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Everything posted by MothMan

  1. MothMan

    is this any good?

    I just lost the L85 last night to a hacker kill :( but had the gun for a few nights, and in some ways it's awesome! The ammo isn't too hard to find, the thermal scope is awesome, it's not too loud, it's got two zoom levels. For me the downside was that it's almost impossible to use if you get in a bad way with a zombie horde, but that's the case with any scoped weapon, not a specific problem with the L85 (hard as hell to hit something close to you with a scope).
  2. Playing last night with in a group of 4 ([TWG]TheWiseGuy, [TWG]Geminisis, Azirith, and me, [TWG]MothMan), on US 738 Seattle. Around midnight, we started to see global chat spam, then at approx. 12:27am, just east of Novy Sobor we encountered a player laying prone in the middle of the road. The lead player in our group put 2 Enfield rounds into the player while the target was stationary (we weren't even sure if it was a living survivor or a corpse), at which time the other player stood up and started firing back with an unknown weapon (full-auto assault rifle of some kind). Our team lead figures he hit the target at least one or two more times as the target left the road to go behind a bush. At the same time I scoped the target with my L85 from about 100m, and on full-auto, I think I put at least 10-12 rounds into the targets body before he hid behind the bush and we all lost sight of him. Our team leader was then killed. Our team all proned, while the target was spamming shots our way. We lay prone for about 10 seconds, looking for the target, at which time I was suddenly killed from an unseen killer to my side/rear, close range (two shots, sounded like auto-shotty fire). Within 5 seconds the last two members of our team were killed in a similar way (unseen killer, close range). Once back in the game lobby, within 10 seconds, we saw what appeared to be most of the server being killed, one after another.
  3. MothMan

    Goat Helicopter

    Last night I killed 2 goats (badly needed meat) and their corpses both disappeared within seconds of me killing them. I like your glitch much better.
  4. MothMan

    Graphical Issues

    I've also encountered this at the Green Mountain tower, at the northern firehall in Elektro, and various other random places.
  5. MothMan

    best loot :)

    I've never used a CZ or DMR, and have only ever found a single Heli crash that actually spawned loot, yet I've looted the airfields multiple times. In broad daylight. I've never been killed at an airfield yet.
  6. Started happening to me today too, Corrupted Memory #0
  7. MothMan

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Probably a noob question, but is it possible for me to revert my game back to After installing the latest update (via SixLauncher) the game is unplayable for me. Took me a good hour to finally connect to a server, and after I did, I found the game lagging horribly... literally was dealing with one frame per second. Left the server and tried others, and then realized that the whole thing is broken for me... even in the games main menu, I'm dealing with about a frame per second. =(
  8. Last night me and 2 friends were playing (US77, I think was the server), and while looting a house we spotted another player running by outside. 2 of us tried Direct Chat (text) and realized it wasn't working... it would appear to work to the person doing the typing, but the communication didn't show up on-screen for the other 2 people, despite the fact that we were all sitting within a couple meters of each other. Was this just a random glitch, can/do some servers turn off ALL communication? I believe when we joined the server (via SixLauncher), it fed us an Arma2 beta patch update, so maybe it's a glitch with that??
  9. Again, I have to ask... if people are so afraid of folks "farming this server" for l33t gear to use against players on other servers, then why aren't those same people crying about me (hypothetically... I've never actually done this) looking for an empty server (or near empty) and logging in to "farm loot" there? I'd be under much less threat doing that than I would playing on this *supposed* pk-free server... because there will always be pk'ers, despite the title of the server. But in an empty (or nearly) server, I truly would be free of pk threats. How is one an exploit, but the other is not? I'm not trying to be an ass, I am honestly trying to determine the difference. It's not like this server has *disabled* pvp... they've simply (apparently... or maybe it is just a massive troll) tried to attract/encourage players looking for co-op. We've yet to see any evidence of people actually being banned for PKing, have we? Really the B&Ming about this is ridiculous. Would the anti-coop players cry as much if the server was named "Co-op encouraged"? Would that soothe their sensitive nature?
  10. Posting to tag thread for later. Thanks for posting this and setting it up. =)
  11. MothMan

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    I have never had the M14, so I'm not a fair judge... but did want to say that I've had the Kobra for the last week or so and love it. I agree with WhiskeySix... Ammo is relatively easy to find, each mag holds lots of rounds, the iron sights are great.
  12. Those defending the mods vision, which includes PvP, have valid points. Those lamenting the proliferation of kill-on-sight-for-no-reason players have valid points for why they are wishing for something different. But the handful who are crying about a PvE-only server being a way for players to too easily "farm loot" ... well, ironic tears are the most delicious. Most of these knuckleheads are the ones hiding on a ridge in the treeline picking off targets from a mile away, with a rifle they looted off some poor sap who busted his ass for it, then gathering what loot they desire from their new kill, only to do the same next time someone else wanders by. Yeah... that involves a lot of risk... Get a lucky kill or two, get set up, then hide in a hole and kill from a distance where there is essentially no risk to themselves. Yeah, that's real hard, yo. Yet people who want to have a bit of freedom from those turkeys, and actually hunt for that good loot themselves, or with friends, having to work much harder/longer to gather that decent loot than the All-PvP-All-the-time crowd... those guys, those guys are carebears... Not only that, but, as others have said... why not go after the servers hosting a low max player #? Or why allow people to log into a server that currently only has a handful of people logged in? At any given time there are TONS of servers that are pretty much (if not completely) empty, that people can log into. It's no different. face_palm I love this mod, and love where it's going. I enjoy the community. But the amount of crying, especially the ironic tears accusing OTHERS of whining simply because they offer different viewpoints... no other online community has more of it. LOL I especially like when a patch causes some aspect of the game to be uber hard, people complain, and there is always that core group who proclaim how much they LOVE how hard it is, insult everyone else for being weak, and talk about how "this is the way the mod is SUPPOSED to play, this is Rocket's vision!" And then 2 days later a hotfix rolls out, explaining that the previous difficulty was broken, and is now reduced... and those people never realize how much they are making idiots of themselves. LOL
  13. I'd like to try to hook up as well (does that sound dirty?). I'm a 38 year old hubby and dad, and life generally doesn't allow me to play until around 8:30pm or later, once kids are asleep. I'm in BC, Canada, so in the pacific time zone, which may cause some issues, I dunno... depends on what time of day you guys play. Been playing the mod for many weeks off and on, and enjoy it, but have spent 99% of my time playing solo, not having any friends who play it, and never managing to successfully team up in-game. Would definitely like to give some group play (again, not intended to be dirty) with some mature, fun, folk a try. I also appreciate that you play on normal servers, and aren't all hard about hardcore gameplay.=) My Steam name is "keldorr", my in-game name is "Mothman".
  14. ... Revolver-wielding sniper, who may or may not have been killed... but he should be embarrassed. Fantastic! :p
  15. MothMan

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    I usually play on regular servers, and often play in 3rd person. BUT... I can live without 3rd person, and I don't like nametags.... what I HATE is playing without cross hairs. Reason I hate it is, if I get aggro'd by a zed, and they are right in my face, having to use iron-sights is extremely aggravating... the target is so close, and jumping/sliding all over the place, then add in the zoom associated with iron-sights, and it's like sitting 5 feet from a TV looking through binoculars trying to make heads or tails of what your seeing.
  16. I do, yeah. I spent the majority of my time at first trying to be friendly, which seemed to work out OK a good portion of the time. And then things started to change, and most people I encountered shot/killed me without warning, so I stopped trying to be friendly with anyone... I basically stopped trying to interact with anyone, other than the occasional time if I already had some "chat time" with someone in Side Chat. Now side chat is gone, and so I never even attempt to be friendly with anyone. I don't hunt people at all... I'm not a bandit-type player... I still try to avoid people, but if I do encounter someone, I basically will try to shoot first and ask questions later. I've only actually killed 3 players the entire time I've played. 1st one, I was climbing up a Firehall stairway, and realized someone was above me. I got nervous, and as soon as I saw them coming down the stairs from the floor above me, I put 6 or 7 Mak rounds into their legs and killed them. No idea if they knew I was there or not. I felt a HUGE adrenaline rush, and no guilt that time. 2nd one, I was wandering in the middle of no where, and saw a player booking it across an open field a good 400 meters ahead of me. For some reason I decided to try to catch up to him, and then out of the blue, I saw him in the woods ahead of me, coming my direction. I hid behind a tree, leaned out, and shot him down, I know he didn't see me. I felt guilty that time, as I really had no reason to be going toward him at all. 3rd time was just a couple nights ago, I was running across an open area outside of Msta, and came to a slope, and saw another player at the top of the ridge, running on what looked like an intercept path with me. I proned, and so did he. I out-waited him, he got up, and continued running toward where I would have been going. I followed at a safe distance, saw him go into some bushes, and then came back out and was looking around. I am pretty confident that he was looking/hunting for me, as it was too much to be a coincidence that he was searching pretty much exactly where I was headed to. So I came up behind him and shot him in the noodle. Even that time, despite me being pretty confident that he was hunting me, I still felt guilty... primarily because I really had no way of knowing what his intentions were. I wasn't about to Direct Chat him, because that would have let him know I was there, watching him, and would have taken away my advantage. Which is the problem with the difficult communication in the game... it's impossible to contact anyone without letting them know that you are, basically, RIGHT beside them... which makes people hesitant to do it... which makes everyone want to shoot first, despite the fact that many might be perfectly willing to cooperate given the chance. The prevalence of 3rd party chat among groups makes it tough too, as they are communicating, while us poor solo players (lol) are not.
  17. MothMan

    Ammo types and firing mode

    "F" will cycle through all of those options. Watch the text up at the top-right of the screen to see what you're currently set to.
  18. MothMan

    The Bike and the Secret Camp

    That's awesome. I have yet to ever find either a vehicle, or a camp. One day.... one day....
  19. I think no. I'm not worried about bandit vs survivor, as the trigger happy shoot on sight guys will continue to do so, whether or not the target is armed, so I don't think this would impact that. I'm more concerned about zed vs survivor. If a new player accidentally attracts even a single zombie, with no way to fight back, that character is essentially done. You either have to run, and run, and run, hoping someone else saves you or you find a gun and somehow manage to loot it before getting eaten (unlikely, and chances are you would have a horde on you by then, so it wouldn't help anyways), or you die/respawn and try again. That said... if the AI of Zeds does change to where you are able to shake them off you, and that dynamic actually works, then MAYBE this would work. My preference though, would be to start with a mak and, say, 1 mag of ammo. That makes you think very carefully about firing your weapon, but still allows you to still defend yourself (somewhat) in an emergency... but one botched encounter, and you could be out of ammo.
  20. MothMan

    Newbie seeking install "help"

    I echo the above guide. Only thing I had to do differently to get things to work for me was, after the above (I use the Steam version), I copied the BattlEye folder from the ArmaII folder to the Operation Arrowhead folder. As an aside, I've tried SixUpdater, and it is one of the most intimidating and non-intuitive pieces of software I've used. LOL I'd suggest going the easier way as suggested by Criminal.
  21. MothMan

    Completely invisible

    Reporting the same thing happening to me. Logged out earlier today in Elektro, no issues. Logged in tonight on a different server (sorry, don't recall which server), and wasn't in Elektro, but instead was in the middle of endless forest. I was invisible in 3rd person, and had weird gloves on my hands (seen in 1st person) I ran in one direction for ages, and never got anywhere so suicided (which SUCKED, as I finally had a good set of gear), respawned by the coast, but still invisible. Tried several different servers, all the same problem, so finally just quit. Fix, yes please. :)
  22. MothMan

    Introduce yourselves

    Mothman here, been playing for a couple weeks, but still feel VERY noobish. I mostly play lone-wolf, primarily because I am too afraid of everyone else, and likely a liability besides. LOL I'm often found stealthing my way into small outbuildings, looking for beans and an occasional decent loot drop... mostly too afraid to enter busy cities. I often die at the hands of Zeds, after having my focus drop momentarily and a Zed stumbles across me, resulting in a horde of slobbering death coming after me. I also occasionally die at the hands of cowardly bandits, though I have never murdered anyone myself. My murders usually occur soon after I've found some sweet bit of loot, and feel really special for 2 minutes, before some turkey puts a bullet in my head from 300m. LOL Latest was today, I got into Elektro, for the 1st time ever, found a silenced rifle, and was all WOOHOO, and then got murdered before I even had a chance to spit polish the damn thing. Honestly though, I rarely encounter other players, because I specifically try not to. Despite what would seemingly be frustrating, I am loving the mod. I actually find that it kinda plays like a strategy/puzzle game for me... the focus (for me) is on how to get into where I need to get, in order to find what I need to find... and the challenge is finding a way to do that.