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About airborneguy

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  1. Hackers most likely use exploits asnd cheats to steal base items. Happens daily
  2. The devs know that most of the player base has moved on from Dayz. These forums used to be so crowded. So many Fanboyz, and now they are all gone. The game isnt worth sinking more money into as is why they have a very small crew updating it every quarter. I think Bohemia is working on Arma4 at this point
  3. airborneguy

    1.13 Experimental Release

    Read pls
  4. airborneguy

    Moving into 2020

    Seems like you guys could have added new buildings instead of porting them over to Livonia. fairly disapointed
  5. airborneguy

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    Or a troll
  6. airborneguy

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    Wait, wait, wait, wait...didnt the fan boys always say that Alpha was for content and beta was for bug fixing? Im confused.
  7. airborneguy

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    Yes this is a game breaking issue in my eyes. Every time I shoot at someone, they run behind the bushes. Bushes should effect the trajectory of the round but not deflect it entirely. This looks like Brian Hicks at work again. We dont want to go back to those years, do we?
  8. airborneguy

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    The bushes and trees are bullet proof? Is this getting fixed at some point?
  9. airborneguy

    DayZ and its future

    I agree with this statement
  10. airborneguy

    Beta == 1.0 This year?

    Chk the status report
  11. airborneguy

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    I'm not sure why there shouldn't be more items checked off considering how long we have gone without an experimental branch release. 10 months I believe.
  12. airborneguy

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Yes but how long was dayz in development before they released us a pre alpha?
  13. airborneguy

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    I wonder when Bohemia will step in and do something about this mess.
  14. airborneguy

    Beta in Q2?

    Then it can not be called beta if everyone says that alpha is for "implementing things".
  15. airborneguy

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    I like how no one bothered to respond took this. I guess when you put out facts, the Fan Boyz stay home... Thank you!