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About bobdole20

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  1. Last life per the game was on "Day 18" before I had a very unfortunate incident with a tractor. Lost my ghillie suit too :(. Currently on Day 5. I play very tactically and don't sit out in the trees watching the time slip by.
  2. bobdole20

    Removing stuff off-map

    Just hide your things better and post guards. Don't get followed, etc, etc, etc.
  3. bobdole20

    Starting location: The bean coast

    Two different places in Novy = plural. Not missing the point of the thread at all. Enjoy your coastal circle jerk, I'll continue to ride my high horse through the north.
  4. bobdole20

    Starting location: The bean coast

    There are inland spawns already, I've spawned in Novy Sobor multiple times.
  5. Yeah I avoid the NW AF entirely. Usually play in a loop around NE AF, Berezino, Sobor Area.
  6. bobdole20

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Yeah this just drives me up the wall. Look, you got shot, deal with it. Tired of not getting my loot (shoot better, blah blah). Might as well just counter the disconnecters by server hopping through sniping points on all the good loot spots. Assholes.
  7. bobdole20

    DMR ?

    Having a scout with a range finder with you = never ending blood bath.
  8. bobdole20

    DMR ?

    Yep see above. Absolutely love my DMR.
  9. bobdole20

    feels like i beat the game

    Yeah wow, this game never ends dude. 1. Assault a town 2. Recover/Repair vehicles 3. Move your camp 4. Take someone elses camp. 5. Look for downed helicopters. 6. Find new and inventive ways to travel. 7. Respond to bandit reports and defend survivors. Any number of ways to play it out.
  10. bobdole20

    A more satisfying way to kill

    Really? Weird...we're rocking the UAZ Offroad and I can't say we've taken any damage from running over players/zombies. One night we even ran over a good sized horde...probably 20 or more in one run, after we had to bug out of a town. What vehicles were you guys using when you took damadge?
  11. ...discovered last night that you get a VERY satisfying "crunch and "argugghh" when you run over other survivors with vehicles. Driving the coastal road to pickup some teammates who had respawned in Elektro, squashed would be hitchhikers along the side of the road. A+++ will do again.
  12. bobdole20

    What's your best sniper spot?

    It varies entirely by situation, and I'm usually supporting team mates in town but what I generally look for is: 1. Off the beaten path 2. Good elevation + cover 3. Minimal counter sniping spots. 4. Ease of egress after fire, especially if having to re-locate to put down additional fire.
  13. bobdole20

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Ok heres how I had to do it. Downversion to Launch Beta Patch as Admin Canada 2. If you do not have debug monitor youre fucked You have to go east BUT theres assholes there shooting at you so kind of work your way outside the normal paths. Once you reach the road despawn. Exit Game Upversion Join whatever server. Saved my equipment :D
  14. bobdole20

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Hi Rocket - Any chance of a fix/mod/something to facilitate getting people out of the debug wilderness? I don't think it would necessarily need to put you back to where you were, but dropping you in the wilderness on the main map would be nice. Tried walking back last night...takes a long time :) Thanks.