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Everything posted by Wexoch

  1. Hello, today my team shot 4 people, but we couldn't loot the bodies. We could get into the bodies, but not withdraw any loot from them. What we tried: -splitting and moving around ammo in the body which we were able to do -relogging -moving around near the body and trying to loot -trying to put stuff into the body (couldn't) -trying to detach something from his gun (couldn't) we had this problem with all 4 bodies, although my friend was able to loot 1 of the 4 bodies we couldn't loot. Any advice?
  2. Oke, we just got killed by a teleporting sniper wallhacker near Berezino. The amount of hackers makes the game unplayable right now for me and my group. We will be quitting untill the next anti-hack update. I wish the developers good luck trying to prevent this hacking situation. Alpha or not, the hackers should be banned.
  3. As far as I know there's 3 ways to shoot through walls: 1)I believe there's a way to bug your weapon through a wall to shoot inside buildings, I think.(only saw this once): Me and my friends were in an intense firefight in Berezino once where we retreated in one of those big blue container halls near the harbor. We were camping both entrances when we were suddenly sprayed death from behind. We saw weapons glitching through the hangar walls and spraying everywhere, we couldn't fight back... 2)Now I believe there's also another known way to shoot through walls: When people were glitching inside the prisons at the north east airfield, you could also shoot out of the wall at players outside of the prison walls. I died numerous times likes that. We looked up a video on how to do it and tried it ourselves: We confirmed: You could shoot at players outside of the walls, when you were glitched inside. 3)But the wallshooting I described in this topic was something different I believe. I encountered this way of wallshooting 1 week ago when there was a major amount of hackers before the latest update which resolved this for a while I believe. There was a guy using a speedhack, an infinite ammo m4, a hack that caused everyone's weapon to automatically withdraw when you were about 200metres near him(and you couldn't draw it back), but most notably a wallshooting hack. I don't know if he could shoot through walls because he was also bugging through them like with 2). Anyways we were camping near the Berezino docks when suddenly someone started spraying some insane amount of m4 shots, we saw these shots coming out of the factory walls and spraying all over us. My friend who was also in Berenzino was camping in a whole different place. He saw the hacker coming towards him from the house window. (It was a window you can't shoot through, we tested those type of windows). Anyways my friend ran away from the window to go downstairs to shoot at the hacker, but his whole house got sprayed on and he died. Anyways, whatever is going on right now in DayZ, I am sure many more players will report on this and you will eventually be convinced that there's some new hack or something out there that allows you to hit through buildings/walls.
  4. Oh wow, so many haters on berenzino. Look man, this game is in alpha and there are numerous reasons why my friends and I enjoy a high amount of contact in places like Berenzino where it's also easy to meet up with friends. We don't mind the bandits, the dupers, the glitching, but the hacking is insane and game breaking. Ofcourse we can go west and we won't meet hackers theres, but we won't meet anyone there and that ain't fun for us.
  5. The hacks are back... Just had 3 incidents in ~5hours of Dayz in 2 different servers with our group of 4. In 1 incident we were with 2 people inside the police station, camping both doors, when suddenly we were both killed by mosin shots through the walls. This was in Server 1 In another incident we were chasing snipers west of Berenzino, when 1 of them suddenly logged in into the house I was. I knocked him unconcious and stole his gear, then proceeded to camp the house while waiting for my friends. He logged off while unconcious so I didn't even have to kill him. Then suddenly I started taking damage and I heard the melee punching sound. I started running around and was then knocked unconcious. There was no one in the house! I then heard 2 people talk to eachother, loot my body and kill me. This was in Server 2. The group of friends I was waiting on were in another place in Berenzino (so it couldn't be the same guys that hacked), and they were camping in a house and also shot through the walls by mosin fire. Nobody was in the house, there were no windows and they weren't sticking their heads out. So, in 5 hours of gameplay on 2 different servers, we came across ~6 hackers. Total population of those 2 servers was like 50 people. We didn't even meet everyone on those servers, so who knows how many hackers there really were, but it's more than 10% of the community! Basically, unplayable game right now for our group and what we do. (Troll around in Berenzino) I don't even mind infinite ammo, people bugging through walls to see everyone inside, duping, as long as people don't wallhack/speedhack/aimbot or use the hack that your weapon withdraws from your hands when the hacker comes close to you. That is just lame.
  6. So a few weeks ago I was running around in Berenzino when I came across a guy with a shotgun who started shooting at me. He hit me and I dropped down: Fracture. But no bleeding! I wondered how that is even possible, I managed to kill the guy from prone position. I was like: Oh yeah, the shotgun is bad. So today I was killed and in the process of re-gearing myself. I managed to pick up a shotgun somewhere and some shotgun rounds and my journey began. I was in a busy city in Berenzino again so I was expecting some enemies, but still I was suprised when I saw a fully geared m4 holding guy on the stairs inside a random house I was looting. I quickly shot once, but missed, because I was still moving and didn't aim carefully. He didn't appear to be camping the stairs, but doing something else instead. He didn't instantly react when he saw me. So I carefully stood still and aimed at his chest with the aim down sight function. Basically like in this picture (red dot): So I took the shot. Distance was about 3 metres, gun was set at 100m. BOOM. I see some blood, but he doesn't instantly drop. I wasn't in a laggy server and I wasn't experiencing any lag, but I was like: hmm it must be the lag, he will drop in a second. The guy starts shooting at me and I quickly hide. He camps the stairs for a minute while I check him from 3rd person. He doesn't go dead/unconcious! But worst of all: NOT EVEN BLEEDING What. The. Hell. I experienced it as a victim, but also as the gunman: The shotgun is worthless. It doesn't even cause bleeding. Let alone kill someone at almost point blank range where it's supposed to shine at. Might aswell just remove the weapon..
  7. I was firing 1 barrel at once as the story suggests. Gear with stuff in it blocks less damage than gear without stuff in it, this has been extensively tested. Anyways if gear absorbs shotgun rounds that easily than I am right: the shotgun is useless. If I would've used the mosin as a shotgun on close range in this situation I would've had 100% better results.
  8. Oke let me explain. First of all, I was being shot at when I entered the house by an m4. I noticed this guy on the stairs with a weapon in his hands and missed out of panic. Then I noticed he wasn't responding so I took a carefull shot at his chest as in the picture. He then started aiming at me and spraying out of panic and I quickly ran across the corner. So no there was no real lag or anything. If the shotgun is so random that from 3 meter distance, aiming on the middle of the enemy chest, the gun somehow fails due to random dispersion or whatever, I was right: this weapon is useless. I don't even want to know how this weapon performs at typical close range encounter such as 10 meter distance, when it completely fails at 3m encounters. I also thought about that, but should that play a big role from 3 meter distance? If anything the shots went a little bit higher towards his neck which should do even more damage.
  9. Well then can someone explain to me why I didn't kill this guy from 3 metres distance with a shot right through his torso? (no laggy server, The target and me were both standing still). Hell, he didn't even bleed or go unconcious?