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Everything posted by Kaboki

  1. Kaboki

    Surviving Day 1 in DayZ

    Just circle around them and take aim for the head, once you get the hang of it you will find out that zombies are no threat at all you just need to learn the teqnique. You actually can take 5-6 zombies down at the same time pretty easy with a shovel without getting hit, even easier with an axe. They can take more hits on stable than on EXP(think they are way too easy on exp).
  2. Kaboki

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    #5 So you and Machete Master can take a shit together :lol: (sorry couldn't resist)
  3. The only decent one I could find lately is the ZeroSurvival.net 1.8.1 server, though it is 3rd person, it's populated most of the time, but also empty sometimes:(. Finding a populated one with 1st person view is impossible...
  4. Kaboki

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Don't give me more great ideas :D , why not, it would fit perfectly into this gritty athmosphere of surviving an apocolypse, allthough I think that wouldn't happen because then I think BI would have a hard time getting this game published....But if possible YES. And also eating humans(cannibalism) would be great, then I would start a crazy sect picking up fresh spawns and kidnap them with hancuffs and burlap sack and take them into the dark woods for a weird ritual before slaying them and eat them..Muhahahahaha. (Im not a rapist cannibal in real life, just one that see more possibilities of great roleplay and make Dayz even more scary, movies have it why not video games?)
  5. Kaboki

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Hell yeah!! With all the beans we eat in this game it should eventually come out sometime. More realism the better, Im all in:D. Also make us able to have sex with the female characters ingame, that would be fun, imagine stumbling upon 2 lovebirds in the woods and catch them with their pance down unable to defend themselves, oh man that would be awsome..
  6. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Oh yeah, in SA I can find 1st person servers all the time that has people on it, in Dayz Mod there is noone. And if I find one it has 200+ vehicles 24/7 daylight and all that crap. Name 1 server that has this: 1st person only, day and night mode and vanilla settings like ZeroSurvival.net and has more than 15 players. I don't know what browser you have that magicly has alot of these servers, in my browser they are nonexistant. I would be forever grateful if you find one for me... Read all my posts and you'll see that having this option doesn't cater to me at all.... When Im a bandit I don't want everyone to know where Im doing it, and as it is in SA now, nobody gets announced where I am. And if they do it over walkie talkies, then fine, because that would be realistic, and youll have to find one first and not everyone would be listening, and when you got one it could get ruined too so you loose that ability or maybe your battery dies out etc. And not everyone has one from the start as they would with sidechat... As it is now it's harder, and I think it should stay that way. Knowing where bandits are or announcing it should be a privilige you earn by finding these items ingame and not somehting you automaticly get when logging in. With sidechat the bambie would always know where to go and where not too to be safe, takes away all the risk of being a survivor.... And I have 2 walkie talkies, and it's always turned on on the default and another channel. I have not yet heard a single soul talking on them so for the moment even the walkie talkie doesn't serve as sidechat. I have yelled 100 of times into the mic on the default frequency and not once has my call been answered...Theres is no one spammign the frequencys with info at all, no one. Heck I even wish sometimes that more people talked with them, because it's a cool 'realistic feature'. I kinda feel like Rick in walking dead where he tries to connect with that first surviver he met but never get an answer... If sidechat was there I'll bet it would be constant chatter there all the time just like in the mod and everyone would see it because they don't need to find a radio first..
  7. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    There is only one decent one in there and that is ZeroSurvival.net but it has 3rd person view so it doesn't fit me..... Rest are just crap 200+ vehicles and selblodbagging and shit. And that ZeroSurvival server is empty most of the time of day I play....Find me a server like it but with 1st person only that is populated and I'll be grateful and I'll shut up... And also find me a Namalsk server that is close to ZeroSurvival.net that is populated, heck even one with 3rd person as long as it's not 24/7 daylight and 200+ vehicles.... And also I just browsed dayz commander just know, and it doesn't even have close to the numbers that's in your screenshoot, only 2 servers with more than 15 players and they are crap... If I filter out 3rd person, I get one server that has any players(13) but it has 999 vehicles..... This is what has fucking happend to the mod and I wouldn't like it to happen to Dayz SA too..
  8. Im not kicking a man when he's down, I just telling the thruth of what the communety has become....Hardcore servers are still out there, but not a single soul plays on them because when easymode is available most people seem to choose it... Name a single non 3rd person view server with vanilla hard settings and also has night mode that has any people playing on them,,,,please,,,I have looked for weeks but their all gone.....Give me one and I'll shut up(preferably a namalsk server), but chernarus would also be fine....
  9. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Giving admins to much choice on the servers isn't good at all, look at what happend to the mod. Try find a populated server today that doesn't have 1000+ vehicles, self bloodbagging and all that bullshit. Most people when given the option seems to choose the easy way and that ruined the mod. I'd say force everyone to play Dayz SA like it was supposed to be(hard), that way it won't be ruined like the mod with all these COD kids paradise servers. Give us realism instead of easymode, where you always know where bandits are because it gets announced over sidechat and you know where all the heros to you rescue are because they annonce it too you, also I don't want my position to be revealed when Im a bandit, takes away the element of surprise and makes it too easy for heros to hunt me down.
  10. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Choice is sometimes good, but in this chase not!! Because if you give the admins the option, we all know every server will have it turned on and then we who don't want it are forced to have it just like in the mod. So no matter how you look at it, your suggestion force us to play the way you want, just as not having it force you to play the way we want...
  11. Kaboki

    Why do you play DayZ?

    Well, Im open minded, so tell us what you want to see implemented too avoid KOS'ing? I you really have a solution, then tell us instead of whining about getting KOS'ed. Out of my 140 hour playing I have been KOS'ed 5-6 times, I don't see that as a big problem at all. In a real apocalypse, there would be phsycopats, serial killers, cannibals, rapists, nechrophiles and all sorts of scum that wouldn't ask if your friendly before they kill you and eat your corpse...When you get KOS'ed, just pretend that it was one of these kinds that killed you, very realistic if you ask me. And no, I never KOS myself but we need KOS'ers just as we need heros, bandits and naive mothefuckers. I want to have the fear of being sniped, and that I have too be on the edge all the time to avoid getting killed, just like I would fear anyone in a real apocalypse.
  12. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Me too, but I have never made contact with anyone. What is the range of these things and why doesn't anybody use them? One time I made broadcast for hours but no one picked up and answered me..I have started to think maybe they don't work....
  13. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Yeah so you wanna force others play the way you want and I wanna force you to play the way I want this game to be played, what's the difference?. Im voicing my opinion for players who want realism, you want more unrealistic ways to cummunicate, fair enough...We already have teamspeak for that... We all know that the minute we give admins the right to turn on sidechat, all servers will have it, just like in the mod.....
  14. Kaboki

    Machete Master - I done my best

    Well he's fake, im the real master of all machete masters, I command you to end that fake machete masters life or the real master of all machete masters is gonna hunt you down to end you and your fake machete masters life. :D Im the god of all machete masters in the universe...muhahahahaha
  15. Kaboki

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    Range is one thing, but the Arma engines simulates real physics better than any engine out there. There is so much more going on under the hood than in any other arcade engine out there. BF4 engine, works good for an arcade game, no way in hell that I want an engine like that for dayz.... I am a 'simmer' and fly alot of flightsimulators and heli sims, and Arma engines actually are pretty close to those sims with heli physics allthough it doesn't simulate 'vortex ringstate' and other advanced things but it does a fair job with the basics, now where arma shines is what it simulates when it comes to ground combat and weapon systems. BF4 engine and other FPS engines does not simulate shit, they just look pretty....
  16. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Ok, but fuck text sidechat texting too, It should be hard to find friends in an apocalypse, It should not be as easy as text 'wanna team up' on sidechat. And no one should be 'warned' where bandits are and areas to avoid, it takes away all the risks. If you want to talk bullshit with your friends use fucking teamspeak or something. Wanna play with others join a clan or whatever or get your friends to play with you. And no, there is no 'funny' guys on sidechat, only dickheads that ruin the fucking immersion, I could not care less if it even was Bill Hicks speaking over global. If I want funny guys speak I go watch a comedy show or something.
  17. Kaboki

    Any News on Global Chat?

    Noooooooooo, fuck the sidechat, it was the most annoying thing in the mod because there was always some idiot that wanted to fart into the mic or something, and once somebody started it was like an spreading infection and all the sudden all kinds of weird noises started coming out of sidechat from more and more people and it totally ruined the immersion. And then I had to go through alot of 'muting', sometimes upto 10 people had to be muted. And even the sidechat text is annoying..... We have walkie talkies, they only need to give them a little more range and also make them more easy to find....then we can communicate more realisticly.... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck sidechat, never allow any admins to turn it on again ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Exactly what I ment, it all depends on what the terrain is like and recoil also makes it impossible to see at far ranges, heck I have trouble seing the impact at even 200 meters with .22lr unless I shoot into water... Maybe theres something wrong with my eyes :rolleyes:
  19. But im sure it's just temperary anyway and you'll get that hit detection later on....
  20. Have you ever tried a sniper rifle in real life? Then you would know that you won't see where the bullet lands unless you use a 50Cal and the bullet hits a sand dune.....
  21. Kaboki

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    All you guys that say BI engines are crap and all and compares them to arcadish FPS engines, wake up!! ARMA engines are simulators, where engines like Frostbite and others are arcade FPS engines. When doing simulation it takes alot more computer resources than these other non simulator engines and are much more harder to develop. Arma engines are unique and we don't have any good alterantives to them, if Dayz ever was built on some of these arcadish FPS engines it would be the day I stopped playing Dayz. I want realism and not an arcade game...
  22. So someone has problems at sniper hill??? Can't wait until we get wind affecting snipers and make it really hard to calculate hits:D