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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. zeeabo

    ethics of first kill

    lol, this game eh?! Smallest thing just absolutely sets you into a state of panic. That last paragraph was a kicker, DayZ in a nutshell lol.
  2. zeeabo

    ethics of first kill

    I have killed twice so far in my few weeks playing.. neither one I feel particularly proud of lol. My first kill was back in my first week playing while I was still learning the basics and extremely on edge. I was rummaging around in a prison building at NEAF, just trying to find anything useful. So far it was my 3rd visit to NEAF, the first two had ended in KoS deaths. After a few minutes scavenging for some supplies, I started hearing signs of another player's presence, and immediately start crapping myself. I crept upstairs into the dorm, hid behind the bunks right of the door, and took stock of my situation. I had no melee weapon, but I did have a 1911 with a chambered round and 3 or 4 loose bullets. I drew it and pointed it at the doorway, listening to the footsteps and my heartbeat getting louder each passing second. I must have waited there for 10 minutes. Next thing you know, there he is. He ran into the room straight between the 2 bunks left of the door, facing away from me and innocently looting. But there he was, a threat all the same. I was so shot with adrenaline, I didn't even take the time to register if he was carrying a weapon, I didn't consider that I had a mic and the upper hand. I simply hesitated for a moment, then I shot him in the back, right between the shoulder blades. I couldn't get a shot at his head past the bunk. At that point, he either died or fell unconscious, I'll never know because without ever saying a word, I went and punched his head in till there was nothing left but mush. I didn't even take the time to look at the trinkets carried by the man I had just murdered, the fear was just so primal and raw. I had to get out of there to log off and have a nice cold shower. I felt absolutely horrid. Much worse than I imagine the person who's character I just killed did. But I was alive. So alive. Since then I have only killed one other player throughout multiple player "interactions" (mostly involves watching people from half a KM away lol.. one bambi I gave some beans to and another I ran into this morning in the far north, had a chat, and both went our separate ways with no hostility at all) and that was while he had a gun pointed in my direction. He was standing on the police station with sks drawn looking around, I was on a hill overlooking the whole town, looking through my scope but with no bad intentions, just watching. But then he turned with his sks, and faced directly towards me, I was literally looking down his barrel. Thing is, I was about 350m away proned under a nice bushy 'triangle tree' I call them, and I'm really not sure he actually saw me. But I popped him anyway, one shot one kill, because you can never be sure when someone's pointing their gun towards you, especially when you are beyond talking distance. I hadn't seen anyone else in the few minutes since initial contact with this guy, but hung around for a few more minutes to make sure nobody wandered out anyway. Eventually went and had a look at his body, his sks was loaded and he had a few clips worth of loose rounds. I literally could have been half a second from death when I fired that shot. I highly doubt it, but you never know. This is why I love this game, it forces you to make decisions you don't think you'd have the heart to make until you do. I just want to be friendly :(
  3. zeeabo

    M4's are too rare in the new patch!

    Yeah it does make sense for them to be at crash sites. And I guess the sites are rare enough, I've been logging in/out at the same location for 2 days and it's the first time I've seen this heli. (No, I didn't know there was a heli crash spawn point there and try to farm it, it's not even documented on the map (http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/199360-animal-locations/ has a map with heli site possible spawn locations, it only spawns them on 5 of the points per reset, but I only use the map for animal locations anyway).. Just pure chance that there happens to be a heli spawn literally about 400m from the shrub I log in/out at lol Just having a laugh mate, being totally sarcastic, thought it was ironic that me of all people, non-server hopping, lone wolfing, sporter primarying, 3am darkness spawning, running around with a decked out M4 and 3 spare mags leftover from before the patch, ends up rolling in all these epique lootz. Especially now that the spawn locations are so rare it might take a new player weeks to see their first one even on someone else, finding one is basically up to chance now. Just too bad I didn't have any friends around or room to carry, I'm actually already looking for someone to palm my M4 off on cos carrying a 2nd primary and the 3 spare mags is too much effort and space for a friendly hunter. Just very helpful if things get unfriendly ;) Glad I moved them too lol, went back realizing my home server was due to reset in 5 mins, just to grab my rock off the fire because I ruined my pickaxe getting it, but the rock was gone! So someone was in the area, would have likely seen the site.. but the guns were still in my hiding spot mwuhahaha. I'm actually a friendly as player lol, but less guns on other people means less chance to be KoS fodder. I agree! That's why I primary a sporter and did my bit hiding these rare military guns that I couldn't carry! Did you see the pic of 3 of the so-called rarest gun in the game stacked next to each other by a lone wolf? I thought it was funny!
  4. zeeabo

    Fire view distance

    Ok so I have a few very strange problems with fire. 1. There is a fire lit in this house: (/there is a house here.. lol bit dark to even make it out) But I can't see any sign of it at all from about 200-250m away. Here is the same house from the exact same spot, but zoomed with right click: So that's weird. Does anybody know if this is a problem with my graphic settings, or can confirm this is a bug? 2. Fire is shining straight through walls and roof of house: Looks horrible, again is this a problem with my graphic settings or a bug with the fire? (i.e does everyone see fire in a building at night the same as this or only me?) 3. I'm finding a lot of wind in buildings even tucked away in a back room with no windows and door closed. Won't bother taking up more space with a screenshot for this because I am aware it's a known issue at the moment.. question from me is, is there a known fix for it yet? With the 20 threads that popped up about it, I really cbf going through each reply in each one to see if anyone had found a fix. Some more info on this bug as well. I had a fire going inside a house for a few minutes, then thought I heard someone approaching. So I dragged the log off it to put it out and ducked into a corner to listen for a while.. turns out it was just ghosts, so I throw the log back on the fire and go to light it up.. same spot it was in before, log and fire pit both still pristine.. Lost 8 matches to the wind before I figured something wasn't quite right. So I went out to my felled tree and grabbed a fresh log, threw that into the fire pit and it lit up first go, easy as anything. So it seemed maybe a log that has already been in a fire cannot be lit again, but has no status indicator at all to say it has already been burnt? A few hours later after a foray into Vybor looking (succesfully) for a pickaxe, I'm back in my house, fire's still burning strong so doesn't appear to go out over time. I mined myself a rock to upgrade my fireplace, and ruined the pick in the process (oops I spammed too much lol, we need visual damage indicators on the model in the players hands!) Oh well, more inventory space for me, who wants to carry around a pickaxe anyway.. The space they take up is kind of ridiculous at the moment. So back to the fire, I [place some rocks around] put a rock on top to upgrade it, lol. That puts it out instantly, but I light it back up again first go- with the same log that had been burning for hours, so my assumption based on this until I'm proven wrong, is that the rock upgrade basically just ignores wind while lighting the fire (and thus also ignores the bug that 'charred' logs cant light due to wind even where there is none).
  5. zeeabo

    Animal Locations

    Hunting some deer a few miles from Vybor, came across a heli crash at roughly xxx|xxx (hasn't been marked yet, coords removed, see added comment). [added] lol I get the feeling that revealing this is going to be the death of my 3 week old character when all the PVP hacker server hopping coast kids start teleporting out to my hunting field to check for the crash... Didn't used to be any reason for them to head much further west than Vybor. Damnit lol I just can't stand an unfinished map. [more added] it wasn't updated yet and I just noticed there are only 6 locations marked so far, I'm just gonna keep the info to myself 'till there are a few more so my home isn't as likely to be invaded. (Sorry about that, I will repost it once there are more locations marked further east.. just don't want to jeopardize my survival lol, you understand. I've had this character for a long time now).
  6. zeeabo

    6 slot top-wear.

    Am I correct that the TTSKO jacket is currently the only 6 slot top-wear item? This is something (I think) desperately needs to be addressed. I want to survive. To survive, I need to carry equipment. For that, I need inventory slots. Considering it is basically law that anyone wearing military gear is a KoS target, I feel that its a huge balance issue for TTSKO to have a massive 50% extra inv.space vs the next best shirt. Or is it a calculated risk vs reward thing that for those 2 extra slots I am forced to make myself look like a hostile target to all the people I want to be friendly and trade and survive with? It may not stay this way, but at the moment I feel clothing is just about to biggest indicator of another players intention/play style and to be forced into a certain attire because it's the only item in the game that offers those slots feels very unbalanced and indirectly makes the game boring (running around forests avoiding players like the plague because everyone assumes based on the jacket that I'm bandit and tries to KoS me.) I don't play for the PVP I play for survival, getting shot at isn't 'exciting player interaction' for me it's very worrying and could potentially end dayz of effort I have put into a survivor. >inb4 deal with it Alfalfa This is something that severely effects certain play styles, severely restricts decisions available to deal with a situation, and would take all of 5 minutes work to change. Doesn't even need a new item or skin or anything really, the waistcoat should have 6 slots as it is, pretty sure you can fit more than one single pistol between the 3-6 pockets usually found in a waistcoat (1 or 2 inside pockets where you should easily fit a pistol plus at least 2 (or more) outer pockets.)
  7. zeeabo

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I've been looking for a knife to finish my hunting setup for like 2 days now (not much spawns up far north lol) since I found out that, kind of obviously, an axe can't gut and skin animals. Just found an M4 Bayonet... I believe this is maybe classified in the game as a knife considering you can detach and melee wield it as a regular knife? I'm just wondering can anyone confirm whether it can be used as a hunting knife? Also found 3 arrows FINALLY lol been looking for weeks! Can finally test out my bow+arrow hunting skillz once I find another ashwood. Does anyone know if the patch allows fired arrows to be picked back up? I don't remember seeing anything in the notes but might have missed it (or there seem to be quite a few changes that weren't in the notes anyhow). Anyone else that wondered- I have confirmed the M9A1 Bayonet does indeed work as a skinning knife
  8. zeeabo

    Really bad quality graphics

    Aspect ratio has most likely reset to 4:3. Set it to 16:9 and raise your resolution.
  9. zeeabo

    We need a char reset!

    Nah mate. If you want to reset an M4 guys character, sneak up on him and kill him. Don't force metagame restarts on players who have survived by being careful, just because you don't have the required skill to take them out. Actually, I roll around in the NW quad of the map mostly hunting since the patch, I have a shouldered M4 with a 60 mag loaded and carry a Sporter with a 30 round loaded and 1 spare 30 and an Amphibia with 2 mags. Vest fits pistol and all spare mags. Jacket fits a med kit and canteen, even just the improv backpack is plenty of space for an ammo box and a yellow hardcase with binocs/compass/map. Plenty of leftover space for hunting knife, matches, steaks, pelts, etc. I'd consider myself about as fully geared as one playing properly and not just PVPing would want to be, and from experience I can honestly say that being fully geared has never once rendered me unable to cook meat. I deserve to lose my character because YOU choose to hang around in PVP hotspots and get shot by M4 cod kids?
  10. zeeabo

    Murderer Status

    There is already a risk to the reward. If you miss the shot and your target turns around and shoots you, you die. It's much more realistic that way, IRL you're not going to forget how a gun works just because you used it to kill 6 people. This game is going for realism, not arcade CoD killstreak bullshit.
  11. zeeabo

    Weird Low Resolution Bug With Config File

    I assume this is the same problem as http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200144-my-dayz-is-pixelated-help/ If it is, confirmed fix is simple- make sure your aspect ratio is set to 16:9 to play at anything higher than 1280x960.
  12. zeeabo

    My DayZ is pixelated, Help!

    Thanks for the beans, nom nom nom. I suggest maybe edit the answer into the OP, as there seem to be quite a few people with the same problem that might not bother reading this far down ;)
  13. zeeabo

    My DayZ is pixelated, Help!

    Make sure your aspect ratio is set to 16:9, and not 4:3. 1920x1080 Higher resolutions don't show up under 4:3 aspect ratio, I think the highest I get with 4:3 selected is 1280x960 too. Selecting 16:9 should open up all resolutions up to 1920x1080 (possibly higher but my monitor doesn't support).
  14. zeeabo

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    *facepalm* silly me overlooked that one. Yeah I was just hitting it lol, thanks for the tip.
  15. zeeabo

    Geared and ready to wander......

    Well it is written right up there in the OP and my post. We are being killed by zombies that either teleport or wall glitch behind us- silent as you like, not a single sign they are there until the first hit lands. Sometimes that first hit is a one hit kill, and that's how people are dying to them. Zombies see through (and run through) walls that I can't see through. Sounds are glitched, sometimes audio when there's no zombie nearby, sometimes zombie rushing at you doesn't make a peep, being 1-hit killed has nothing to do with my awareness. I have never even come close to being killed by a zombie that I was actually fighting, being 1-hit killed has nothing to do with being useless with melee weapons. Zombies should not be able to 1-hit you at this stage of the game. I'm all for it in the final release- hell, buff 'em so that every hit a 1 hit kill once they actually function properly , but at this point with the zombies as bugged as they are they should NEVER be able to end a perfectly fit healthy character in a single blow.
  16. zeeabo

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Had a chock full inventory and not a single item deleted (that one I guess I got lucky not having anything that got resized) but I still have 60 round stacks of 5.56 in my ammo box... Sardines and tuna everywhere now that we can actually see them! Are there only certain trees you can chop? I hacked at one for a good minute and it didn't fall over or spawn any sticks in/around it. Need to use splitting axe maybe? I had firefighter. I'll check out hunting this arvo
  17. Yes, but also in real life, in order to get that line of sight you'd need to do just that; lean your head around fences, or over walls which gives the enemy a shot at you. In 3PP you get the sight advantages without the physical character ever risking exposure of looking around or over their cover object.
  18. zeeabo

    My plea to remove military gear

    Tell that to all the M4 guys I've taken down with a Sporter.
  19. zeeabo

    Geared and ready to wander......

    After a run through NWAF, I had everything I needed to survive for weeks. Had bumped into a few problem zeds on the way through the airfield and had a broken arm to show for it, but aside from that full healthy status and full pristine gear. Desperate for one last chance at an AmphibiaS clip before I wander up north to wait for the exp>stable push, I take the calculated risk to ultra-stealthily sneak into tent city with my broken arm. Server time about 4.30am, ultra dark, crawling through long grass behind a tree and BAM! one shot in the head by a silent SEAL trained zombie ninja with invisible NVG's.
  20. zeeabo

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    That's taking it a few steps past smartass into the territory of total pedanticism. Lag for the signal to go from brain to eyes, desync for the light to travel from the object to your eyes, more lag for that light to be processed to an image and sent back to the brain. I had already considered this but decided to leave bringing it up until someone pointed out mouse/kb/monitor lag, they both are such insignificant factors that without the inevitable person being fastidiously pedantic, they don't even warrant a mention.
  21. zeeabo

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    Just to be a smartass, it doesn't exist in single player games :P It's not just that it's really 'noticeable' in DayZ- it's that it's such a major issue that severely effects gameplay (i.e. pick up an item and 5 mins later when you want to use it it's not there), whereas in other games where there will always be a little lag, it's a negligible issue because such a small amount has an insignificant effect on the gameplay, and most of the time goes completely unnoticed. I take it when you said "current gaming technology issues that cannot be fixed", you meant issues that cannot be entirely eradicated but can be fixed to the extent that it is rarely even noticed in game. The implication I got from your statement was that DayZ is currently the epitome of netcode and the only reason it desyncs and lags is due to our primitive internet technology.
  22. zeeabo

    Long range scopes out the wazoo!

    And then picks that same item for 80% of the other spawn points in that building. :P So it seems.
  23. zeeabo

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    If server hasn't reset, go back and double check- could just be major desync.. I've dropped a 2nd primary M4 to eat beanz before, waited around for 5 mins for it to show up and then figured I'd lost it for good- so I forget about it and move off to do a bit of scavenging.. Probably about 2 hours later I head back to the building the M4 was dropped at (my chosen login/logout home base) and there it is sitting all pristine right where I left it.
  24. zeeabo

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    Well, they can be fixed... I don't understand how you got to that conclusion- is DayZ the only online game you have ever played? These problems don't exist in other games unless you have an absolutely horrible connection to the server like 300+ ping. Lag warps and desync should not exist with current gaming technology when you're on a server with under 60ms ping. That is a problem specific to this game (/possibly the ARMA series, I haven't played it only the DayZ SA and know the engines are very similar) and not a common problem caused by current tech.
  25. zeeabo

    Long range scopes out the wazoo!

    I have a feeling it might be a bug with whatever system generates the loot, I've noticed quite often as well that you can spend dayz looking for a particular item that just won't show up.. but then as though the loot generator has just gone 'full circle' on an ordered list of what loot can spawn, it will spawn 10+ all within a few KM of each other, then not spawn another one for a week while it goes through the rest of this theoretical list. I got 7 30r sporter mags from a tent city in a single run through.. decided it was a sign and ditched my SKS to go looking for a Sporter thinking that being the lowest tier civilian rifle they should be relatively common. It took me 4 dayz to find one, then I found 2 in the same house, another one nextdoor and another one in the next town along.