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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. zeeabo

    Server reset character

    Except when it's not a logout ;) I usually play till the server restarts at ~1am local time and I know it's not logout timer death if I'm behind the keyboard right until the server goes down. Saying that exp. is the "only" place wipes happen is a lie, but I was pointing it out in jest and didn't mean any offence.. Hard to relate through text. I missed the memo that OP was talking about deliberate character wipes :(
  2. zeeabo

    Server reset character

    That's a big fat lie right there. I've never played experimental, not once, and my character was wiped just yesterday. Also, that was on the server I spend 90% of my time on, only the 2nd time I've been reset in a month playing there 4-5 days a week few hours at a time, so it's not something that comes with the server but just an unlucky bug somewhere methinks.
  3. Having different sets of rules for different play styles is a bad, bad idea. I want less bandits in the game as much as the next guy, but that is entirely the wrong way to go about it. A player shouldn't be punished for what they do in-game by an out-of-the-game system (respawning isn't part of the 'game'.. you respawn then the game starts). If you want to punish bandits, go cuff one, take his gun and break his legs. Safety for newspawns for the hour it takes him to crawl off his hill.
  4. >there are some hackers in the alpha, better stop development. "Game would be troll haven, sit on a roof/Window with a long range mosin, snipe snipe snipe," Please explain to me how that is different from what is currently happening? A good player with a long survival time should know better than to hang around in the open where they can be sniped, thus they would be punished under my suggestion. A newspawn may be his first time ever playing, if they are murdered they respawn in under a minute and continue with their learning curve.
  5. A week off is probably for the best if you've spent 1440 actual in-game hours on that character. It's not quite the achievement you may think, it's actually incredibly sad and I feel horrible for you. On the other hand, if you spent 4 hours playing every single day without missing one for 2 full months it would add up to an 8 hour respawn. I don't think that's too crazy considering the original suggestion was 12 hours for everyone no matter what. -stops well geared players running back to body on death -doesn't punish bambis that are murdered on the coast -incentive to survive instead of deathmatch once you are fully geared -avoids trolls killing newspawns just for the lulz of making them wait out the spawn time again. (bambis will always be killed, but situation would be intentionally amplified by trolls, and game breaking if bandits knew they could kick someone from the entire game for a matter of hours with a single bullet). -experienced (thus less likely to die) players have a bigger punishment if they make a fatal mistake. (also, 1440 in game hours would only accrue a 2-day respawn not a week. Would suck, but obviously if you've survived 1440 hours you should be smarter than getting yourself killed, that's kinda what the whole idea of death punishment is about). Only real problem I see is if a long time survivor is killed by a bug, that would be insanely frustrating to trip down some strairs to your death and have to wait x hours to play again. But I'm gonna assume those kinds of bugs won't make it to the full game where this feature could be.
  6. Wouldn't be as bad as I think just because YOU have other shit to get on with? Good on ya mate, but when I sit down to play some DayZ it's because I've got nothing else to do and being 1 hit sniped in the back meaning I have to wait half a day before I can play again? No. It's not the worst idea, but I think 30 mins to an hour would be a more rational wait time, enough time for a break and to think about where it all went wrong. You underestimate trolls. You think a bandit sniper is going to stop shooting bambis from 500m away cos he's scared they'll long-range punch him? No. Then that bambi will wait 12 freaking hours, FINALLY log back in, respawn and play for 3 minutes, get sniped and have to wait another 12 hours. How absolutely over the top. -I'd perhaps like to see a timer like this implemented, based on the survival time of the character, maybe like 2 mins per hour the dead character survived so that a bambi would respawn almost instantly, but when the well geared bandit sniper laying in the hills for dayz on end is finally taken down, he might have to wait an hour or two. (eg. 24 hours in-game survival time would equate to just under an hour wait for respawn) ^just noticed most of what I said was already covered.. somehow didn't see any of the replies when I opened the thread lol I thought I was first in. Sorry about that.
  7. zeeabo

    6 slot top-wear.

    I mostly agree with this. Well, I whole-heartedly agree with this for the future, but at the moment even as a bug, for the time being it helps a lot with the broken unbalanced inventory system that allows you to carry literally less pens on your entire person than I could fit in one hand IRL and each sheet of paper has it's own slot. They can fix the inception storage when they fix the storage ;)
  8. zeeabo

    6 slot top-wear.

    4 x 0.5 = 2 4 + 2 = 6 0.5 = 50% Learn comprehension. The next jacket down from ttsko has 33.3% less slots. The ttsko has 50% more slots. 33.3% of 6 is a different from 33.3% of 4. -You're right about the biker jacket though. Haven't bothered picking one up in a few weeks due to being irreparable.
  9. zeeabo

    Magazines for 1911

    I feel ya buddy. Over the last 3-4 days I have collected 7.. SEVEN 30-round .22 mags and 3 10-round .22 mags. Just since I started keeping track, I've walked past 17 SKSs and 8 Mosins, 3 M4s and at least 3+ of each pistol and 2+ of each pistol magazine. I've got a fully pimped acog m4 and I'm actually looking to trade down to the sporter because it's apparently BY FAR the rarest and thus most valuable gun in the game. Probably because it's the only one that doesn't draw in everyone in a 10k radius as soon as you fire it. On that note, I'd actually prefer that they took silencers out of the game until they actually function. But that's probably just me and merely a sidenote.
  10. zeeabo

    Magazines for 1911

    I left an engraved 1911 with a clip loaded, 2 spare clips and a box of ammo (along with a CR75 + 2 clips for that too) in the tent city west of NWAF, 2nd row of tents from the west end, 3rd tent up from the road. I'm not gonna make it home from work in time to pick it up before reset. Don't think it's due for a reset for roughly another 45 mins, you might find it if you get in quick. Aussie Hardcore, Hell in a Handbasket is the server. If you're not au/nz you might be kicked for ping though.. hope it works out for you lol would be a shame for them to be eaten by the server reset, I only dropped the 1911 cos after a week of fruitless searching I finally found not one, not two, but three amphibiaS clips all in the space of about 10 mins rummaging through the tents.
  11. zeeabo

    6 slot top-wear.

    I like that.. I've seen some ideas floating around about moving the entire inventory system to volume/weight limited instead of a set number of slots, I think that would be ideal but no idea where the devs stand on that topic.. Talgenn the vests have 8 slots, but that is a different clothing slot than shirt/jacket.. only leather coat I've seen in ~200 hours is the biker jacket, and that only has 3 I understand that balancing is not a current issue and probably won't be until beta, just thought if this got some support it might be changed/added sooner as clothing seems to have a large psychological effect on players and IMO such a minor and simple change would add a lot of value to the gameplay and bring the temporary 'until it gets fixed in beta' balance a lot closer to home.
  12. zeeabo

    Bullet Cam

    All you haters can hate all you want. If it saves a recording and you can view them from either main menu or desktop outside of the game, I think it would be a pretty cool feature especially once wind and rain effect ballistics it will make for some awesome clips. I don't see why there's such massive backlash over an option to review/share shots outside of the game if it doesn't effect you in the game at all. At least that's what I got from 'able to watch it later', I haven't played MP3 or cableas hunting so I dunno how it's implemented in them. On the other hand, a feature like that- especially if it's as I describe and doesn't have any in-game effect- is probably not worth asking for because it's very minor in the larger scheme of the game and writing it would be a needless drain of resources. I don't see why it wouldn't be a cool thing to come along late in the beta... But then I tend to be a little more open minded than the people who see an idea they don't instantly agree with on face value and just go "No." without even considering the suggestion :rolleyes:
  13. zeeabo

    Why do you push?

    Granted. But I don't think the 1 second it takes to press ESC and click exit would have a major effect on the outcome of the RL situation, whereas your suggestion could potentially have a major effect on seeing a black screen with "You Are Dead" next time you log in. Also note, that was merely an overly dramatic example. There are plenty of situations that are less dire than serious injury but still need more immediate attention than having a smoke or shit. Just accept the undeniable fact that sometimes, some players don't have perfect control over where or when they log out. PC crash. Modem crash. On call and get paged. Lost track of time and running late for whatever. Blowjobs. And many many other reasons why someone who may have thought they were going to be on for another hour suddenly needs to log out and doesn't have 10 minutes to find safe cover. Ah, sorry. I wasn't aware that DayZ was a shooter. I was under the impression that it was a survival game that just happens to include guns. Also.. Not being punished ≠ being rewarded.
  14. zeeabo

    Crazy Encounter

    You could have just as easily dropped them when they walked in unarmed with your rifle pointed at their heads. I don't think that at this particular point in this particular situation, that there's much difference between turning around vs backing away..
  15. zeeabo

    What do you use?

    Toggle macro holds W, tap W then press macro key.
  16. zeeabo

    Why do you push?

    Yeah bro mate, the wifey just sliced half her finger off in the kitchen and needs to be driven to the emergency room. Oh, just hold on wifey, gimme 10 mins to run out of town and find a safe place to log. There are actually more important matters that come up in real life than smoking and shitting- And there are MANY things in real life that are more important than a video game, but does that mean I deserve to risk losing days worth of work on a character just because I'm having a heart attack? Maybe we should just have persistent characters that stay in the world even while we're logged off, that's should stop those pesky c-loggers.[/sarc] 100% agreed on that.. but honestly I see no problem at the moment, if you don't want to vs people who exploit 3rd person view just play HC (as you do.. problem solved lol).
  17. zeeabo

    i like the bandits

    Being in possession of a loaded gun doesn't justify KoS. Just putting that out there.
  18. >3.8ghz quad core >8GB ram >GT610 Well and truly above the minimum requirements. Should be able to run it maxed with no problems (I do and I've only got 3.4ghz/4GB/HD5970 and framerate rarely drops low enough that it's noticeable).
  19. zeeabo

    Mosin or M4?

    I've done a bit more testing with the M4 now I finally found a pristine ACOG for it.. using the bipod it is more accurate than I thought and I can consistently hit targets between 300-400m, but needs 3 chest hits to take out a Z, and at that range the amount of time to set up the shot you may as well use an SKS with much better damage output. I still conclude the M4 is useless at over 100 (maybe 200) meters even if it is usable up to 400+. Full auto rifles just aren't made for sniping, and I rarely burst and never spray.. maybe different combat styles would make better use of it, just not for me B)
  20. zeeabo

    [AU/NZ] [DayZ SA] EVENTS !

    I don't see the start time anywhere..? Will this run on a regular or HC server? (gotta get a character combat ready cos both of mine are currently hermit survivors with minimalist weapons and gear lol)
  21. zeeabo

    Mosin or M4?

    SKS, M4 is pissweak over 100m and Mosin is pissslow under 500m. In my own experience, most encounters are inbetween these distances and SKS is the perfect tool for the job. (That said, I hand carry an M4 with me too for clearing undead cities, zombies don't shoot back so a less ideal gun with more ammo isn't mucho problemo ;))
  22. zeeabo

    Buffing the ammo box

    You can fit 600 rounds of 5.56 in the ammo box in game, just need a 60 round mag. Yay for bugs being more realistic than the defined stack size.
  23. zeeabo

    dayz lags badly

    From the BIG, BOLD text on the Steam Store page that you purchased the game from: So get him a computer that can run DayZ. What it sounds like you've done is akin to buying him a Ps3 controller for his SEGA Genesis, then blaming Sony when it doesn't work in a way it was never advertised to. DayZ was never meant to run on a low end PC, and it's not Steams problem that your hardware is outdated. Go mouth breathe somewhere else.
  24. All of this. You can't code every individual players personality and mental state, that is for the player to decide. If I don't see anyone for 2 months and start missing company, I'll head back to the coast, but until then why should I be punished with insanity just because I prefer playing as a lone wolf? How about you accept the unique variability of a game where every character has a different personality based on the players' ideas, instead of maybe 5 hard-coded personalities and everyone you meet is one of those 5 types. Stop trying to force your playstyle onto others just because YOU want more player interaction. Being forced to interact with players or risk insanity would completely ruin MY playstyle. Go play a game with classes, that's what you want. A hero class, a bandit class, a medic class, man you'd be in heaven. But here in DayZ we make our own game using a little imagination. I don't need things like this hard-coded into the game because I can figure out how MY character under MY control would react to a situation based on the playstyle I have decided for MY character. Do you 'get it' yet?. lrn2imaginate. You're missing the entire point of "Open-World". It means the player decides how to play the game, not forced on a linear path because some pansy wants the post-apocalypse to be a nanny state where everyone talks to each other and gets along as though civilization hasn't entirely collapsed. And before you jump to ridiculous assumptions like you have with other people who disagree, I'm no CoD kid KoS. I've killed one player in 95 hours and then only because he broke my arm shooting me, I didn't even fire back until after he actually hit me.
  25. We can finally craft arrows instead of just hoping to find a quiver out in the wilderness where we hunt?