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Everything posted by Briljin

  1. Briljin

    Do Stun Batons Actually stun?

    Odd, when I tried to equip a baton I found it didn't do anything. When I tried inspecting it was constantly stuck on "receiving information" and I couldn't even drop the damn thing. Then once the servers reset it was gone. I did notice that the cattle prod ran thru the batteries like crazy but it was great knocking zeds down in one shot as a fresh spawn :)
  2. Briljin

    Where Can You Find Hunting knifes?

    I found one before the reset, it was at a crash site but outside of that I have never seen one before.
  3. While I agree, I honestly think Zeds become more bugged every patch. I mean they touted the new nav-mesh and how doors would stop them and yet they still ignore doors and hit through walls. I understand it is Alpha but it seems like the more they try and improve them the worst they actually become :(
  4. I would be fine with what that mod did provided it was some how controlled and enforced server side, otherwise hackers would just write something to work around it. That and it needs to be done in a way that doesn't have a measurable impact upon game performance.
  5. Well if it finally happens then everyone can stop worrying about it each Tuesday. Now the real question will be did they actually do anything meaningful to stop duping or are only the honest players going to have to deal with re-gear up.
  6. Probably the only thing about 3pp that should be looked into is the ability to "peak" over walls and around corners. If they can add some light weight code to handle that one problem, great otherwise it is not really that big a deal.
  7. Briljin

    I Can't Find Kindling (yes I cut the bushes down)

    But could you imagine how much fun it would be to shot them in the back and watch the tanks explode on them :)
  8. MMOs also tend to break their game up and split the load up over several servers. For example the classic WOW has server farms for the each of the various continents and still others for instances. So while they seem to have even more going on that Dayz, they distribute the load in a more efficient manner.
  9. Briljin

    I Can't Find Kindling (yes I cut the bushes down)

    Odd I made a splint tonight from a stick I found by "searching for kindling". You must have found some odd bug.
  10. Pulling the pin is like taking the safety off. You still need to release the spool to actually start the detonation. It would be cool if you could hold it a bit to shorten the time after you thrown it until it explodes but you would still have to release it either way.
  11. While I agree with you in principal, I would point out that they are still breaking the rules and using the fact that others are breaking them by hacking only leads to no one having to follow the rules because now those two groups aren't so why should I? You either follow the rules or you lose the right to bitch about those that don't.
  12. Briljin

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    Edit - You had way better luck than me. It took me over 15 crash sites to find an M4. I had tons of ammo and pristine parts for it by the time I finally found one.
  13. God I wish hackers would stop using the M4. I really like that weapon and have been using one since the crash sites came back but this weekend I finally tossed it away because I was getting tired of random people I would encounter assuming I was a hacker because I had one... Guess I will suck it up with a 101 and hope they finally fix something related to all the dupes, bugged mags and hacking in general.
  14. Briljin

    I Give up... I really want my money back.

    A place where people who are bad at open world pvp go for find easy targets.
  15. Briljin

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    I never give anyone ammo while they are in a position to shot me. That is not to say I haven't give it out but I always make sure to drop it someplace away from the player, giving myself time to clear the area. I just don't trust anyone I have only known a few minutes (especially in an open world PvP game).
  16. Briljin

    Character reset :(

    So they did the wipe today? I thought they mentioned BE would be spamming hourly notifications about this but I didn't see a single one and just assumed it was pushed back another week due to problems with the experimental build. Oh well..
  17. If the Devs intenation wasn't to have PvP, then why the hell is the entire map an open world free for all PvP area... Just think about it... What is the point of making the entire map PvP enabled if you didn't want people killing each other.
  18. There sure are a lot of reports of this happening, even some youtube videos from streams where it happened. If it is a troll, then there sure are a hell of a lot of people in upon it. No offense to Rocket but I tend to take developer claims with a rather large grain of salt. The last thing they will do is admit when there is a huge exploit out there just to try and contain it the best they can until it is fixed.
  19. Briljin

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    You might have had a point, if we could actually RUN up and down stairs in Dayz but seeing you can only walk it is a bit much. Honestly, can anyone truthfully say they know someone who broken a leg while using stairs? Hell I spent 8 years as a paratrooper (Airborne baby!) in the Army, over 150 jumps and I never even sprained an ankle let alone broke my leg. Sorry but in Dayz treats us like we are porcelain dolls.
  20. Briljin

    When the character wipe comes...

    I know they said that BE would be spamming a warning about the wipe every hour and I have not seen a single message yet, it probably won't be tomorrow (unless someone dropped the ball).
  21. Briljin

    Rain will be the new night?

    Outside of being a fresh spawn, there is no excuse to die from starvation nor dehydration except sheer stupidity. Honestly, they are probably less of a threat than zombies. I still wonder why people think a game designed around a free for all open world PvP are shocked when people actually PvP. As for voicing concerns over the new features, no one is saying they shouldn't exist but that they need to be carefully balanced.
  22. Briljin

    Poll about Hackers

    Because clearly hacking only happens upon empty servers...
  23. Briljin

    Your thoughts on the newest implementations

    If properly tuned and balanced with sensible options to offset or deal with the effects, it will make for a welcome addition and another aspect that players will have to learn to deal with. If badly implemented it will be a huge nightmare, so this is something they need to take their time with an really test out.
  24. Briljin

    Rain will be the new night?

    I would be fine with weather having an impact upon our characters provided they also add sensible solutions to these. For example the standard gorka or gore-text clothing is designed to be water resistant and warm, thus it should offset or at least greatly reduce the effects of standard weather. Not to mention in the military if I needed quick rain protection I could just quickly pull out my poncho and throw in one OVER my current gear, it didn't suddenly require me to remove my BDU top to wear... Plus, it seems to rain a god damn lot in this game :(
  25. Briljin

    Vehicular Travel.

    From the basic bicycle mechanic they can quickly move towards motor bikes and off road bikes, which would allow them to design and test all those mechanics you mentioned. They are just taking baby steps in the process. Personally I hope they don't over do vehicles, I don't want to see military grade vehicles and the game map already seems small enough without adding in vehicular travel.