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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. That is additional to the normal server restarts that happen every 1-4 hours depending on server? Good to know, thanks. Fingers crossed I might get lucky, only had a window of about 5 mins to try and figure it out... Maybe the server was just having a brainfart and sorted itself out after 10. Yup, fingers and toes all crossed heh I miss that character already :blush:
  2. By any chance was the server just manually reset and wiped or something? Was playing sunrise server had just reset to 4am.. about 20 min later I lost connection and now when I rejoin it's fresh spawn. Not too worried if the worst has happened I pretty much expect it lol but still a little sad, my first HC survivor and first to survive 24 actual in-game hours. :(
  3. zeeabo

    Why is the Sporter .22 so underpowered?

    Not sure what the issue here is. I might be playing a different game but I killed 15 zombies with 17 shots this morning, range between 10-80m, and the extra shots were misses rather than not enough damage to take down. You just gotta stop shooting shit in the foot. (In my experience) any shot to the chest or higher will take down a Z, even the amphibiaS (weakest gun in game?). Dunno about PVP cos I don't hang on the coast with all the CoD children, but from what some others are saying it sounds more like you need to work on your aim than any problem with the gun. Are you shooting into their can-filled vest and ruining food instead of injuring them? Aim for the neck, no helmet, no armor, no items absorbing the damage, no problem with .22 rounds. Just my 2c.
  4. zeeabo

    Character Wipes Almost Every Time

    v This ^ That Logging off on the second storey is just asking to fall through the floor and spawn with broken legs. <3 Alpha.
  5. zeeabo

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey all, in game name is zeano. Steam is zeanomourph. 24, from Aus. I play friendly and only attack if genuinely threatened (not the perceived "he has a gun so I'll kill him just in case" BS). Usually lean towards lonewolf but am always up for some banter, fun times or even roleplay when I find someone who doesn't try to KoS me. Only ever played standalone (not for lack of trying, the mod just wouldn't run on my "temporary" stand-in PC I had for 2 years when my gaming rig died). Played about 150hrs over the past week or two and loving every second so far, despite being on like my hundred-millionth character. Each respawn I survive a fair bit longer than the last so must be learning something :thumbsup: I play Reg with friends sometimes on the weekend but my main character is HC which I just started on yesterday, currently geared in biker leathers and camo (pretty much how I dress in RL heh) with splitter axe, ashwood bow (and carrying a Sporter.22 till I find some arrows or a pistol) and improv bag, stuffed & healthy relaxing by my home pond. See you in the field (But you won't see me ;)).
  6. another +1 for HIHB. Only ever play 1PP so I figured I'll switch to 'hardcore' to make it easier on myself (lol?). Aside from one incident of a disappearing protector case full of pristine beans- (has items falling out of bag been implemented or something? it was a pristine improv bag though wouldn't think stuff falls out of pristine bag either way) -the server has treated me very well. Yet to make player contact after 3 days playing with 25+ online and only a few km's from the SE coast (Nizhnoye/Staroye/Kamyshovo area), are hardcore players really more likely to be friendly or should I stick to stalking and avoiding?