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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. 100% agreed. Kinda ridiculous that at the moment we can craft a bigger pack using a burlap sack than with a full animal pelt. (considering the upgrade with sticks crafts a . at the moment with hide bags) IMHO leather 'courier bag' should be the size of burlap improv. backpack, and leather improv. backpack should be same size as hunters backpack.
  2. 1km still beats the crap out of the normal direct chat range. Walkies are not cell phones, I honestly don't think they should reach 30km unless you're standing on top of one of the castles. Hang on... isn't the entire map only like 15x15km anyway? I don't think they should reach 30km under any circumstances whatsoever. I know that range is theoretically possible, but as has been pointed out many times there's gotta be a line between gameplay and realism, you shouldn't be able to communicate between the two furthest possible points on the map with mountain ranges inbetween and whatnot. My suggestion is that walkies have unlimited Line of Sight range, but when line of sight is blocked (by something big, not trees or shrubs- I mean rock formations, buildings, and mountains) range should drop to maybe 500m-1km. (maybe even a switch between 1W and 2W output, scaling battery usage and range depending on which is selected).
  3. I dunno if fires are bugged and meant to require a stone, or what.. But I never use stones and don't need to carry a pickaxe. I start fires all over Chernarus and lack of carrying space has never stopped me. The occasional pick I do find, I'll go mine a rock just to re-sharpen all my blades.. but it's not a whole lot harder just to find new blades. So other than sharpening common, easy to find weapons and upgrading a fire which seems to add no benefit at the moment.. What other uses does the rock provide so often that you're forced to carry a pick around instead of just finding one the one time per week that you need one? For the record, I play a survivalist with the 20 space impro backpack, and I have no trouble at all carrying around everything I need to survive, with space for a 4x2 deer pelt AND 4 steaks leftover.
  4. Didn't mean to imply anything, if you say you're legit I see no reason to doubt it unless proven otherwise. Perhaps you've found a new bug then, I haven't heard anything about players in the server not showing up on the player list and don't think that possible to hack due to being a server side list.
  5. I'm probably way out of the ballpark here, but it sounds like you left the server, ghosted around him, then rejoined before the previous logoff animation/wait time had finished. (I know there are timers and whatnot, but this is possible- I've seen a 'ghost' of myself once before when I joined a server and it freshspawned me, so I relogged to make sure it hadn't just failed character loading.. Still a freshspawn, and I can see myself sitting down right where I logged off) Congratulations on killing what sounds like a loot farmer admin, despite your chosen method.
  6. zeeabo

    I need some help!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200144-my-dayz-is-pixelated-help/?p=2014636 Aspect ratio can be found in the User Interface section of graphic settings. Once that is set to 16:9, change your display resolution to match your monitors native resolution.
  7. zeeabo


    Despite the game's lore and the fictional country Chernarus' location, the sun works as though you are in the southern hemisphere. Rises just slighty left (N) of direct East, sets slightly right (N) of direct West. At noon it will be in the sky slightly towards the North. Once all that becomes second nature, paying attention to the time of the server you joined is more useful than a compass. Play time/experience is the key to learning the landmarks/visual indicators of each general area in the game.
  8. Hey all, I have seen a lot of people frustrated at having problems with issues so basic that most starter guides don't bother covering them. So I've decided to write the basic manual that is missing from this game- not covering intricate details like specific number values that each type of food provides, but basics to help new players become familiar with the 'feel' of the controls and how to manage their character on top of the basic survival needs. -Basically a guide to help brand new players survive at least long enough to figure out the rest for themselves, like the oldschool magazine manual that used to come with boxed games. Only an idea I had this morning, so it's still barely more than an idea at this point. I think where all the other guides have gone wrong, is being written by a single person covering their personal experience of the game and excludes many things perhaps they found easy enough to figure out without instruction but may not be so obvious to others. So my idea for this guide is a collaborative effort, anything the community thinks should be included in a good basics guide. Most of all looking for suggestions from beginners themselves- What do you have trouble with, what frustrates you because it seems broken, what didn't you find in other guides that would have helped your first few hours in the game go smoother? So far all I have is: Topics to include. [Getting Started] -Graphic setup //defaults to very strange settings, needs to be changed first thing or will ruin the visual quality of the game// -Joining a server //HC vs Reg vs Exp hives. Server time. Player count.// -Interaction/use controls //how to make rags, bandage, eat, take a weapon or item into your hands, load ammo, etc// -Surviving your first zombie attack //strafe and headbash// -Avoiding killer bugs //death by stairs, ladders, known zombie glitches, etc// [Location] -Map .Dayzdb .In-game map -Navigation .Find your heading direction without a compass //sun, sea, breath, clouds, landmarks// .Town signs -Common PVP areas/places to avoid as an inexperienced player. [status] -Food .Scavenging .Foraging .Hunting -Drink .Scavenging .Fountains .Ponds -Medical .Locations .Supply priority [Gear + Supplies] -Priority .Clothing //color vs pocket space// .Backpack //visual size vs capacity// .Worth carrying vs common enough to take the chances finding another one when you need it. -Status .Effects from Pristine to Ruined equipment. -Location .Where to find the epique lootz -Disappearing items (did it really disappear or are you just desynced?) [Fighting] -Stealth -Weapons -Zombies -Players
  9. zeeabo

    "Safe" zones

    I'm too scared to go anywhere near Berezino.. does that mean it's dead? No, the very reason I'm too scared to go there is because it's a PVP hotspot, just as you're suggesting this would become.. Why would that stop players going there? Not my thing, but there are plenty of people looking for PVP only and it'd be nice to get them out of bero.
  10. zeeabo

    Now I am getting angry...

    Brother I completely understand where you're coming from, but just know you aren't alone. Most of us here have lost more than one fully geared character to unfair bugs and glitches, you've just gotta move on, hit that respawn button and keep your chin up, a positive attitude is crucial to survival ;) I do agree that the more people that point out the issue the higher priority it should be and high priority it is, as pointed out quite early in the discussion. Welcome to the forum mate, hope you do stay. If you happen to be in AU/NZ, meet me on 'Hell in a Handbasket' some time and I'll set you up and give you some tips on how not to get killed. I'm on my 12th day with this character now, here's hoping I don't trip on a gutter and have to amputate my leg :beans: :thumbsup:
  11. Aha yep that explains why it always felt perfectly normal to me, I'm in Aus. I'm gonna have to agree it was just an honest mistake due to Rocket's kiwi heritage.
  12. Not for me.. I play a morning server (3-7am) and the sun rises just slightly left (north) of compass east. About halfway between E and NE (Almost as though Chernarus is deep in the southern hemisphere), but definitely rises much closer to the east than either north or south. I don't even use my compass anymore because I find the sun just as reliable, just gotta take that slight offset into account.
  13. zeeabo

    Make Food & Weapons Extremely Rare

    Haha fair enough, *whoosh* straight over my head. I did laugh at the pic though.. Is that meant to be Popeye in HD? :P
  14. zeeabo

    Make Food & Weapons Extremely Rare

    You're right, I didn't either. Be that as it may, these are the DayZ forums, and it's a suggestion regarding the DayZ game. Within the DayZ community there is quite a large number of people looking for a survival sim as closely based in realism as possible (but with zombies, duh. Zombies for everyone!). For your sake, I'll reword my statement. Hand to hand deer hunting would seem very out of place in a game where many of the games other mechanics try to simulate realism as closely as possible within the confines of the technology currently being used. Forums are for discussion, not for one sided gangbanging a topic with positive responses and ignoring anyone who disagrees with the idea.
  15. zeeabo

    Now I am getting angry...

    That is not what has happened here at all. Guppy has provided perfectly reasonable explanations for why it is the way it is at the moment, and why going on about extremely common bugs that have already been reported and are already under active development to be fixed is irrelevant. Bugs don't get fixed when a set number of people complain about them- they get fixed when the developers figure out what's causing the bug. ALL of the bugs and ALL of the information you posted regarding them are things that are well known problems that everyone other than you also runs into but just gets over it- or posts feedback if it's a bug that hasn't already been reported 100+ times. Others have given you a plethora of more appropriate places to continue if you wish to. Somemod please send this to the yard.
  16. zeeabo

    Now I am getting angry...

    One should put up with the excuse "this is just an alpha" until the game moves into beta development. [ed]And when that happens, one should be prepared to put up with the new excuse "this is just a beta" right up until the final release of the game. Then one may start complaining about any remaining bugs.[/] The number of copies sold does not in any way correlate with how fast the developers can write code. Not taking sides here, but as Guppy has pointed out all the issues you are having have already been submitted many times before, and coming here to rant in frustration will not help your cause.
  17. zeeabo

    Now I am getting angry...

    Alpha is an unfinished game in very early stages of development. Beta is an unfinished game that is almost ready to go and just being polished up and balanced. Getting exactly what you signed up for in alpha :) Just be thankful it's actually playable and mostly all the bugs do is kill/reset you character rather than BSoDing your computer or corrupting drives.
  18. Oh dear lord, you truly are an idiot. That quote is what I was responding to in my original post, and the fact that you excluded it when you quoted me took my own post entirely out of context. You responded to an argument I never made. I wish you luck in your life, you'll probably need it.
  19. zeeabo

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Can't speak for anyone else, but when I meet a girl in the game I immediately assume that in-game character is a girl and don't give the slightest fuck about the gender of the person playing her. Whinging that the big boys aren't going easy on you because you're a girl? DayZ probably isn't your game. I have 2 little sisters that both play female characters and neither have ever felt discriminated. They play using strategy, stealth and awareness, and are rarely seen before they have the upper hand in a situation. Treating someone equally only works when they act equally. Any male character in the game that just runs up to a group they don't know claiming to be friendly is 95% likely to be shot as well.
  20. Ah yes of course, 'later in the game' means immediately. You so afraid of the big bad bambis? lmao Lacking comprehension and contextual interpretation is even worse than idiot logic.
  21. zeeabo

    Make Food & Weapons Extremely Rare

    Hand to hand deer hunting? I'm not entirely sure how that would sit with the realism fans....
  22. Take my beans kid, you're gonna need 'em.
  23. zeeabo

    Make Food & Weapons Extremely Rare

    Lower food spawns to force players into a hunter playstyle, then lower gun spawns so that they can't hunt! GENIUS!
  24. Admitting it is the first step. I suggest you go find a shrink before you start migrating your simulator persona into RL. Most people KoS from fear, a few for target practice.. Not many at all that do it specifically looking for the end result of ruining as many people's day as possible. I know acting like a souless badass demon child seems cool while you're 14, and you just need an outlet from all the bullies at school you're too afraid to stand up to. But I hope you realise all the grown-ups see you as an utter tool. You're going to grow up too, and words can't describe how embarrassed you'll be thinking back on your inflated ego wannabe internet tough guy attitude. Finding delight in bringing grief to others is a pastime reserved for people with severe mental instability, subliminal compensation for the grief from those bullies that you couldn't do anything about. Just some sound advice from someone who was in the same position, but got past it long ago. Take it or leave it. Say what you want now, lie through your teeth and tell me it's not true, I know you won't take this in as I didn't at the time.. But I really hope you remember this post when you're far enough through puberty to see how disturbingly immature it is playing out torture fantasies for nothing other than "lulz". Before all the 'we can choose whatever playstyle we want' fanboys jump in, I totally agree and encourage that. There are plenty of valid, legitimate reasons for banditry, KoS, even torturously breaking someone's legs and leaving them crawling for hours. But consistently doing it for fun and finding it "HILARIOUS" is a sign of worrying mental issues, whether you want to admit it or not, whether they are aspects of your personality that currently show through your RL society constructed façade or ones that will develop later based on your finding pleasure in other people's discomfort.
  25. You know they respawn 30 seconds later with no less gear than they had when you shot them, right? Idiot logic doesn't justify idiot actions.