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About slingblade

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    On the Coast
  1. slingblade

    Tents have now become more important than ever

    So far I have found tents to be a big no-no I find a military tent pitch it in a good place put a bunch of stuff and.........next day gone. Then I find 2 blue tents same day pitch them close to two good spawn spots in the woods on sparse server........first reset......poof both gone. Then I find another military tent put couple of things in it and first reset gone. Today I find a tent leave town go into hills find a spot accidentally hit G instead of tab and it throws the tent on the ground and poof gone before I even set it up. Since I am a loner and basically kill everything within 50 m I would have big issue pitching a tent and then on Tuesday I'm supposed to take everything out of tent and hold tent until Wednesday wipes and then put back down. How am I gonna do that if I have to hold tent and all the "extra" stuff I stored in it? I am a packrat but in this game best to just have a vest and just hold a gun. Thats my other beef is that I have never found my dead body for getting anything back ever in this standalone. Its always gone. So its like hardcore Diablo 2 you die you die thats it. I have been big advocate of Overpochins with build ability, locks, safes and a way to make a spot to live. This Alpha might not even be Beta until 2020 it seems. The fact that zombies run up and then lung from 10 feet away with automatic hit everytime and half of those ruin anything you carry on pants, shirt and vest because the animation isn't there yet is a little aggravating. I know its not a game yet and thats why I have only put in about 500 hours of play. It would also be nice if you could actually know what server your on in a private game I started in one today found a smersh vest in first building and then the server reset and I can't find the game again........... I'm a fan so enough raggin think I'll go kill something and if I'm lucky I find matches so I can cook it before I eat it.
  2. slingblade

    Compass always wrong?

    After reading this thread I think that half of the people have no clue how to use a compass. The pointer has a red end that "always points north" If you rotate your charactor and line up the North on outside of the compass with the red pointing direction then you are looking at your compass in the right direction. If you just look at the compass rotated the wrong direction you are looking at the outside dial North not the magnetic red pointer..............duh
  3. Hi, I have a question. I played about 3 days on the first server listed in this thread and had bought 3 vehicles. A black Gaz Limo (the fancy car), a sturdy V35 Yellow Cab Open Url and a Green camo uaz. All lock. I was near NEAF and had a starter camp with a shed and a couple doors in prebuilt server garage and the area is not well traveled. I would say 6 to 8 people on the server. . Decided to drive to Bash to get a safe. It took like 45 minutes to round trip and no resets during this time. When I got back both the V35 ural and the Gaz Limo were gone. Before I left I had gone 100 m away from camp area and pitched tent and put keys for the V35 and Gaz there. The Gaz was parked in a different area about 150 m away in a group of trees.against another building very well hid. So guess the question is How did someone steal both vehicles without the keys (they were still in the hidden tent)? I could think someone could have maybe one hotwire kit only solution I could think of is an admin either deleted the 2 vehicles or took them. If possible could an admin look and see what happened?? Probably about 8:00pm Pacific time 08-15-14 and my handle is slingblade. One guy suggested hackers did it but doubt that since most servers have good anti hack. thanks for listening Slingblade
  4. slingblade

    Stuck at Requesting character data from server

    nice its a dead url nothing at it and nobody can fix this anyway
  5. slingblade

    stuck at "waiting for character to create"

    if update is issue how come I can join other Dayz Overpoch servers but not mine. I added some buildings didn't work and removed it and still get stuck on waiting for charactor Data Its happened before I had to reinstall the entire pbo from scratch. Plus on Overwatch with Chernarus map I can't get buildings to show up from mission side or server side and dzai/wicked/ems does not work. No good forums I've found dealing with the buggy overpoch...........nice guns and skins but other then that its not worth the effort...............anyone ever use the USSR Chey...something sniper rifle?? That is an awesome weapon
  6. I have exactly the same problem its only one server others work and I can access that server with my other computer that has a different gui number. I reinstalled the 1.62 upgrade for OA and I put the newest BattlEye dll from their website in OA. I can join other servers.
  7. Check it out at http://www.bitcoingamerz.com and visit our donator store for never ending specials. We have 3 servers right now working on a 4th. Grumpyworld Once you have grown a pair Pinkie's Revenge, Greenmountain and soon Dreadlock NOT FOR THE MEEK OR TIMID Many extra's and friendly admins. On Grumpyworld we have 2 Prisons, 1 Goldmine, several new cities dozens of forts and bases. Roving AI Bandits in Vehicles, on foot and Heli with parachute drops. Extra missions and many options for Custom Loadouts, Building Supplies and much much more We lean towards military style with plenty of high end weapons and armored stuff. PVP welcome Stay Frosty NPC are not the stand around type. Tips to killing AI: *Always utilize cover, never stay out in the open. This allows you to pick and choose your targets instead of scrambling to take out targets who've got you in their sights. *Be aware, they will try to flank you, it's the only tactic they know of. This also applies to zeds/zombies/walkers/biters/etc; While they should be your secondary concern while engaging AI, you need to make sure that you either keep switching to different cover or be sure to thin the number of them before they become overwhelming. *Never try to peak out of cover to shoot an AI who's already aiming towards you, always try to fire on them as they're moving or not aiming at you. This is assumed that you are in cover and aren't in immediate danger. *Don't panic-bandage, you've got enough blood to last you and trying to bandage while they're moving in will land you closer to death. *Always double-tap your targets, AI have a tendency to get knocked-out just as much as normal players and they will get back up to shoot you in the face if you don't confirm they're dead. (Headshots aren't always fatal to them.) *Don't get greedy, wait until after all of the AI bandits have been eliminated, or else you might get caught in the loot menu while that one guy with a makarov decides to walk up and unload the clip into your silly little head. *This last tip may be one of the most important and crucial, so remember it well; Keep your distance from AI, the farther you are the higher your survival chance as most of them don't carry long-range weaponry. Slingblade, Tech Support, Paris, Jack Frost Admins Looking for scripter and others to enhance our project please enquire at our website www.BitcoinGamerZ.com
  8. We have a Dayz.ST server with this issue that even a fully repaired vehicle if it taps a gate or sign will blow up. We also have an issue that many high end weapons if used against sarge ai npc bandits will instantly kill the user. Example 110 TW rifle if you shoot bandit........your dead if you use DMR you are not, if you use M16, M17 ect your instantly dead...........lesser guns under dmr no problem. Not sure if these are related but seems like they might be. This server is built with more military minded type players so some of these new weapons were added so maybe some filter didn't get put in? Any ideas ? Thanks in advance Slingblade PS. besides that we are the best set of servers around www.bitcoingamerz.com Grumpyworld, Pinkie's Revenge and Greenmountain not for the timid or meek