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Alan aka Alan

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Everything posted by Alan aka Alan

  1. Alan aka Alan

    Looking For a group/clan.

    Hello. My name is Alan and I'm a recruiter with ADK Gaming. ADK is a gaming community/clan/group or whatever you want to call us who has been up since the 90's and is currently one of the leading worldwide hosters for Epoch and we pretty much rule Overpoch right now in the US. Here is an example of what we offer in Epoch, though: We currently have four DayZ mod servers up and running and HIGHLY populated with fun/funny and mature gamers every day. Three of which being Epoch and one being Overpoch. In the next month, we plan on opening two more Overpoch servers on Namalsk and on either Taviana or Napf, as our ONE current Overpoch server is full every hour of the day. I'd love to go more in depth about who we are and what we do, but to learn everything you'd care to know, follow this link to our professionally designed website :) www.adkgamers.com DayZ is NOT our only community though. We have thousands of members spread over more than 30 different PC games so come and take a look at everything we have to offer whenever you'd like. I hope to see you soon! -Alan