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About DonGlover420

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. We could only hope, but the dev's have not posted anything about it on reddit or the dayz dev hub.... One could only hope though, right?
  2. DonGlover420

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yesterday (5/29/14) I had to gear back up because a bandit and her crew saw us waiting for freshies in Berenzino ( I know, screw bandits - right?) and we were executed. No biggie - a fair reason to have to gear back up. After work I decided to gear back up and head back. So after 3 hours, I was geared to the teeth again. I met up with a few other friends in berenzino to scope out bandits. It was going good when some guy started firing an m4a1 at my friends. This wasn't any m4a1. He had infinite bullets, and his bullets peirced through the walls ( As if he had a walls down hack). So my question is - when is Bohemia going to actually regulate on hackers? Its appearant that "Battleeye Client" is garbage. As of late, there have been so many hackers that I can't enjoy hunting other players without the worry that my gear grind will be for nothing. H1Z1 is right around the corner. Looks cleaner. The company SOE (Sony) is known for creating epic titles such as DC Universe, and Everquest. Bohemia, if you are listening, I hope for the sake of my current favorite game, that you guys get the show on the road. 2 years later and still in Early alpha stage.