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About DummieKing

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DummieKing

    [TUD] Is recruiting

    The Unmerciful Devils Info about the clan We are a new clan looking for people to play with, We mainly look for mature players with a good behavior but also fun to play with. We play on different servers and try to loot everything from small town to big town and kill all on our way Most of our people live in Europe but other mainlands should be fine to. Recuirements: 1] Must speak dutch or english 2] Must have TS3 or Skype with a good mic. 3] 14+ How to Apply 1] Steamname: 2] Region): 3] Are you willing to be active: 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a (Good) Michrophone: 5] How many Clans have you been In: 6] Are you willing to help other players: 7] What do you want to do when youre in the clan: Enter the answers of these questions in the comment bar below and you might get invited. Contact steam name: DancingPotato Contact skype name: rhdepenbrock
  2. The Unmerciful Devils Info about the clan We are a new clan looking for players to play with, We mainly look for mature players with a good behavior but also fun to play with. We play on different servers and try to loot everything from small town to big town and kill all on our way Most of our people live in Europe but other mainlands should be fine to. How to Apply 1] Steamname: 2] Region): 3] Are you willing to be active: 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a (Good) Michrophone: 5] How many Clans have you been In: 6] Are you willing to help other players: 7] What do you want to do when youre in the clan: Enter the answers of these questions in the comment bar below and you might get invited. Contact steam name: DancingPotato
  3. You can join mine, My steam name is DancingPotato add me
  4. DummieKing

    looking for a clan

    You can join mine, Add me on steam ID: DancingPotato. I will invite you from there.
  5. Does someone wanna join my new clan, We play 7 days to die, dayz and dead island, I'm searching members from around 15/18 years, Wanna join? Send me a message ID: DancingPotato or post a comment below.
  6. 1: My nickname is DancingPotato 2: I live in the Netherlands. 3: Im willing to be active for around 1 hour minimum a day. 4: Yes I have teamspeak and a Samson C01U Microphone so that shouldn't be a problem. 5: My steam name is also DancingPotato but changes alot lately. 6: Ive been playing dayz for around 4 days now, recently bought the game. 7: Ive been in 1 clans but hope to get more expeciance here. 8: I was just a recruit in my previous clans and listened to the rules alot. 9: Ive killed like 9 bandits in my play time, not really that much. 10: Yes i'm willing to help all the players who need help whatever it takes.