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About zeeabo

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    NSW, AU
  1. zeeabo

    1920x1280 not an option for me?

    Yep same lol, first time it happened to me took about 15 seconds to figure out what happened. The only part that I'd consider a bug (but who knows, it could be intentional) is that defaulting the quality settings also seems to reset resolution to values that haven't been used since 1990.
  2. zeeabo

    1920x1280 not an option for me?

    ^ Only guy who saw the previous 10 threads where this question was answered.
  3. Camo baseball cap/aviators/respirator Rider jackets/holster TSKO pants Olive jungle boots. Looks pretty badass.
  4. zeeabo

    7.62x51mm Rounds?

    Mr Bunny Rabbit you need to jump along to a town instead of hopping through the airfields hoarding more ammo than you'll ever need. All ammo has the same chance to spawn in the same places, and there are a lot more 'chances' for it to spawn in bigger cities with more loot spawn points.
  5. zeeabo

    Day z resolution error

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200778-i-need-some-help/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200082-weird-low-resolution-bug-with-config-file/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200144-my-dayz-is-pixelated-help/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/202751-dayz-blurry-and-pixelated/ wat is serch?
  6. zeeabo

    Buff crossbows and normal bow

    Did you ever hear the story of Robin Hood? I believe his maxim was to "rob from the rich and give to the poor", not "kill the rich and destroy the loot". Just... Sayin'...
  7. zeeabo


    I think the problem is that one of the sound devs seems to have mixed up the audio files for "walk" and "stamp feet as loud as possible while walking" Walking footsteps are the same volume as full sprint, the only difference is the time lapse between footfalls.
  8. zeeabo


    Count your blessings, I'm surprised it runs at all on that, if you're getting a smooth experience even on minimum quality, you're lucky.
  9. zeeabo


    Still a better love story than Twilight.
  10. zeeabo

    Where/How to store loot?

    I can absolutely see where you are coming from. I suggest something that has worked very well for me- Pick one or two favorite servers (eg. a day server and a night server) and learn their reset times. This will make it a lot less likely for you to lose items to a reset. For example, I know the server I usually play resets at 4 hour intervals, 1am, 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm local time. Knowing this I can avoid dropping anything on the ground within 10 mins of a reset and the rest of the time use any random bush as my "tent", only difference being that it's not persistent through the reset. Anything you want to do in DayZ you should be able to to within a 4 hour server cycle. A tent should be a convenient luxury, not a necessity.
  11. zeeabo

    Where/How to store loot?

    I see your point, but there's a very easy fix for it- Don't get killed. Be patient, and drop everything you don't NEED to carry into the town with you. (i.e. drop everything if all you're going in for is to look for a single tool) This will have two positive effects; You'll be a lower value target- If it looks like you have nothing but a torch and battery, there's significantly less chance you'll be SOS unless you're on the coast. And if thew worst happens and you are killed, your gear won't be ruined or stolen and you can get it back as long as you weren't silly enough to try all this 5 mins before a server reset.
  12. zeeabo

    Where/How to store loot?

    I think you may have me confused with someone else. I play PVE/friendly/hunter/survivor and often go weeks without contact from another player. If you break a leg quite a lot, you're doing something wrong. In 185 hours I've broken my leg once, and again- you can find sticks in ANY tree as long as you have an axe. Which is something someone playing a survivor will be carrying. If you wish to truly play this game for what it is, survival, then you wouldn't carry 200kgs of gear everywhere you went. To reiterate, you do NOT need as much as you think you need. You can get by just fine with an axe and a box of matches, everything else is fluff. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/185071-post-your-gear-so-far/page-43#entry2026434 BTW that's my loadout if you're having trouble believing that you can carry everything you need with space to spare.
  13. zeeabo

    Where/How to store loot?

    The largest backpack is 35 slots. One pistol (without a holster), one stone and a medkit takes up 12 slots, just over one third of that space, not nearly most of it. Not to mention clothing with 2x2 slot capacity is very common- you could have a gun in your pants, medkit in your jacket, and a measly 4 slots taken up by your strange desire to carry rocks around Chernarus. Few questions.. Why on earth are you carrying a stone? Is it something you use at least once every session you play? Or just something you carry so you can complain about not having enough inv. space? What you you need sticks AND gas canister for? Gas can means you don't need sticks for a fire or vice versa. Also gas can is completely useless, and you can find sticks in ANY tree as long as you have an axe. If you drop a gun then find ammo for it in the next town, why not backtrack to where you know there is a gun waiting for you? For what it's worth, I never use anything bigger than the improv. backpack (20 slots, almost half the size of the "biggest pack in the game") and I've never had trouble carrying everything that I need with spares and extras and still leftover space for junk. With a bit more experience in the game you start to learn what is worth carrying and where you can trim fat/items that are so common they aren't worth carrying-> Like rocks, sticks, gas cans, etc