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Everything posted by Mquany

  1. Mquany

    Remove fov option from game.

    1. There is a problem with fov in this game. Ability to adjust it can make sniping much more easy and that is just stupid. Its stupid because if Iam smart I will go to options and change my fov which will give me 2x more zoom. This type of thing is giving some ppl unfair advantage in game. Lets say that you are in gunfight with someone at 300m distance, if you lover your fov it will zoom and make it much much more easy for you to kill your enemy. Simply make one default value and thats it. I made a video so you can see just how much it affects game and how much more easy is to kill target when zooming using fov. 2. Using scroll option for interaction needs to be changed. You need to make an option so that I dont get menu option when I press use button, but only if I start scrolling. Worst thing is if you have different mags for you m4, and you run across one of those gates that is difficult to open, so what it happens that you see option to interact with gates but if you only move your mouse a bit that option will disappear and instead of opening that gate menu will pop and if you press use again you will change your mag. So what you need to do is make it like this, use button should only be used to interact with world, not to open scroll menu, scroll menu should be opened when I start to scroll with my mouse. One of the reasons because this needs to be change is if few zombies are chasing you you cant spam open doors but you need to be careful not to change your mag, this kind of thing kills the immersion. You can tell team that is working on arma to change this as well :), thx!
  2. Mquany

    Remove fov option from game.

    1. If its zooms in our out it needs to be removed. 2. Problem is that on some gates that icon is fucked up, you hover over it and if you only move your mouse one bit it will disappear, so you cant spam use but need to be extra careful which is just stupid.