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About aforeffort

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    On the Coast
  1. aforeffort

    Rocket, GJ on this Mod But...

    @ZedDeadBaby, you do realise that this doesn't actually add any difficulty to the game right? You are simply abusing the game, just play it right instead.
  2. aforeffort

    Update to Beta or not?

    Hello, I'm completely new to the ARMA series/game and also DayZ. I'm currently downloading and installing the game but I'm really confused about the patches. When I've installed Arma 2+Operation Arrowhead should I then update it to the "beta" patch? (Also, I don't really understand this, is this a beta patch for the DayZ mod or just the game itself?) What also confuses me is that there seems to be two different updates, for example I read somewhere about a 1.7.xx patch for DayZ and then there's this beta patch. So what should be installed and what should not be installed? I hope I didn't make the question confusing. :)