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Everything posted by ColonelBurton

  1. ColonelBurton

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Random chopper sites. I found my AKM on the top of the factory building South of Berezino by the way. The hard part will be finding a clip. I searched the airfields roughly a dozen times and didn't find a single one! But later I was surprised to find one in a construction site building
  2. ColonelBurton

    Playing the good guy...

    I actually went up to a few saying "Are you the one?? PLEASE!! I MUST KNOW!!! ARE ... YOU... THE... ONE??" None ever responded but they sometimes put their fists up and went for me => instakill Most ran away sadly. The idea was to tell them that there is reason to celebrate (then offer them a Rasputin Kvass), since we have now found the cure for the outbreak. Then tell them, that unfortunately, the cure is in their head and I have to take it out of them (EDIT: then go for my axe). Then run after them trying to convince them that this is for the greater good of all humanity!!
  3. ColonelBurton

    Playing the good guy...

    Thanks for the info, I think I was wrong with Cherno. I'm at the spot where I thought it happened but no containers at the docks. Are they at Elektro? EDIT: Forget it. It seems that it was Guba Bay / Svetlojarsk where it happened. It's the only place I could find with that large hangar like building and some freight containers right by the docks.
  4. So after playing for 200 hours I had some weird experiences with cover and concealment. To make it clear what I mean: Cover: protection from enemy fire Concealment: visually being concealed / harder to spot First off, I noticed that grass and plants hinder you when sniping, but do not offer concealment when being scoped. That is a bit of a nuisance and obviously needs to change in some way towards finalization. I suppose that all plants that surround a player should go through a separate rendering process. What I also noticed is that you can take fire through, say, a wooden wardrobe, but will find cover hiding behind a bush (or at least certain bushes)? Also, I blasted a guy through a mesh wire fence with the sawed off (less than 4 meters distance) and he didn't take a scratch. Could be chance, could also have been lag (I always have bad lag and rubberbanding in Polana) but it seemed like the fence was giving him cover. Anybody else consistently notice stuff like this?
  5. ColonelBurton

    Playing the good guy...

    So I'd like some advice. I recently got murdered as a relative freshspawn, and I think it was in Chernogorsk though I can't be sure. Almost knocked the guy out but he had an M4 with seemingly unlimited ammo. According to my subjective, personal opinion guaranteed in Western society by a variety of basic rights, the guy was a n00b (boy did he suck at shooting) and a douche, and I figure most people that run around fully geared hunting freshspawn are that type of person. So I'd like to go out and hunt the hunters as it were. So in your experiences, where do mass murdering people tend to hang around? I'm not asking about people looking for conflict such as at NEAF or NWAF, I mean people that come in geared like special forces to go hunt freshspawn that just started gearing up.
  6. I noticed on stable the M4 ammo is so common some people are literally loaded down with it, then go to towns to mass murder freshspawn. The ones I encountered doing it couldn't shoot for shit so they really needed that much ammo, too. But I can tell you there's going to be one LMG that people won't have such a hard time finding the ammo for: the PKM ;o)
  7. I see, you're talking about Anti-materiel rifles then?
  8. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    I still don't understand why it shouldn't be possible to find an extremely rare "Picatinny for G3" item that enables using the M4 scopes (ACOG etc.) As long as they find a way of making the player feel the bulkiness and weight of the weapon along with scarceness of the ammunition, this will make most players think twice about picking the gun up. After all, surviving in this game is not only about how powerful the weapon is but also how you move around, how you keep an eye on your surroundings. Besides, a noob with a scoped G3 will be as useless as with the SKS and a progamer with a G3 will consider dumping the gun when he sees how much more common the Mosin ammo is. Regarding why the Bundeswehr ditched the G3 for the G36 I got another input from a friend. He said it might have to do with the "aim to maim" doctrine, seeing as 5.56 is less likely to be lethal than 7.62 - but I think the main reason for the change was the fact that the role of the Bundeswehr changed from "Holding off the Soviets at the Fulda gap until NATO moves in" to more urban combat roles such as in the Balkans and Afghanistan, and the fact that the G3 needs a far more skilled rifleman to handle it properly Speaking of skilled riflemen, check these guys out. They really know how to handle an AK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuc5qxSYjUs
  9. One or two rounds? Let alone a magazine? For real????
  10. It's about the awezomenezz I guess I don't really care, give it to them. Let them spend five hours looking for some spoilt US Colonel's prestige sidearm, then another five hours looking for the clip that mysteriously got separated from its' weapon.... then let them knock themselves out firing it for the first time ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cWZqkCQ57A
  11. ColonelBurton

    Polana massive lag issues

    Has anybody else had the issue that particularly in Polona you encounter massive lag? I've noticed this really often when I run through Polana, but it gets far worse when I encounter zombies and even more so when players enter the arena. I had a firefight with two guys today and two zombies got involved and I was just lagging and rubberbanding all over the place. It got so bad that after a while, we were all three of us just teleporting all over the place while the zombies stood still bashing into the air (and hitting me although there were no zombies in my view). The only other place on stable that I had similar issues was Elektrozavodsk, but Polana is a tiny town with not too many buildings, so I wonder why I keep getting this. Sometimes, when I enter the town, my FPS goes down to 0-1 for at least fifteen seconds.
  12. ColonelBurton

    Polana massive lag issues

    I think this thread can be moved to the graveyard. Turns out I always seem to get lag when other players come within 20 meters of me or something like that. Don't think it's restricted to Polana, I just had a lot of encounters there on experimental servers.
  13. ColonelBurton

    [SU] Saturday Night Gun Fight - COMPLETE!

    I don't know this, so I'm curious. Were there even any challengers? If so, how many held the town and how many attackers contested you?
  14. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    It's hilarious how the discussion keeps going in circles. It's a cool weapon, let's have it -> but it's way too powerful, we must make it semi-automatic -> the G3 isn't semi-automatic -> but it's way too powerful, we need to give it a lower caliber -> how about we just NOT have a G3 before we have a fictional one -> but it's a cool weapon, let's have it! -> but it's not a weapon common to the former Soviet bloc -> but it could have been imported by the German, Turkish or other military force, that would make it really rare -> the thing is the G3 is so extremely awesome that you have to make it jam all the time to balance the game -> how about we just give it some realistic stats -> but it's way too powerful, we could make it neon-pink so that you can see it from far off -> REPEAT UNTIL BORED I have an idea. Let's balance the game and remove the M4, the AKM and the SKS since it's almost impossible to beat an opponent that carries these weapons using a Sporter .22 EDIT: How could I forget the Mosin!! Waaaay too powerful sniper rifle we should give it the recoil of an elephant rifle!!
  15. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    No. It doesn't make sense to add a fictional version of the G3. The gun will have its' perks and its' disadvantages if it ever makes it into the game. It doesn't need fake nerfing.
  16. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    RP? Cute ^^ No for real, I'm a big fan of it but DayZ needs a little je-ne-sais-quois or a miracle or servers with active admins and reporting functions for RP to actually be an element of the game. I became a SoS-wimp like all the others after only two weeks of trying to RP.... Back to the G3: there are scopes for it. Maybe it would make sense to have the occasional G3 spawn WITH a scope (not to mention a mag). THis is one of the things that annoys me about the looting system. You'll find a weapon flashlight spawn randomly somewhere miles away from the nearest pistol but never a pistol with a weapon flashlight? Did somebody spend the first days after the outbreak running around mischievously disassembling guns and scattering weapon parts all over the place?
  17. ColonelBurton

    Cover or concealment - poorly programmed in some cases?

    Thanks. That pretty much explains a lot. You don't happen to know if the ordinary 12-gauge is better? Had the impression that it's more lethal than the sawed off.
  18. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    As I said before, not the worst recoil in the world even if it is out of this world compared with ARs that fire 5.56 caliber. Why should it not have the ability to use a scope? It's a sharpshooter weapon.
  19. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    Eeexcllent..... I can see the MG3 slowly creeping its' way into the game B)
  20. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    Exactly. Another disadvantage that the G3 has compared to modern rifles is that it was harder and slower to reload. Roughly one and a half additional seconds for experienced riflemen due to the mechanics involved for example chambering the first round. I personally don't see why the G3 shouldn't at least show up as an extremely rare spawn. After all, many countries still have it in use, such as Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, but also Germany still stores many as marksman rifles. Edit in bold
  21. ColonelBurton

    Polana massive lag issues

    Had it on different servers but did not check to see what happens if I left and returned.
  22. ColonelBurton

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    How about, if you implement it, give it a realistic recoil. The recoil is said to be less than the AK47. EDIT: Here's a nice video that shows a comparison of the M16, AK47 and G3 in action. It has to be said though, that the soldier shooting the G3 must be a dope. What I heard from people that actually used it in service, it doesn't jam at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v3zCcvOb_E
  23. ColonelBurton

    Dead Bodies Should Not Disappear

    I'm surprised an inanimate object with hardly any interaction options causes such a massive performance issue. And I'm not against them disappearing after a certain amount of time or after second respawn at the latest (this would also avoid people suiciding to spawn closer to their lost gear) but I think that the hide body function is just rubbish. And I'd like to add: I don't like the birds option at all.
  24. ColonelBurton

    Dead Bodies Should Not Disappear

    Scratch the skeleton or rotting nonsense. This type of process takes weeks. Most servers reset after a few hours. EDIT: I was going to say takes weeks until you start seeing some real change. Months up to years to complete.
  25. ColonelBurton

    Why we need real health/Hp Indicators

    That is the weirdest interpretation of a near-death experience I've ever seen in a video-game. I can deal with unsteady or double-vision, increased head-bob, slowed down movement and even tinnitus.... but to go monochrome and short-sighted vision really was original. Wonder what weird kind of synaesthesia the guy who came up with this suffers from. I think the game tells you pretty clearly how bad your character is feeling even if I think it's a little bit dumb how it's dealt with. But I do agree the melee system is embarassing to put it in a nice way.