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About triplehelix

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  1. triplehelix

    [HOW TO] Not Get Shot By A Player

    4 days of playing and you're going to write a guide on player interaction. I've been playing for 4 weeks and I don't have nearly enough experiences with players to even have a clear idea in my head of how to approach every situation. Your sample size from experiences is far too small to be able to comment on the meta of DayZ players. I don't think player interaction really should even have a guide. My DayZ philosophy I try to live by: "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
  2. triplehelix

    Skalisty island

    I loled when you said you took a pair of Night Vision Goggles then said "I only took what I needed to survive." :)
  3. triplehelix

    cant slow crawl ?

    This happens to me from time to time. Usually I go into a different stance and change my speed a few times (double tapping shift) and then return to prone and try it again. This doesn't always seem to work though, I'll post here if I can find a consistent fix.
  4. triplehelix

    Ingame voip question

    These experiences were in earlier versions of 1.7.1.(<5). Sorry I should have specified that and have now created some confusion :/ Does anyone know if that (crosshair chat) was a recent change? as I can't recall a specific experience in 1.7.1.(>=4).
  5. triplehelix

    Ingame voip question

    ok, well that's good to know for voip. but if i see white text, does that mean someone is within 50m of me? I've seen it a few times and hit the floor but I've never been able to find any movement... i didn't try to contact as it was a conversational type post that implies there are 2+ survivors in the group.
  6. triplehelix

    Barren Map

    esc>respawn. good luck Captsavmhoe
  7. triplehelix

    Barren Map

    I hit respawn, without spawning quick the server and the game. relaunched and rejoined, new life. good luck Ponzo!
  8. triplehelix

    Barren Map

    had the same problem, just ended my guys life. oh well on to the next life :)
  9. triplehelix

    Near impossible for new players now

    I lol'd over the individuals who say "I've played for 3 hours, and this game needs to change." Ha, develop your own game the way you want to play it if you can't master this game in 20 minutes. I've been playing this game a week but I understand to head north from the start and avoid other players and mobs of zombies to stay alive. My current life has 15 zombie kills despite the fact I've been running around with an akm and 8 clips for a couple days. I've found about a dozen or so shotguns and pistols that I've passed up over the last 24 hours, I just stay clear of big cities and search safer areas. If you try to loot buildings that have already been looted by half of the server because it's close to your spawn, you're going to have a bad time. If you want to run into big cities after finding a weapon and go guns blazing on zeds then the game allows you to do that. But actions don't come without consequences... Good luck everyone.