, after a lot of fiddling, I simply reverted to SIX launcher that told me he wanted .net framework 4.5, got that, I manually patched arma 2 free before this, I could play dayz vaguely, as every other server went "something went wrong, try again later" or of the sorts, I installed dayz @origins with six, I could join any server just fine, but I could NOT pick up pickaxes, I just didn't have that option/did not show in Gear, and I cannot fix vehicles. I have the spare parts in inventory, but wherever I go, I do not get the option to fix the bloody things. is it because of dayz patch? is it just me? Edit: also fixed some game directories in DayZCommander, now it works, I installed dayz and origins with that program as well. when it wanted to patch A2 OA, during/after the patch was completed SUCCESSFULLY, it goes "Wrong CD KEY." ran the game just like SIX launcher. does Wrong CD KEY affect the game, such as, saaay cannot fix cars in dayz/origins and of the sorts?
  8. redownloaded whole arma 2 oa via steam, tried to patch, Wrong CD KEY. eff this. I'ma try updating Arma 2 free now.
  9. kryvian

    A bit of help.

    So I've been away for a long time now and I don't know much about how to make the game work no more. Does Dayz Commander still work? Is there any other better client? Are hackers still running amok? are there more than one helicopter per server in vanilla (and without hacked in)? any other new vehicles/boats/planes/helis/weapons in the past year? has anything changed in the hero/bandit system? do groups like the medics or coalition still operate? thanks.
  10. kryvian

    A bit of help.

    used to be a hero back in the day and rolled as a solo hermit medic of sorts (oh the giggles when I pached, morphined and blood bagged patients in pitch black in my ghillie suit and they where clueless on wtf just happened). I see other threads saying it's hard to advance as a hero in the mod of the mod cause it's hard to come across other people. what exactly gives your karma points and what takes? does killing zombies give karma points? but bandits? etc. any info on dayz origins that I can look over?
  11. kryvian

    A bit of help.

    Heh, I know that feel, but it may still be another month or two before released to the public. I dont' understand why they want youtube stars to play it first?Since everyone will watch their episodes, eagerly waiting to get in the game themselves, they will, in a way, suck the whole fun of discovering new stuff. @colekern nice to see the doctors of the wasteland (did I get that right?) still alive.
  12. kryvian

    A bit of help.

    thanks. been thinking of giving dayz origins a try since it gives all those little vehicle modifications and mini quests and secured buildings, tho from what I understood it's kind of obscure/unpopular. worth fiddling with the installation?
  13. kryvian

    What are beans in DAY-Z?

    O___o Mountain Dew. on top of that mountain.if you drink it there at midnight and survive the night, you will never go hungry ever again.
  14. kryvian

    Those things they never tell you.

    "9. Hero skinned players run 10% faster, and they will completely fill up half empty magazines on relog." what?
  15. I still don't get the point of camping spawn/noob locations. With end gear tier no less. I mean seriously?
  16. dude coming at you with an axe? without communicating in any way his intentions? I'd kill him any day.
  17. It's like this: US servers are hacked day in day out. if there's one player on a server, a hacker will eventually come in to troll/kill him (no one dare deny since this has happened to me). on european and other servers it isn't as bad, almost non existent actually. but yeah, like a post said, if it's a high population server odds are a hacker will drop by to insta kill all. my advice is to find a private hive server that's well monitored. I'm on http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75927-dayz-byrgesen-gaming-community-blisshive-forums-3-servers-2xchernaruslingor-true-hardcore-settings-password/ no bug abuse, no ghosting, if hacking happens the hacker will be banned within the hour (max) and the server rolled to a time before all of the hacker's damage. was done.
  18. kryvian

    Intro of EPICNESS

    a 58 sec (aka 1 min) intro? think a little.
  19. kryvian


    if you dislike that every elektro hill no lifer and his mother has an AS50, a ton of ammo for it, a ghillie, nvgs, rangefinder and gps, then try any of the private servers that are well monitored for hacks and bug abuses. I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to play main hive servers, but you know what to expect, don't complain about them. I still play on the main hive every now and then but I've mostly moved on to a private hive.
  20. kryvian

    Out til standalone.

    I feel ya bro. tho if you play well monitored private hives, it will be a lot better. Sadly my last 20 deaths were as I was cleaning a supermarket/office on 1~4 player servers, by an AS50/other rare item. Then I just decided it is time to play private hives. have to say I've never had more fun now that ammo is exactly what you find and nothing more, no AS50s everywhere, no ghillies everywhere, no nvgs/range/gps everywhere, and most importantly, NO HACKERS anywhere. No ghosting. no combat logging, etc. cause if you log, you have to log back in the same spot.
  21. Dear op. you must be new. It's okay, I'm not judging. But as it is, as a freshly killed and spawned player, I can get to ghillie/alice/fn-fal/M1911 level in about 6~10 hours of playing. NO bodies were looted. It. IS. TOO. EASY. Things you should know about loot spawns: if a loot spawn is empty, you have run in too fast for it to spawn. if you clean a loot spawn of whatever there is in it, after 5~10 mins it will re-spawn new stuff, often better stuff. On the first spawn (when you run in) it will spawn a lot of trash and almost useless items like heat packs, glow sticks, flares, tin cans, etc. If you clean those out, the next batch of spawned in items will be a lot better. i.e. food/map/compass/watch/ammo for weps/weps.
  22. kryvian

    North West - Epic Z-Spawn!!

    Oi retard, again, no one at first said you are a hacker, only that you have hacked in weapons and should get rid of them. Try, I know it's hard, but try to understand that. YOUR CONSTANT DENIAL OF BEING A HACKER EVEN THO NO ONE SAID YOU ARE MAKES US THINK MORE AND MORE THAT YOU ARE ONE. "Think with your brains .."
  23. kryvian

    Won't Break ME!!

    keep going! also try DE/euro servers, they're a lot less hacked.
  24. kryvian

    North West - Epic Z-Spawn!!

    yeap. retard hacker trying to troll.