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Everything posted by zeeabo

  1. zeeabo

    Player made Quest board

    Good idea. lolwat you must be trollin'. As stated by others, you can already do this with paper. But I agree having some kind of message board in (some) towns, or at least a place known within the community as where quest notes are dropped (i.e. toolshed/some other building that doesn't spawn paper), is a great idea- simply because a lot of people don't bother looking at paper randomly scattered around the world because traps and because blank page.
  2. zeeabo

    Pistols with magazines ?

    You're thinking of it the wrong way, I can't think of anyone who would drop a mag then run 5 miles to drop their gun at a different location. From a more immersive standpoint, maybe another survivor has already been through the area.. already had a pistol but wanted a spare mag so ejected the mag leaving the gun behind?
  3. This in incorrect. You only need to login to your steam account and it will load your character as soon as you join a server. One thing I have noticed though, is when I start the game, it will display my sisters character in the title screen (main menu) background (I assume this is a local file leftover from last time she exited the game, as it's displayed before you join a server/connect to hive). As soon as I connect to the hive via my steam account, it will load the correct character tied to my steam account.
  4. zeeabo

    Pistols with magazines ?

    My first kill in this game was with a chambered 1911. Just putting it out there, maybe it's not about how many bullets you have loaded but how you use them? Be conscious of the fact you only have a single round chambered instead of attempting a pistol spraynpray. Be conscious of the fact you'll need time to reload between shots. That said, I do agree that maybe 60% of pistols should spawn with mags- either empty or only 1-3 bullets, not full.
  5. zeeabo

    Guide to Looting

    Great guide, only three things I would add: "Once you know the location is secure", keep in mind that you never know 100%, guard up and head down. Someone could have been well hidden, someone else can spawn in behind the building that you've spent 10 minutes watching as you finally run towards it deciding it's secure. "Make sure before hand that you inventory was organized to fit what you may find" An option that is more effective, but also requires more planning, is to find a hidden location and drop off anything except clothing (empty pockets), a weapon, ammo depending how hot the situation is, and a bandage. Big stress on hidden location, last thing you want is to come back and realize somebody followed and took your stash, but that's highly unlikely and you'd be very unlucky. Last thing lol more focus on patience. It can't be stressed enough.
  6. zeeabo

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I'm currently at 24 years, 351 days, roughly 10 hours and still counting. (14 more days [TOG]... 14 more...) Ask again when we have a stat to tell us how long a character survived rather than just pure guesswork and a loose impression of how long ago we think our last character died and how often we've played since then.
  7. zeeabo


    Can is something that I just don't even right now. Give us the option to spawn with an M4, watch this game go from one of the best ideas in the modern gaming industry to COD: Post-Modern Warfare 17
  8. zeeabo

    A challenge for you all :)

    3 cans of food is heeeeeeeaps. I don't understand people that have trouble feeding themselves in this game. Once I get healthy, I never even look at another can again, you can literally get by picking apples and the very occasional rice bag like once a fortnight. I don't actually think I've ever seen my "energized" drop so much as from bright to dark green, except one weekend when I played a 14 hour session and never ate a thing, running the whole way through. Still only got it to dark green, not gone completely. Hydro status drops at a decent speed, but there are so many fountains and ponds everywhere it's a joke lol. I have a more interesting challenge. -You cannot carry food in storage (eat it on the spot, or take it in hands to a safe dining area if in a danger zone). -Choose at spawn to EITHER drink from looted consumables OR fountains OR ponds, but not any combination. If you choose looted drink, you may not fill bottles at fountains or ponds. -No clothes over 4 slots storage -Maximum bag size -Improv. Backpack -Primary weapon cannot have full auto fire mode. Bonus points for using a Blaze or naked Mosin (no scope). -Maximum 1 magazine/speedloader for whatever pistol you choose. And the final bit, which will be the most challenging, do all this and survive for as long as possible without ever being more than 2km from the East coast of the map.
  9. zeeabo

    Being friendly finally paid off

    This way of thinking speaks volumes about you my friend. I guess you are the kind of person who walks the city shouting "go get a job ya bum" and cuts in line when nobody's looking? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, people play friendly because they enjoy being friendly rather than just another arsehole? That making friends is a reward in and of itself to those of us that aren't closet sociopaths? You don't need a reason to be friendly to strangers in the game or in life, it's just kind of something that comes naturally to people that aren't f*n c*ts.
  10. This post really confused me. Is there a second Tulga in the west? The only Tulga I know of is less than 1km from the far South-East coast..
  11. zeeabo

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Hours:Minutes survived: Died by: (obscure, like "falling" "gunshot" "bloodloss" "infection" etc, not specific of which player killed you) #Players killed: #Zombies killed: ^Overlayed on a screen similar to the title screen showing your character dead on the ground with the gear you had when killed, for a graveyard memorial screenshot.
  12. zeeabo

    Your FPS and Optimization

    3.4ghz AMD quad core (don't remember model#, will update when I get home) 8gb ddr3 HD5970 I play on the default "High" quality settings @1920x1080.. don't have an indicator for fps but it rarely drops low enough for the game to feel jumpy, even in big cities. At a guess I'd say I get around 25-30 in Cherno.. actually still haven't visited Novo yet, I should get on that... Is there a console command to show fps or would I need a third party program to monitor it?
  13. zeeabo

    How to get to North West Airfield!

    I've always been under the distinct impression that there are 8 hangers, 6 lining the east end of the runway and 2 more near the west end. Confirmed both by my own eyes playing this morning, and by the map. If you're going to correct someone, have accurate information ;) :P (no offense intended just a lighthearted poke). I'm kinda iffy about the 4th jail house too. It's nearby, but it's outside the airfield/military fence. That's home base for my current operation/quest to kill as many NWAF server hoppers as possible ;)
  14. zeeabo

    DayZ Hypotheticals

    1. sm00tje nailed it. 2. Make your friend the same offer, take out his group and enjoy continuing on bringing your IRL friend into your fair/sharing/non-KOS bandit club. 3. Too easy. They are on a ladder and completely helpless. Talk it out while they are in that helpless position and decide a strategy. If they keep climbing, drop them straight off the ladder. 4. They "forgot" to take a loaded pistol from someone they just robbed? They're probably looking for a fresh start and I'm happy to oblige.
  15. zeeabo

    Starting weapon

    Was it entirely necessary to use a 2MB HD logo for that?
  16. zeeabo

    trapped by bandits

    Do they know you're there? Do they know you are unarmed? Are they in talking distance? Convince them in the time they've been messing around downstairs you've had a squad set up outside to take down any aggressors. Walk out feigning the confidence of a man who knows if he's shot he'll be avenged, break line of sight ASAP and GTFO.
  17. zeeabo

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    300ms ping is "playable", yes, but just don't expect to win any gun fights lol (could be wrong here, going off experience of 300ms in other games- I've never played DayZ with that ping and not sure how much worse it'd be effected by desync). I think most servers kick for 300ms or above due to the extra load it puts on the server. Unfortunately, I can't recommend much either, because I only play servers under 100ms I only have 5 Hardcore servers available to me and will always opt for HIHB as long as it's not 0/40 or 20 mins before a restart or something. Only server I've seen with restart warnings as well, another +1. Hope you can sort your ping, because it's almost like a whole 'nother game being run by a decent admin instead of someone trying to build a loot farm.
  18. zeeabo

    Afraid to go on

    Your head's on backwards bro. Hardcore is for playing the game, regular is for casual messing around. Or do people actually play this entire game in 3PP as though that's how it's meant to be?
  19. zeeabo

    I have a back

    I have a front. Only you can make me whole again.
  20. Have my beans, cos you're just like me lol. Saves other players the trouble of looting, just one good stash in a nicely trafficked building. Ah, the difference between all the hats that want/pretend to be friendly then murder out of sheer paranoia, vs players that are actually friendly and just want to help out :P
  21. zeeabo

    what is your most spectacular death?

    Nope, broke all 8 of his legs (well the message popped up enough times) and died instantly with ruined shoes and pants. I saved the rest of his gear though :thumbsup:
  22. zeeabo

    DayZ blurry and pixelated

    Next time use search, I have personally answered 4 topics with this same problem, and I'm sure there have been a lot more. Go into Video Settings -> User Interface and set your aspect ratio to 16:9, then set resolution both in that menu and in the main Video Settings menu to match your monitors native resolution.
  23. zeeabo

    what is your most spectacular death?

    I haven't personally had any spectacular deaths, but I watched a fully geared mate inertia run off the roof of a fire station once- That was pretty spectacular.
  24. zeeabo

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    HIHB server is Best server. Day/Night cycle is as good as you're gonna find currently, and playerbase seems to consist of more mature/hardcore players using strategy instead of running balls out hoping for good luck. OT Got a played daily 2 month old character killed there yesterday showing my bambi IRL mate around NWAF. Note to self; just because you've run into 10 friendly players in a row, doesn't mean the next one isn't going to KoS you. Never even got a chance, had spent 15 minutes watching the area and decided it was clear, first bullet he fired killed me instantly and my bambi mate just ran outside like a headless chicken instead of taking cover :P Probably a fkn hopper too just spawned in inside the base after we had checked over the area. Always remember not to take this game too seriously lol, shit happens. [ed] Shout out to R.Neville. Thank you for running the only server I bother playing on.
  25. zeeabo

    Afraid to go on

    Isn't the hunting backpack only 5 or so slots smaller than mountain pack? My reg character has been getting around with nothing but badly damaged canvas shorts and a child's briefcase for weeks now through multiple (50+) encounters, lowest value target out lol no-one seems to want to kill me even if I sprint full speed straight at them conceal carrying a loaded pistol. Guess they're lucky I'm friendly :P Besides, with that minimal setup there's plenty of room for essentials. 1911 w/ light+mag, medkit (bandagesx2/morphinex2/saline), case (canteen/knife/compass/ammo). 4 spare food slots. Really, to be "fully geared" is a matter of perception.. it doesn't require you to look like you just walked out of Spetsnaz. All you need to survive is food, water and your brain. Gear just makes it seem a little easier, while painting you as a high value kill.