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About lanter

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  1. lanter

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

  2. lanter

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    But people aren't encouraged to act like they are in an eating contest at all. Why would you go and eat 10.000 cans of food, when you can more easily hit up a larger city and get yourself a blood transfusion?
  3. lanter

    How many vets?

    I'm here since Armed Assualt. Never got involved much in the online community though, the steep learning curve and high expectations when joining a clan are too much for me. I was in a realism unit in RnL, jesus fuck, never again do I want to be called sir or corporal or whatever again.
  4. Stop giving Rocket such a hard time, you guys :D
  5. lanter

    Dynamic Underground Shelters-Interiors

    The goose is loose once again, well thought out my man. This game could use some random elements (besides player interaction and whatnot) to keep it interesting. To the whole bandit argument: There are easier and more nasty ways for a bandit to kill already. Camping spawns with a sniper is one of them. So I am not too worried about that.
  6. lanter

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    We've got food for this. Especially hunting is a great way to restore blood. I believe no game mechanic ever should motivate a player to idle around waiting for a problem to fix itself.
  7. lanter

    Combine clips

    Yes, a thousand times yes!
  8. lanter

    Solo play = frustrating

    I agree with what you are saying. The knockdown doesn't help much either. Generally these situations are avoidable though, by first scouting the environment before moving in. If the loot appears to be too hot, leave it be. That decision is still occasionally made in the group of 4 folks I am playing in. Because of my caution, I haven't died in a long time. I have been playing for at least 20 hours on my character, I imagine it being close to 30 right about now.
  9. On short term, yeah that would be a neat idea. On long term, I would still like the player's play style to determine the way they look. Rocket was talking about some faction stuff, which might do just that.
  10. lanter

    Whats your Reason?

    I am currently a bandit, based on the morality system. Got into a confusing situation where I ended up shooting my buddy. We were in Stary and found dead survivors laying about everywhere. Naturally we got paranoid, at one point my pal heard something. We decided to go outside to see what was out there, but both went out a different door, figuring the other was being us. Outside we got into contact with who we both thought to be the outsider. "IS THAT YOU?" "NO! I AM SEEING THE OTHER GUY THOUGH!" Thinking my friend was behind me, I shot. As soon as I heard my buddy yell out that he got shot by the bandit I realized what I had just done. ;_;
  11. lanter

    IF this was an actual game...

    Payment Model: Either free to play, or game purchase only. I really like the f2p model, if done well (Tribes: Ascend). But I don't see it working well just like that in something like Dayz. Seeing as with a free to play system, people expect some long term persistent reward for their hard earned money, which is kind goes against what this mod is about. If you find a way to properly implement it though, all the power to you. Community developed or studio developed? Definitely studio developed, I do, to a certain extend believe in firm game design where a certain development route is decisively taken. Too many different ideas by too many different people mostly ends up being a product which does a lot of things, but none well. That don't mean you don't got to listen to your community at all though. Full extremes are rarely the way to go. Community or studio servers? or both? Community hosted servers. Kickstarter? or not? No Kickstarter. Not a fan of it, I'd like to have at least some footage or preferably a playable release before I put my money into something. Been screwed over by broken promises a bit too often in the past. If you decide doing this on the same engine though, that's enough proof for me. There are plenty like-minded people who haven't played the mod and don't own combined operations though. I'd love to see this being part of Arma 3 in one form or another. But I don't know how welcoming you and Bohemia are to that idea. The engine is a big part of what makes this mod so great for me.