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Everything posted by Cuqah

  1. Cuqah

    I can't seem to find anyone

    Players are not going to be standing out in the open with outstretched arms for you. To them you are just another person who can kill them. Most will hide from you if they see you to avoid being killed.
  2. Cuqah

    Bad Connection, Server Rejected/Wrong CD Key

    on dayz commander you should see the name of the server you want to join. when you go in game and try and find it hit the filter button at the bottom of the screen. then you should see a blank where you can fill in the name or 'host' of the server you want. enter it there. it does not have to be the full name just put as much as you think you need. be sure you arent filling it into the blank for 'mission' however '
  3. Cuqah

    Make a status message

    That escalated quickly
  4. Cuqah

    Bad Connection, Server Rejected/Wrong CD Key

    Can you find it on DC?
  5. Cuqah

    Bad Connection, Server Rejected/Wrong CD Key

    Yeah i get the error message too, I only use DC for updates as of now, no real point to me launching through commander as oppose to ingame.
  6. Cuqah

    Bad Connection, Server Rejected/Wrong CD Key

    So just checking ive got this right. You can join servers now, just not when launching through DC?
  7. Cuqah

    Bad Connection, Server Rejected/Wrong CD Key

    i've previously had trouble launching servers through DayZ Commander, i advise you to launch straight from steam. When you go to launch the game, make sure you check the box next to "Play with Beta Patch" and try and join a server. Also use DayZ Commander to install the DayZ Update. I had that issue when i first got the game, i did not know that i needed to update the game from DayZ Commander.
  8. Cuqah

    possible Raft ?

    love the idea maybe this will get people to start setting up bases on the small islands around the map :thumbsup:
  9. Cuqah

    Picked unlimited ammo mag

    if BE doesnt think its wrong and is pretty much allowing you to use it (so long as you are not the one who put it in) then why do you think it is wrong.
  10. Cuqah

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    they stated before that while they will likely add more later, they would rather focus on more important issues.
  11. Cuqah

    Need help with mission scripts

    you are referring to the mission scripts for the dayz mod correct? if so id use DayZ commander to downloading everything, i havnt heard of vilayer. but if you do get DayZ Commander i can walk you through the steps its fairly simple, if you want a link to the dayz commander website then here http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  12. Cuqah

    Picked unlimited ammo mag

    thats been happening a lot lately. hackers are using engines to change the value of the ammo from lets say 30 rounds to any amount they want.
  13. Cuqah

    Sometimes cannot eat/drink

    If you are having trouble doing actions in the game after joining a server it happens to a lot of people. The problem normally goes away anywhere between 15 seconds to 3 minutes.
  14. Cuqah

    Russian dictionary?

    id rather not take the time to learn a new language for the sole purpose of a video game...
  15. Cuqah

    Being chased by bandits at NEAF (Video)

    pretty lucky those guys dont know how to aim
  16. When starting the game through Steam i get a popup that lets me choose how i want to start the game "Play Arma 2 : DayZ Mod, Play with Beta Patch" Wondering what is the difference between the two, i have been starting through the beta patch but is there anything different between them? incase you do not understand what i am talking about then here; http://prntscr.com/3ojsq2
  17. Cuqah

    SEREpoch Arma 2: Dayz Mod Review

    Seen quite a few servers like this, sad, once you find the right server however those servers become a thing of the past.
  18. Cuqah


  19. if you want perfect zombies i dont think youre going to get much from DayZ. the mod still has zombie problems.
  20. I think you're taking it way to seriously. They aren't going to make it so the zombies can knock you out in one hit to the toe. Its going to be slight if anything. And the game is an Alpha and it states that each time you load the game, don't expect it to be 100% smooth and glitch free.
  21. Cuqah

    Making DayZ work for OSX

    If you scroll down on all games from steam you can see the system requirements, and what operating systems can run the game. Please check this in the future before you buy games to avoid this. http://prntscr.com/3okdp6 too late to quote you but RayRay, will definitely be copying you with that steam profile signature. never knew there were sites for those
  22. Cuqah

    Kevin Thursting

    This was pretty well done, the static when the emergency broadcast came up made me jump. :thumbsup:
  23. Cuqah

    Game Glitch

    that happened to my friend he found a spot in between Svetlo and Berezinho i think where theres a fallen tree on top of a rock and if you vault onto the tree it launches you out into the ocean. think its just the game trying to push you out of what your are in and its pretty effective by that.
  24. Cuqah

    Russian dictionary?

    alot of online maps have the russian name under the english name, but it begins to become a hassle having to tab out of the game to check your position. i think that a dictionary would be really helpful if added. :thumbsup:
  25. Cuqah


    State of Decay is a great game, i feel if it had multiplayer i would play it alot more than i do. they cancelled the dev. of multiplayer sadly havnt touched the game since i heard the news. DayZ is alot better experience to me with the feel of having something different happen every time. once you beat the story in SoD it gets to a point where the only thing to do is shoot some zombies. not personally what i enjoy doing 24/7