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About prodigy999

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bristol // England
  1. prodigy999

    NEW Epoch Map - Sauerland

    Wow it looks great! Will try it out now!
  2. Just joined them, and they are a great community!
  3. prodigy999

    when you die and then complain in chat

    I lol'ed at this. I remember on one of the server I donated for the armoured Little Bird, that's got hydras and mini-guns. He was camping in a tree line at a mission, just flew over, and sprayed the shit out of him with the mini guns and the chat after looked like this; Dion was killed Dion: F**K you you motherf****r Dion: I will come and rape your mother Dion: HACKER HACKER HACKER Dion: paedophile .....
  4. prodigy999

    Hey guys!

    Thanks for the beans, sharing is caring <3
  5. Sorry never mind the other post, just found you on Steam. I have added you, my steam ~ FoxyWolf
  6. prodigy999

    Hey guys!

    Hey guys, I have been a part of this forum for a while but now I have decided to make an account! Don't know why it took me so long :(
  7. I want to join you guys but can't seem to find you on steam mate. I'm also in UK and have a 2 year DayZ experience, so I am a good mature player. We can speak in further detail on steam or TS.