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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. zeeabo

    I seem to be stuck inside a rock

    Top hoarding. I laugh at your situation, but only because you have 3 pistols. Did you learn how to shoot one using your foot? Super akimbo Gishnu needs 3 pistols..
  2. zeeabo

    Reloading the mosin between shots

    Works best with an M4. :lol:
  3. zeeabo

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    Says the guy who's never fallen to his death through the completely solid floor of a house.
  4. zeeabo

    Noob question lol

    I stand corrected. Never actually played the mod, just assumed based on how much longer it's been in development. Man, no wonder everyone's so pissed at the devs lol I thought they at least had something decent to play while the SA is alpha :P
  5. zeeabo

    Noob question lol

    Sorry to tell you buddy, but it sounds like you've set your expectations far too high for this Alpha. If you want the best first experience possible, I'd suggest waiting until the Standalone reaches final release state. It is an incomplete game in early development at the moment and if you jump in expecting the most perfectly polished realism simulator the world has ever seen, you're gonna be sorely disappointed. -For now maybe play the mod. Still not perfect, but at least not as full with bugs and glitches as the SA.
  6. zeeabo

    Small Chernarus

    Both random pics I pulled off google. It looks much better with the graphics set up properly- Chernarus probably doesn't look great with Bloom maxed and AA turned off.. I've got no idea what settings were used in that screenshot but I assure you it looked better than that back when I played it. Also just noticed the JC2 screen has been resized which could account for the shite aliasing. The point there though, was the difference between JC2 and a PS1 game, which qww made a direct comparison between. @qww Watching a compressed quality youtube video isn't an accurate representation of anything, and comparing a DX11 game to something made in 1994 makes you look pretty foolish.
  7. zeeabo

    Small Chernarus

    Ah yes of course, with Chernarus's opaque lakes and polygon hills it's the absolute definition of high end graphics. I would also argue that Just Cause is more of a first person shooter than DayZ is. Saying that it's not doesn't actually make your opinion a fact. I'm happy to end it here, as you clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
  8. zeeabo

    Small Chernarus

    If you want to be pedantic, DayZ is "not an fps" in just the same way as JC2 is "not an fps". Both have switchable first/thrid person view. Both have shooting. Neither are streamlined linear story missions with small CS style multiplayer maps. If JC2 isn't an FPS despite including the very basic first person and shooting elements, then what makes DayZ so much more of an FPS despite not including all the other things common to FPS like perks, buying weapons and small maps? DayZ is a survival game. Just Cause 2 is an action game. They are both first person shooters. Panau is a bigger FPS map than Chernarus. Smells like someone didn't want to be proven wrong. It's not a big deal, you asked a question and I answered. :) [ed] as for basic design style, Panau also is much MUCH MUCH nicer, and more realistic, and less hardware intensive, than Chernarus at the moment.
  9. zeeabo

    Small Chernarus

    Challenge accepted. Chernarus is less than 1/4 size of Panau (Just Cause 2 Multiplayer).
  10. zeeabo

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Reading the changelog is a massive waste of time. Half the things they say in it are fixed remain broken, and half the things they added or changed in the new patch someone 'forgot' to include in the log. Pretty amateur work ethic for a multimillion dollar studio basically funded entirely by this game. That aside, I'm not a whinger lol enjoying the patches and haven't got a problem with the rollout speed, just the inaccuracy of the changelogs making it impossible to actually know what changed in the patch.
  11. This seems to be a confirmed fix for 95% of "blurry screen" cases. Aspect ratio should be 16:9 for a normal HD Widescreen (1920x1080), or 16:10 for Ultrawide screen (1920x1200).
  12. zeeabo

    location of balota airstrip?

    lmao following the coast road :P You could just run direct SW and cut off like 50% of the time it would take using the road, but NEAF is much closer to you anyway, like 3 mins vs 20 mins running.
  13. I use a Belkin n52te (basically the same thing, even uses a Razer Synapse chip for macro and config storage- and I got it before the Nostromo came out). Zero support for it anymore though but luckily I've had no issues with it except new computers, hardest ever drivers to find and the Razer ones don't work with it :( Anyway back on topic I've never had any problem with opening inventory while running either, just saying since the pads are so similar I don't think it's that. I highly recommend at least trying one, give it a decent week because it takes some time to get used to and get configured to your liking, but once you do it's more comfortable and much faster than using a keyboard. And you can bind a LOT of keys, it has 3 separate layouts per config that are switchable on the fly, so between the 15 keys you have 45 binds. (Speaking for the n52te here. Never used the Nostromo, but I got the impression reading somewhere that it has slightly different and IMO worse features despite it being newer and exactly the same hardware.)
  14. zeeabo

    Post Your Gear So Far

    -Camo Baseball Cap -Aviators -Respirator Mask -Brown Working Gloves -Firefighter Axe +M4A1[ -Bayonet -RIS Grip -Flashlight w/ Battery -Bipod -60rnd Stanag -ACOG -MP Buttstock ] +Black Check Wool Coat[ +Container{ +Medkit{ -Epipen -Morfpen -Bandages -Antibiotics -Saline kit} -Canteen} ] +Black Assault Vest[ -3 x Arrows -M68 RDS -2 x 60rnd Stanag ] +TTsKO Pants[ +Container{ -AmbibiaS w/ Mag -2 x AmphibiaS Mag} -Hundcuff Keys -Handcuffs ] +Improvised Backpack[ +Ammo Box{ -6 x 30 x 5.56 -4 x 50 x .22} +Container{ -Binoculars -Compass -Matches} +{3x4, 12 spare slots}
  15. zeeabo

    My DayZ is pixelated, Help!

    in Video settings -> User Interface
  16. zeeabo

    resharpen axes

    Can't confirm for Splitting axe, but drag & drop stone onto firefighter axe worked for me (being specific just in case, stone was on the ground, axe was on my back). Axe is definitely Badly damaged? I got confused by that once before realising the axe was only Damaged. Definitely only repairs to Damaged status, did it just this morning 20 mins ago :P
  17. zeeabo

    The fall of humanity - A dayz series

    Oh man that guy at the start was your brother, killed by his own zombiemum before he even saw the note?! Tears were shed. Looking forward to the series mate.
  18. zeeabo

    Sniping and Handguns.

    Going out on a limb here, but I'd say that 'cheap plastic stock' is probably constructed from highly advanced modern plastics (or maybe aluminium alloy) that can probably withstand a whole lot rougher treatment than a piece of timber.
  19. zeeabo

    resharpen axes

    Yep, but a damaged axe will get ruined pretty quickly, so you've gotta keep an eye on it. AFAIK you can only sharpen Badly Damaged axes (or any other blade), and it will only upgrade it to Damaged. But you can sharpen it as many times as you want and cut down a whole forest :P
  20. Now, we laugh at the poor noob who can't even keep his gear using admin exploits.
  21. zeeabo

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    The paranoia is very strong. Last night I came across 2 low geared players, not complete freshspawn, but with only helmets and melee weps.. Assumed they knew each other cos I ran into them within 30 secs of each other. Had a case with 4x tacbac, 1x can opener and 1x powdered milk I had been saving for when I finally came across another player (I'd been far west and hadn't seen anyone in a week).. but then one of them starts chopping the others' bits off with an axe, so I gunned the aggressor down as they ran towards a warehouse. 5 seconds later shots fired from the treeline.. I ran as fast as I could.. straight past the safety of the warehouse just because it had a bambi, who's life I had just saved, inside and I didn't know if I could trust him. I was gunned down running across the field because that warehouse was literally the only cover for about 500m around me. I knew that before I ran into any other players, but paranoia killed my situational awareness the second I spotted another survivor. Yes, the paranoia is quite strong.. but being paranoid doesn't always help, especially when it takes over all your other senses. This fkn game, man.
  22. zeeabo

    Trading Post

    Hardcore/AU server Got 2 loaded 60rnd stanags. I'll trade one for a pristine Riders Jacket, and the other for 40 shots of 7.61x51 and 2 Blaze speedloaders. Will also trade an Airsoft Rifle Sporter with 4 30rnd mags and roughly 300 BB pellets .22LR... for something moderately valuable, like a yellow container or something. Make an offer. Server restarts are generally at set intervals. Just don't be an idiot and trade on a server that's about to restart- The server I play has 4 hour restarts at 9, 1 and 5 o'clock my local time. Solid advice to learn the restart times on your favorite server, so you don't get disconnected 5 meters from Berezino police station like I did (on an unfamiliar regular server) last night :P
  23. Then why is your M4 useless and out of ammo between crash sites? It's not useless if you have 13 rounds for it.. and it's certainly not out of ammo if you have 13 rounds for it. If you don't shoot everything that moves, 13 rounds will hang around as long as you want them to, there's no expiry date.
  24. FTFY. I've been carrying around an M4 since a week before the patch, and between Z's and hunting I have used 43 rounds from my first 60mag, with 3 more full 60mags loaded and waiting. You don't need an abundance of ammo if you don't waste ammo playing the wrong game.
  25. zeeabo

    How many hits from a zombie to kill you?

    1 - 999 Damage seems to be different every time, sometimes 1hko from full health full pristine gear, sometimes entire inventory gets ruined but you don't even bleed, sometimes they hit you 20 times and just barely make you bleed with no other damage done. It helps to consider them all 1 hit kill noclip ghosting wallhack zombies and call it lucky if you get hit once without dying. They're easy to deal with if you know they're there.. just sometimes hard to know they're there when they run up silently because your sound card is too swamped playing ambient glitch sounds to deal with playing the audio cue of a real threat. Mix that with seeing anything in the direction they're facing regardless of LoS and moving in a straight line while you have to dodge buildings and fences to get away.. Just gotta get good at looking over your shoulder and dodging their potentially 1hko attacks. It'd be nice if they debuffed the zombies, just temporarily while they are ridiculously broken, but nobodys listening :) Irrelevant anyway, because they should be fixed come next patch anyway, which is as soon as one could hope for them to be fixed.