Connection Information: Or on DayZ Commander search [WD]. ORIGINAL EPOCH TOPIC: We're currently running a "Bambi Special". If you can catch an admin (on Steam would prob work best) we'll give you a safe! If you can bring 3 people. will give you all one safe AND a low tier base box to help you get situated Hosted at 40 Slot server hosted in Atlanta GA, USA Join us on Teamspeak! Visit our forum community! General Server Information: 4 hour restarts GREAT FPS!!! Rotating day/night cycle. 1 Night cycle per 12 hours. If the script doesn't hitch, 2 hours of dark on one restart, 2 hours on the next. 8 hours of daylight in between night. Should suit all play styles. Survivor starting gear. Map, compass, pistol, hatchet, small backpack, basic med supplies to help get your started. 3 Missions running at any given time. 3 levels of difficulty to suit all players, new or old, solo or team. 200+ vehicles randomly spawn on the map. New players will receive a bonus gift from the admins (provided one is online) We try to accomodate all play times, but sadly, even admins need sleep. If you log on and don't see an admin, we'll try and find you next time you log on to give you your gift. LIMITED TIME ONLY Addons : Self Blood Bag. ( Credits to Krixes for original script ) Regenerate Blood over time (Credits to Schwede) Welcome Credits (Credits to ZedBuster) Commit Suicide ( Credits to Grafzahl for original script, Axeman for cancel function ) Building Object Snapping ( Credits to OtterNas3 for the extended version, original script/idea by Maca ) Tow/Lift (Credits to Commander Retra) Evac Chopper ( Credits to OtterNas3 for original script ) Wicked AI with Paradrop chance on missions. ( Credits to Mark311 ) DayZ Mission System ( Credits to TheVampire ) DZMS Hunter/City AI (Currently disabled due to "difficulty".) Deploy Bike from Toolbox ( Original script by oOSmokyOo, modified by Maestro/AN1M4L ) Master Key System / Key Changer ( Credits to OtterNas3 for original script, combined effort from the entire admin crew to get it to work on our server ) Spawn Selection ( Credits to Gezzunder for the original script, W4lly for Napf version ) Fill water bottle from rain. ( Credits to BDC ) Take Clothes script. ( Credits to Zabn for original script ) Custom Gold Mine WIP( Credits to Saizyn ) Custom Death/Load Screen ( Credits to AN1M4L.exe ) AGN Safezone Script ( Credits to AGN/Original author ) Bury/Bag body for +/-humanity (Credits TBA) Smoke from the hookah (Credits TBA) Trade Zone Bag Protection (Credits TBA) Repair/Refuel/Rearm (credits TBA) I'm sure I've missed some add on that we have put in. I'm also quite sure I've flubbed the credits for some of these scripts. The ones that are TBA, I honestly can't remember which version we're using, or its been edited to the point that its not like the original version at all. I'll rectify these errors as soon as possible. Edits were made today to the mission system, a balancing act for some spawn issues, and a new(er) system for allowing some missions to be "hero" AI, so our Bandit players can get a little bit of negative humanity whilst doing the missions. At least, until we get a player base large enough to support being a bandit this will stay in effect so everyone can access the vendor they'd like, and have the play style they'd like. A note for some things to look forward to in the future: New Bandit/Hero shop lists, and updated pricing adding the Gems as a usable currency, instead of just trading gemstones for gold. New heavy vehicles are being debated for the loot table or mission loot. Still haven't gotten a lock on which one's we'll be going with, but they'll be worth the effort. AI Island. We've all seen various iterations of the north east island. We're building our own to give our players something a bit more "end game" to work towards. This area will NOT be a solo player area. Unless you're like... Frankie or DDG or someone who is just uber lucky and wicked good with every single weapon in the game. Other stuff thats too far down the pipe to talk about today. Come by and give us a shot. New players are always welcome! Also, we're working on tweaking a script that will allow players to switch seats in an air vehicle in the event of a loss of pilot. Mostly this is to help with anyone that may get disconnected, but we do understand that it could make taking out helo's more difficult. As always, once its installed and we hear back from the players we'll make the final decision on keeping it or tweaking it further. Thats all the news for today. Come join us! MK16 and MK17 weapons are now available as mission loot. They'll be added to the shops soon (most of the shop work will be done after 1.05). Until then, you can pick up a new weapon and play with it for a while. Events are now available. Just a few standard small events to give all our players a little boost when it comes to getting gear. Not enough stuff to make a person rich, or unbeatable, but its a nice change. I believe the events will be changed to start working as an AN-2 Cargo drop in a few days, so look for that change. Abandoned Vaults! After 14 days on the server, if a vault or lockbox hasn't been touched, the server now unlocks it. There's also a random event that could show you the location of them in the form of an event. So, yea... more progress! Trade Gems has been moved from a scroll wheel option, to the building supplies trader (all cities). Seemed to be freaking out every now and then and causing players to not be able to properly trade. So, we moved to the internal menu to make things smoother. Also, the prices were updated to promote a more balanced economy. Some minor changes to missions, mostly balancing and loot possibilities. Self blood bag has been adjusted to be a bit more ..... survival-ly ? Blood bag yourself out in the wild, for only 2k blood. Blood bag yourself near a medical vehicle for 4k blood. Blood bag yourself near/in a hospital or medical tent for 8k blood. Get your buddy to do it, get a full heal out of the deal. Also, for those who have joined recently (and this is posted in other locations as well). You shouldn't leave your vehicles in a trade city during restart times. It'll get teleported somewhere within 500m of said Trade City. And it'll be unlocked. Thats a good way to lose your stuff. Speaking of trader cities! I've added a load of new items to the appropriate shops. The MK16 and 17 variants are now available, along with the ammo to go with them. We've also added the RPG7 and M79 grenade launcher to the loot table and shops. Each air vehicle trader has also gotten a new shipment of Pook choppers, of all types and kinds. (literally, every variant) Pick yours out today!