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Everything posted by ColonelBurton

  1. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Well, I've found a server that is hellbent on killing me, went out and observed the time lapse. 5:6 - for every five minutes that pass in real-life, six minutes pass on the server according to my observation I really spent 5 minutes running around and wasn't able to warm myself up again. I sort went from cold to not cold back to cold back to not cold. The moment I stood still for a second to catch my breath, I immediately "promptly" started cooling off again. EDIT: Not a drop of rain this time
  2. ColonelBurton

    Love the New Sway

    The problem is that sometimes, people misunderstand each other. No need to get nasty in such cases. Sometimes, I've seen obvious trolls. If all of the people who are interested in actually making DayZ a great game just put the people on our ignore lists that are obviously either trolls or mentally not capable of discussing improvement, the overall quality of this forum will steadily improve and the dim bulbs will start going out completely. In the end, the people who all in all only want DayZ to be nothing else than "a really hard game" are going to be in for a disappointment. Because DayZ, if it remains as unplayable as some things are, will not make it past Alpha phase whether these people like it or not. Hard should mean "challenging" and not "ridiculous" BTT: I'd still like to point out for all people who don't know it, that this glitch still exists Bug report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=16496
  3. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Good thought. I'll see if I can confirm or negate that
  4. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    You sort of have a point there, but though on the one hand, there has to be some kind of balance between gameplay and realism, on the other hand WHY MAKE IT HARDER THAN IT IS IN REAL LIFE! What kind of game would we have if it were realistic in that sense? Think about it. Let's say you were to get shot by a wall-trolling jerk but unloaded on him and killed him, after taking a shot to the chest. Now one of your team-mates is around and spends 60 minutes IN-GAME applying a suturing kit and replenishing your blood pressure with the help of an IV-kit. He then drags you to a hospital (taking 120 in-game minutes to do so) and then leaves you there. You literally log on to DayZ EVERY DAY for the next 30 days just to have the game running so that your character heals. Meanwhile, your buddy logs in EVERY DAY just to stand next to you to guard you. Nobody in their right mind would play such a game. Now to top it all off, imagine how many people would play this game if it weren't just realistic, but 10 times more hardcore than in real life. This is what the temperature system is like on some servers now. It isn't realistic, it isn't playable, it is simply b-r-o-k-e-n
  5. ColonelBurton

    Love the New Sway

    He wants DayZ to be a game where you play a short-sighted, brittle-bone-diseased epileptic with lung cancer who can't hit anything at all with the few bits of ammo that you find, where zombies are omniscient and omnipotent, where you spawn naked in a -180°C environment with massive, infected gashes all over your body in the middle of a minefield, reducing your average lifespan to three minutes. Now THAT would make the game hard! And why would we want DayZ to be any different?
  6. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Like I said, this varies from server to server. If they decide to make a "Jupiter moon Europa" server, then I'd like to know so as to ditch that rubbish out of my favorites, though.
  7. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    It is not a question of whether it is broken or not. Just ignore the people that profess otherwise. You'll see that the devs will comment on this needing a fix pretty soon.
  8. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Nope. I've actually been outside in -30°C for several hours before my feet were really cold and I needed a warm shower. The temperatures that cause this are more likely to be around -50°C to -90°C at the rate the characters cool down. Fact is, however, it does not rain at such low temperatures.
  9. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Yes, way to go sidetracking from the issue. EDIT: I've decided to remove what I wrote about Cpanther due to seeing the admin request. Still, these two people, who are obviously incapable of judging a broken game mechanic, have ended up on my ignore list. Congrats. It takes a lot to achieve that.
  10. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Congratulations on being a twat. You see I a noob. I see a computer kiddie who has obviously never spent three minutes outside. Nope. I don't want to have to put it in my hands. Thanks for trying to patronise me though, "dude"
  11. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

  12. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    You are simply a troll who is not able to contribute to the conversation. 1.) At no point do I get wet, I do not even touch the "pond" that is actually a ditch 2.) The message "I am promptly cooling off" comes right away 3.) There is no rain, just a brief drizzle 4.) My inability to find Vybor without a compass has zero to do with the fact I realise this is a broken mechanic In other words, just eff the eff off you flaming troll!
  13. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    You are all wrong. This is simply a bug. It occurs sporadically on some but not all servers. My gear is pristine, no visible breath in front of my face. When I say "went from normal to cold" in three minutes I actually meant that I got the yellow bar in my status. See this video. If you can't accept that this is broken then you're the ones that can't accept that this is Alpha, not me.
  14. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    No point in wasting your time. This is a sporadic glitch that seems to depend on the server you're on. I was just in a 3rd person and everything was fine. Then I switched to a different server and went to "COLD" within three minutes. I'll post the video of that soon. This needs nerfing desperately in my opinion. But apart from how the axes go ruined far too quick, in reality, freshly cut trees need to be chopped to blocks then dry for one summer before they can be put on a fire. Otherwise they'll hardly ignite, and if they do burn they do nothing but crackle and explode. There is always plenty of "firewood" to be found in a dry forest. And you can make a perfectly good fire with small pieces of wood. You don't really need logs necessarily. And even on rainy days, you will find somewhat dry wood close to trees or behind large rocks or steep slopes. No need to mention that the fact that using your axe a few times shouldn't "damage" it right away. I have a wooden splitting axe in my backyard shed that I have probably been using for roughly 60-70 hours of splitting wood. The handle recently started getting wobbly and I needed to fix the head with a new wooden wedge. Simple as that.
  15. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    We're not talking about "surviving easily" we're talking about not dying within 15 minutes. Point taken?
  16. ColonelBurton

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Whyherro123: Can we please agree to speak in °Celsius. It is much simpler to define "sub zero" as "below freezing" that way ^^ I never really got the point of the Fahrenheit scala to be honest. Celsius is so much simpler to think in. 0° is freezing 100° is boiling. Body temp is roughly 37° I think it speaks for itself that this can not be the way the game is intended to be. Apart from that, however, before one actually implements a 100% realistic temperature effect on physiology, I feel there is also a need to change some things around that tie in with this topic: 1.) The inventory system to enable carrying more small items At this point, I am carrying items inside pants inside tac-vests inside tac-vests to enable actually carrying some gear around. => unrealistic The root of this problem though, is that a box of matches or a handcuff-key use up as much space as the reference item for one slot: a can of beans or soda => unrealistic The solution is simply to quarter the slots and re-arrange the item sizes, a can of beans being 4x4 and a box of matches or a knife 1x2 and a handcuff key being 1x1. The more complex tetris effect that comes along with this is realistic enough. Since the more items you carry, the harder it is to arrange your gear. 2.) Finding wood At this point, you chop down a tree and get firewood => super unrealistic Freshly cut trees need to be chopped to blocks then dry for one summer before they can be put on a fire. Otherwise they'll hardly ignite, and if they do burn they do nothing but crackle and explode. There is always plenty of "firewood" to be found in a dry forest. And even on rainy days, you will find somewhat dry wood close to trees or behind large rocks or steep slopes. No need to mention that the fact that using your axe a few times shouldn't "damage" it right away. I have a wooden splitting axe in my backyard shed that I have probably been using for roughly 60-70 hours of splitting wood. The handle recently started getting wobbly and I needed to fix the head with a new wooden wedge. Simple as that. 3.) Cooking food needs to make sense Speaking of metabolism, warm food will help out far more than a cold can of beans. Eating cold beans will simply force the body to consume more energy in order to warm up the food to body temperature, meaning you lose out on a lot of energy. It should be possible to warm up a can of beans directly on a fireplace, but getting back to point 1.) a small frying pan should also not take up as much space as 4 cans of beans either. Not to mention that this type of thing shouldn't be as rare to find as it is in a post-apocalyptic scenario.
  17. ColonelBurton

    More ammo ASAP

    I don't understand why you have such a hard time finding ammo. What specific type are you looking for? Because except for .380 rounds, I find everything in abundance to be honest, even when looting towns. I agree on the clothes issue. I almost froze to death recently because I found nothing but pants, and a ruined jacket is like being naked.
  18. ColonelBurton

    Did they purposefully change the hold break click?

    There is already a thread for this. But maybe you searched for "break" not "breath" Anyhow, I tend to disagree with you. After standing still for long enough, holding your breath doesn't steady your gun for more than a split second.
  19. ColonelBurton

    New Temperature System

    Like I said. Can't read. If it rained pigs and we all got our necks broken because of it, it would also be "the same for everyone" but it would just be laughably unrealistic. That's not what I experienced just now. Maybe you should give it a shot, I think they "fixed" that with the new hotfix.
  20. ColonelBurton

    New Temperature System

    Whatever. Hard to argue with a fanboi zealot who can't even read.
  21. ColonelBurton

    Love the New Sway

    No need to get nasty. I was trying to convey that a single whack from a zombie DOES break your limbs but, like you already know, it doesn't necessarily show in your inventory. How was I supposed to know you knew that bug? But you are right about the fact that holding breath while aiming is pointless if you don't lay off the shot within 0.05 seconds. I believe that most fanbois just don't care because most players will actually prefer an AKM or M4 for close quarters anyhow. And for fanbois, the game is great no matter how much things suck.
  22. ColonelBurton

    New Temperature System

    Thirty minutes in average eastern European sub-zero temperatures causing hypothermia is OP, my friend. Like I said. Try it out. Put on the gear like I have on this winter and spend thirty minutes outside. Long sleeve military jacket Military grade trousers Boots Gloves Balaclava Helmet Tell me if you had to call an ambulance or not. For crying out loud does anybody even go outside anymore??
  23. ColonelBurton

    New Temperature System

    This sucks like space vacuum! Man, if real life humans were pansies like our toons in DayZ, World War II would have ended in December 1939! The german Wehrmacht survived almost two harsh winters in Russia without socks and facemasks before they started falling apart. Germans as well as Americans froze their butts off at the Battle of the Bulge, some even getting trench foot for crying out loud but in DayZ you go hypothermic within a half an hour despite being full-geared??? That's right! Full-gear your player with Gorka everything, vest, face mask and boots and he still shivers like an annorexic nudist in the Antarctic!?!?!? I actually sat on Vybor hill for no more than FIFTEEN minutes and the guy is complaining that he's cold!!! You call this survival? This is ridiculous! It was bad in the experimental, but they fixed it for the stable. With today's "hotfix", it's just totally over-the-top again. Am I seriously supposed to spend the rest of my DayZ around a campfire somewhere indoors so that my poor little booboo doesn't catch a cold?? I'm starting to think some of the fanbois and the devs ought to spend a weekend out camping, not to mention a survival trip.
  24. ColonelBurton

    Love the New Sway

    Yes, I particularly LOVE how my weapon sways like mad after having been hit once by an invisible zombie. Sooo realistic and survivalish that using a splint or morphine fixes that, however. Sometimes I do think DayZ fanbois live in a parallel universe. "People had the stability of a bench rested weapon" Even after doing cardio for 30 minutes it is possible to hold your breath. And shooting is all about controlling your breath. Besides that, you could take my lungs away entirely and I would still shoot 100% straight with a bench rested weapon, at least till my brain suffers anemia. And that's just a whole separate issue. You CAN'T even rest a weapon on anything. Shooting prone is pointless because all the douchebag toons are able to do is point their gun into the grass. Yeah. Tall grass that annoys the hell out of you while aiming but doesn't offer any concealment against getting sniped, of course. -.-
  25. ColonelBurton

    Love the New Sway

    Doesn't matter if your limbs are shown to be broken or not. Zombie attacks break your arms. Even single attacks can cause this although you don't even bleed. Use a splint and see if it helps. I promise you'll be surprised. Btw I've reported it already.