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Everything posted by ColonelBurton

  1. ColonelBurton

    Sedan not working?

    True, but as it turns out, I have to take everything back. Switching gears was not the problem. The bus was stuck indeed, and they jacked it out.. using a truck tire... somehow... don't ask me. This is what I heard later on from rumours by the guys that then owned the bus that took it off the Austrian guys that I gave it to. And when I did find the bus was missing, there was in fact a truck tire lying around at that spot. So God only knows..
  2. ColonelBurton

    Sedan not working?

    Aw man.... Seriously.... I spent 8 hours getting the bus running.... and gave it away to some other dudes who drove off with it..... and now I hear it was gears that I didn't shift. Right now I wish I was a girl so that I could cry.
  3. Nice to know... ^^ Just now I got attacked by a guy swimming through the floor. Then I got kicked because of my BEC or something, when I came back in the guy was standing up and axing me. Is that a glitch or some kind of bug exploit? Ingame name: Ranjeed Singh
  4. ColonelBurton

    Berezino Banditry - Part 1 of 3, Dealing with racism

    I just watched till the 4th minute dreading I may have to watch another two videos labelled "dealing with racism" because a guy said "black guy". So "black guy" is racist now, is it? Would it have been okay to say "of African descent"? Puh-lease.
  5. Nice. Good to know what kind of fresh'n'funky things hackers come up with nowadays. At least I died in a very, very special way!
  6. Any way I can report a hacker? I was laid prone on the top of the TEC building in Chero at somewhere between 13:50 and 13:54 CET today when I was insta-headshotted from God knows how far away. I'm really not the type to cry out "hacker!!" every time I die in an awkward fashion but this had all the markings of it. Laid prone in an absolutely 100% safe corner surrounded by walls. There is absolutely no way you can shoot somebody laid prone at that position.
  7. Well I've been playing DayZ standalone early access for one and a half years now. A lot of great players have packed it in altogether, including a lot of my friends. I am now a lone wolf. My favorite servers, usually packed full from 10.00 am CET till midnight, are now mostly half empty. What happened? Time for a poll on the situation. What is your general view on the DayZ Standalone experience as well as the performance of the Bohemia Interactive developers?
  8. ColonelBurton

    Did I do something wrong? Sniping in the Airfield

    You're so cute. I remember when I lost my virginity.
  9. ColonelBurton

    POLL: DayZ and BI experience so far

    One thing I happen to know frustrated a lot of people off was the new over-the-shoulder cam. The general consensus is that it doesn't prevent wall-trolling anyhows, which can only be prevented by playing first person, which generally hardly anybody does. Thing is it makes third person shooting from the hip much harder and this has annoyed a lot of my friends... Also, with the new loot system and no zombies, all you have for hours is crickets, even on a 30-40 player server.
  10. ColonelBurton

    POLL: DayZ and BI experience so far

    I am having a hard time tagging where to put this myself. The progress within the past 12 months was extremely frustrating for me. As was said, adding new guns didn't make the game a better game in my opinion neither did a new house model here and there.. Instead, more and improved mechanics would have been great, and I don't mean things like fixing the problematic bugs so much, also not so much "features" such as indoor fireplaces or burning buildings etc. But basic things the game really needs, like a proper inventory system (one where you can not stuff a cooking pot in your jacket pockets but a decent amount of magazines in an assault vest) as well as a proper melee system (a DayZ mass brawl with melee weapons is perfect to dub the Benny Hill theme over it) Clearly, this poll can not be considered in any way to be representative, as was said, few who would vote the bottom two replies will be coming here regularly. Hope to read more good replies in the next few days though.
  11. ColonelBurton

    Bug Reporting

    Feedback tracker is down for me all day. Anybody else?
  12. ColonelBurton

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    Not worth going full gear then helping people. Best not to waste too much time gearing up. Also, the reaction of players depends on the server. Servers where you need to get whitelisted to join usually enable better player interaction in general, for example.
  13. ColonelBurton

    Dayz Standalone Operation Birthday Present

    I like how the video starts with "hacker hacker hacker hacker" Not saying anything else. Just that I liked the intro.
  14. After playing for over 600 hours and now having had some contact with the mod, I have to say I am somewhat bored by the map of Chernarous. I wonder how other people feel about it? Often, when I'm out doing my everyday chores, I think to myself "Why doesn't Chernarous have anything like a large supermarket instead of just the "mom-and-pop corner stores"? There are basically two really unique structures (not counting the radio tower at Green Mountain) that are worth exploring at all, Novo's large town hall building with its' roughly 14 stories, and the shipwreck at Rify. Yeah, they say Chernarous is poor, but for me that seems a bit like an excuse to have nothing but little wooden huts and all the remnants of the Arma2 age in the game instead of developing new stuff. If you've played games like Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Rust, Metro 2033 and all the CoD and MoH games, you're used to (admittedly sometimes very linear but still) well done three-dimensional maps with a lot of variety and ambience. DayZ has some really nice ambience effects, like the weather, fireplaces, sunlight, night and all that stuff, but in my opinion Chernarous is a little bit boring. So to the poll questions: Question no. 1: How happy are you in general with the map layout (NOT INCLUDING individual buildings), so the roads, hills, countryside, rocks, coasts, and please also consider overall SIZE of the map here too Question no. 2: How happy are you with the buildings and the variety? Question no. 3: How do you like these specific ideas for a new building? If you have a whole new idea, please post below.
  15. ColonelBurton

    POLL: How happy are you with the buildings and map?

    I agree. A golf course would be silly in my opinion. But would a proper church or school or a real supermarket (not a mall, not a 7/11, butt a supermarket) be so far off?
  16. ColonelBurton

    POLL: How happy are you with the buildings and map?

    You sort of have a point there. But the thing is that in my opinion, there is not enough immersion going on in Chernarous when compared to other games. Look at skyrim.. people can keep going back into that world, or Fallout 3 even, because it feels real somehow. It never gets boring though you've experienced it over and over. Like I said, a lot of stuff in Chernarous feels real, but then you get stuck in the entrance to a 6m² house and realise that the props are not to size. Can you imagine two V3 trucks passing each other out on a Chernarous country road? Another thing the buildings lack in terms of immersion is the possibility to utilise any tactics. The ship in Rify has only one way in, one way out, same goes for the town hall building in Novo. The churches have a big front door but not even benches behind which you could conceal yourself, never mind something like a pulpit. The castles are just pointless props, there is no way of getting up on some of the towers or the walls to create a community out of the castle ruins, for example. Even linear shooters like Call of Duty have buildings with at least two paths you can take. In DayZ, the building with the largest variety of tactical options is the police station. PS: I don't think Chernarous needs more development in general, but not the same crap over and over again and it all needs improvement. From the smallest wooden hut to the churches and police stations. Bigger, better buildings. The map is fine in my opinion, but when it comes to the building designs, start from scratch and resize everything completely, to be honest!
  17. ColonelBurton

    POLL: How happy are you with the buildings and map?

    No problem. I was just brainstorming and ran out of ideas =o) EDIT: Yes I agree. Somehow, everything is a bit too small. Take for example the cargo trains. Can you imagine those being passenger cars and having like 4 seats and an aisle? Something with the scale is off.
  18. ColonelBurton

    What it means to be friendly in DayZ

  19. ColonelBurton

    Loot spawn suggestion

    I'm afraid that this is not an exact representation of the experimental loot system. I've seen tons of loot spawn at the same loot-spot. Like inside each other, or creating piles of loot. So, new loot spawns, but it is crap loot mostly. Then, I've been to rooms where 11 medkits have spawned inside each other. All floating in mid-air in one room. There were only five visible when I got in, but when I picked them up and dropped them again there were 11 I did notice that "moved loot" disappears at least after a certain number of server resets. But I somehow doubt that "unmoved loot" causes to avoid new loot spawning in.
  20. Since the original posting was closed "due to derailment", I am opening a new one. In the case of "derailment" I request mods to clean the topic, not close it! 1st off, Chernarus is obviously somewhat around zero, since I can always see my breath. Which means we are clearly below body temperature. Still doesn't explain dying with 15 minutes. 2ndly, I would like to specify there are seemingly (in my opinion) two types of people in this forum. People that complain about game mechanics and wish to see improvement, and people who seem to be fine with everything the way it is and have nothing better to do but to talk down on (aka troll) people that criticise the game mechanics. From now on, I will simply ignore people that have nothing better to say than "IF THE GAME IS TOO HARD FOR YOU, PLAY CALL OF DUTY OR GO BACK TO SCHOOL". 3rd of all, here is the official bug report for the currently broken temperature mechanics. Please note how many people complain of freezing within minutes despite being fully clothed, even with winter clothes. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=17333#bugnotes
  21. ColonelBurton

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Earlier today I wrote a whole page about this, and the moderator boneboys commented "FIX WORK IN PROGRESS" and moved it to the graveyard. I have yet to find out why he closed it and moved it. It's outrageous if you can't place comments like this on a board for an Alpha game.
  22. ColonelBurton

    Did Zombies become super tough? Or is this one an anomoly?

    Just be glad you didn't have baseball bats. Now THAT would have been hard.
  23. ColonelBurton

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Yeah, I know that's not how you meant it, and in a way it's a good idea. It just that the thought of playing that way annoys the hell outta me. Yeah, about that. During my 3 hour apple orgy last night, I left around 30 to 40 rotten apples piled neatly in towers in front of the apple trees around Dobroe. Server restarts don't seem to delete rotten fruit, which they should IMO
  24. ColonelBurton

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Don't take this personally, but this is a Typical DayZ fix. Oh, hmmm.... weird... You can eat 50 pounds of fruit and still not get the bright green energised buff. Here's what to do, stick a finger down your throat when you get stuffed, then eat more fruit. That should fix it!