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Everything posted by Briljin

  1. Briljin

    Rain is fps killer

    Odd I don't have any issues with rain causing my FPS to drop.
  2. Briljin

    Constant overheating - ignore?

    I really hope this over heating is a bug. I just logged out because I was bored because I had just spent the last 15 minutes sitting in a pond (at night, in the rain) and I was still over heating. I was finally getting the :"I am slowly cooling off" message, in between 5 or 6 "I am over heating" ones... I am starting to think we may need to play naked...
  3. Briljin

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I had to ditch my gorka jacket last night, I was burning up while wearing it. Constantly over heating and I wasn't running around, I was engaged in a cat and mouse fight around the NWAF. Eventually I had to remove it and thankfully the rain started to cool me off and I ditched it for an USMC top instead. Now to see if I get cold just as fast running around without a water proof top.
  4. Briljin

    Are high capacity vests currently spawning?

    Yeah they are out there, I am currently wearing a green one and my buddy found a black one. We found 3 US crash site, no M4s but some mags, ammo and butt stocks.
  5. Briljin

    Constant overheating - ignore?

    I ran into this last night. I was playing cat and mouse with two less than friendly players around the NWAF and I started getting this message. It was night time and raining, so I took off my gorka jacket and got myself soaked. It lowered me to just "hot" but if I put the jacket back on I would start warming up again. I eventually just ditched the jacket for a non gorka one and used the rain to try and cool me off. I did notice that my hydration seemed to drop much faster, so I would assume that as long as you can stay hydrated you should be fine.
  6. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Something really odd. When I view the server browser I am not seeing a single server, with the default search filters. I am not talking about just missing EXP ones but it doesn't return a single one. Are all the servers down or is something in my client screwed up? Never mind, it was my steam client...
  7. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    There already is an advantage in every one of those examples, they all have more inventory. And if having 10 inventory slots while naked doesn't make sense I guess you missed you're playing in a made up country going thru a zombie apocalypse or the fact you can magically heal broken bones with a stick and a torn up shirt. The hot bar is a quality of life feature and as such it doesn't need to be screwed with. If they want to fix anything with it, fix the god damn input lag it suffers from...
  8. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I hate that. I am the type of person that like to always keep certain items (or class of items) in the same hot key slot. For example I always keep bandages/rags in slot 7 and morphine/splint in 8. Last night instead of just being able to hit the hot keys for items like I normally would, I would have to fish around looking for their new "temp" position or open inventory to find them. There was no reason to make this change...
  9. Briljin

    [0.58] Persistence Breaks Servers

    Well to be fair, they were wiping persistence like every week on EXP and I do remember a couple of post mentioning really bad interaction lag when around very large camps.
  10. Briljin

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    Hand gestures are only going to take you so far. I tend to be very cautious around people without mics, more so if they don't even type in direct.
  11. The northern and western edges of the map are among the first places I plan to look once I get some basic gear tonight. I just know people will actually believe these areas are good hiding spots, they did on EXP all the time...
  12. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Music to my ears. The current stable build is really bad and .58 fixes that and adds in some nice improvements.
  13. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Played for 2 hours and no gun glitching and it definitely doesn't to the shoulder shuffle when you run into another player. I had bumped in two while in Zele and from the hail of gun fire and then the "oh crap, sorry about that dude you startled us" comment, neither one of us know the others were there. Luckily they were both bad shots and spoke up before I took my turn.
  14. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Just got the "restart" warning, wonder what is coming our way next.
  15. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Wonder what they are fixing in storage? Hopefully they found a fix for the weapon glitches so we can look forward to getting this to stable and moving on from the horrible .57 build.
  16. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Another wipe, at least tell me that you are not going to take down 3/4's of the servers as well. I can handle gearing up again but not when I have to spam a server to try and join it.
  17. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I don't take it nearly that far but if they say "friendly" and yet continue to act suspicious, follow me around or try and get too close then I basically drop them and don't think twice about it.
  18. Briljin

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Building basic sheds or shelters is very easy to accomplish and does't require all that much in regards to tools. As a teen I had built servers hunting blinds, stands and a portable ice fishing shed without much trouble. Now I am more interested in building able to build up and secure already existing buildings. I could easily see taking up in some hidden away cabin as a base of operations for my friends and me, with a shelter out someplace with a backup stash.
  19. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    And where to you think all the zombies are?
  20. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Give us more EXP servers so we can play :)
  21. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I am fine with them smoothing out bugs but at the very least bring up some more damn servers. There is more than interested in .58 than the handful of servers can support. Get more and and lets get more people involved in helping to recreate these bugs. My friend and I have zero interest in stable and even less interest in fighting to get all three of us upon the always full during prime time EXP servers. Been getting a lot of Breaking Point and Warships in...
  22. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Unless the glitches are desync related, limiting the number of possible testers will not yield better results. Hopefully this gets pushed out tomorrow, then I can actually play with friends without having to fight for slots upon a handful of servers. .57 has been one of the worst patches I can remember...
  23. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Did they remove half the servers again or are they just down for some reason. For example this weekend there were four SE servers, now I can only find a single one but there are four SC ones? Something is wacky here..
  24. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Sorry but the blue book value upon your soul is not worth the glow plug :)
  25. Briljin

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    You are just having bad luck. I started a new character on Central 3pp this morning and within two hours I had seen/looted the following. SKS, mosin, blaze, sporter, double barrel shot gun and a UMP (found an unlooted crash site). I was carrying around a sporter (without any mags) and droppped it for the SKS (as I had a box of ammo). I didn't get a chance to check too many military sites (only the Zele one) for military weapon. I was going to check the tents but I could hear sniper fire from the far side and automatic fire coming from within tent city. So I decided to move on.