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Everything posted by xsilentddd

  1. xsilentddd

    [USG] is recruiting!

    Name (Screen Name) : Unitato Age : 17 Location (Country) : USA (california) TeamSpeak: Yes/No YES Steam Name/URL:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086341746/ Role (Sniper/Assault/Medic): sniper/assault. mainly sniper Average Hours Per Day: 3-10 depends if the clan is doing something Experience On DayZ: been playing for about 2-3 years Other (If necessary): Would love to play with mature people this time around.
  2. Im looking for other asians to join my dayz group.... Need Mic Teamspeak - TheDirtyPatriots.teamspeakcp.com
  3. xsilentddd

    Looking for Asians to join my dayz group

    I need a group of asians 17+ to play DAYZ OVERPOCH WITH ME.. Join Ts for more INFO. TheDirtyPatriots.teamspeakcp.com TheDirtyPatriots.teamspeakcp.com TheDirtyPatriots.teamspeakcp.com TheDirtyPatriots.teamspeakcp.com
  4. xsilentddd

    Looking for Asians to join my dayz group

    I am looking for asians only to play with :D
  5. xsilentddd

    Looking for Asians to join my dayz group

    Yes sure please come to the teamspeak for more information
  6. xsilentddd

    [Jingo] Clan recruitment

  7. Ive have added you on steam.., my name is Chrissylicious.
  8. I would like to join your group... My steam name is Chrissylicious and you can add me there n message me