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Everything posted by ASMS_Leader
i ate some rotten food and been sick for a week..cure?
ASMS_Leader replied to darkspecialistE4's topic in New Player Discussion
Other people posted correct info just added a bit to each of my own experience lol it's cause you have charcoal in your mouth...go hit up that water pump. But as OP said sickness has diff stages...sometimes charcoal will work, sometimes antibiotics (remember there's more than one type, at least that I've seen), and than drinking till u vomit works sometimes. Don't know what the differen't types of ABs are I know one is teracyclin or something around that either way I've found both types in the police stations in military bases (the 2-level buildings with the one jail cell on the 1st floor) I'd actually say drink some water till you puke ...but watch drink from a water pump 3-5 times and wait each time till u start vomiting that way you don't drink like 30x and die lol. after that...yea bag of rice and/or a box of cereal could work as well -
Hey Homeskillet NW of that NW Airfield is a badass military establishment right along the road that leads out of the top of the Airfield if you didn't know ;) would like to see how Dayz is for you over there lol
Or what could h appen is after you die whatever you covered your gear with (ie: dirt, pallet, leave bed, tarp) will disappear when u die leaving the hole open and easier to see "UH OH better run your butt quickly before someone finds it on their own or they find it marked on the map u left on your corpse " :O.....
And if/when you're starving you could pick little morsels of left overs in it for a little pick me up, PLUS after it's large enough you could even start storing lighter objects in it :D ADD IT I wanna see this in Stable by June's end!
Rain, broken bones, zombies, 12 year olds, suicide, communication, melee weapons etc
ASMS_Leader replied to Hunter4's topic in Suggestions
LOL ok........I'm sorry but that's funny. That's at least creative lol I'm going to try and do that right now -
I'm really not being paranoid....I had an FN crow, im guessing, follow me circling over head from Stary to NW airfield. lol just an odd coincidence or was this implemented somehow and I never heard of it? Was actually freaking me out a little...coming out of houses and this things over me circling
the M4sd u mean I'm guessing or are you just talking about in the experimental server ? Cause I find M4's all the time, well not all the time but reg , on stable servers.
Mosin w/ a long range scope, bipods(don't know if they do anything BUT HEY they look cool ok don't judge me), and the compensator(again lol does it do anything?) if you're going to be camping somewhere picking off players or possibly if you're getting to a high vantage point and acting as security for a group that's going to clear out some buildings. the M4 , though gives you that automatic ability in the event you are the one clearing rooms or something pops around a corner, and draws on you you can just spray and pray you'll def hit em and they'll def drop if you get that trigger pulled first ;). I tried playing nice but too many kids tried either killing me straight away or trying to lead me into a trap so I got good w/ my gun quick in this game. also people say the m4 isn't accurate at distance...maybe not crazy long ranges BUT I have def dropped people over 100m away w my m4 and acog
How many folks went back to playing the Mod until SA goes to Beta?
ASMS_Leader replied to AdmiralBull's topic in General Discussion
I was playing Epoch for a while when I first got SA and it was pretty much a walking/clothing sim with NOTHING but rotten fruit around.....andddd I did make it to NW Airfield and hopped multiple servers and wasn't finding anything as plenty of people weren't BUT I didn't lose hope. I figured "hey, i'll just jump back into that Epoch server I frequented and built a HUGE base on top of Black mountain on where I had 15+ safes and what not till the game pics up" NOPE......fn little dbag server admins deleted EVERYTHING and it hadn't been more than three days before someone says stuff will vanish and the base degrades I Knew all that and it was all fresh and new and sexy lol. That seriously just ruined my motivation to play the mod anymore. -
Rain, broken bones, zombies, 12 year olds, suicide, communication, melee weapons etc
ASMS_Leader replied to Hunter4's topic in Suggestions
K. Well read a lot of things in here and everyone has their opinion so here's mine. FIRSTLY- 12 YR OLDS lol........man oh man pretty sure 99% of EVERY games 21+ age group or shit mature 16+ are tired of hearing fn "squeakers" in rooms cursing, acting like cyber thugs, and/or being little racist turds OR the best type the one that buys hacks with their mommy's credit cards bc to a 12 yr old having skill in a game is what matters most anddddd buying "skill" is the same as actually having it. NOW THAT I'VE VENTED lol can't do anything about them. Why? Because if you started "segregating" groups based on age....well that'd prob fall into the same category as gender, race, sexuality lol see where I'm going with that. Only way to do it is if there was a "level" or a "ranking " system which CREATOR OF THIS POST I'm feeling that's what you were getting at so I'm not knocking you at all. ALTHOUGH...in this game that wouldn't work bc think about it...it's survival soooo the whole "weak vs strong" thing should be taking over right? Lol god help the world if its a 12 yr old squeaker who's a "stronger" survivor than me, but if he is bless him....and after you bless him I hope he gets explosive diarrhea and gets eaten by a zombie while he's trying to use a potty....oops another vent there lol . SECOND- Someone said about "being sick from eating rotten fruit" you can make yourself puke by drinking an excessive amount of water if u could find a water pump...BUT AGAIN I READ YOUR POST you're color-blind, your legs are broke andddddd you're in the middle of the wilderness plus you probably already knew that and by "purge" u meant actually doing the Lindsey Lohan and jamming your fingers down your mouth lol. Though possible if you think about realistically it's not gonna get too much out of your system tbh addind "castor oil" in game would be a more realist AND FUNNY AF way of implementing that...Although imagine if you had to play the game for 10min or whatever was agreed upon profusely vomiting lol ......bandit comes up to you and u just puke in their face lol. THIRD- The rain. TBH I'm almost positive if y ou get soaked and stay soaked and you're not hydrated, energized, and healthy u have a chance of getting sick easier right? Would make sense with the antibiotics. Due to the fact that I keep myself hydrated and well fed at all times I've never had that problem. The rain isn't a problem to me either I pretty much run from one place, loot it, scope out the surrounding area, find the next closest place, and run straight there, and I keep doing it. even if I get compeletely soaked I can usually find more than enough replacements for clothing. FOURTH- There's food aplenty. I would think starter players are having a problem bc they don't know where to look, or simple tricks. Canned food....in the event you didn't know you can open cans with screwdrivers, kitchen knives, axes, I think machetes and the infamous can opener...JUST BE ADVISED that anything except the can opener will result in u losing a percentage of your food when u open it. Just keep looking around new players and every once in a while try to combine stuff YOU'D BE AMAZED at some of the stuff u can already make just in this early access Standalone let alone in some of the mods :) -
LOL just pissed myself a little..... "he's actin weird though...he's just standin there"
I've got the Olive vest in a stable server now BUT....that right there sir is sexy expecially with that suppressor. I've found a pistol, well multiple, suppressor in stable servers and I know they don't work as of right now do to the lack of SD ammo correct? Was wondering are there rifle suppressors yet in stable since I see one on your rifle in the experimental ones? Had to edit: BTW YOU'RE CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE MY FRIEND SHAWN LOL!!!!!!!!!!!Just took a pic and sent it to him to show him what he'd look like if he was a badass
Ok, see now this viewpoint is actually practical. Lol why is it when people talk about guns or adding guns into a game, seen this in other forums, its always seen as "an American thing" or even americans will say "it's a southern thing" lol. Plenty of guns in the northern states and considering the amount of gangs around you'll def find plenty, and I mean PLENTY of illegally obtained/modified firearms. Even with that true how is that even just an American thing EVERY country, except Britain and a few others that have actually made it damn near impossible to own a gun and have kept a very low population from illegally or legally owning one could claim to not be part of this. ALL Middle Eastern countries, Eastern Europe, bet your ass Russia and the rest of the Slovak areas, shit EVEN CANADA is littered with guns both civilian and military grade. So, though I do like the idea of slingshots and crafted weaponry obviously should be possible since it would be in a situation of survival I also feel there should be relatively a "plethora" and assortment of weaponry both melee, firearms, AND mobile not bc that's the American way but humanities way :).
Well I'd say go into a higher pop server. Gotta realize most people know the map/locations. They know where the better gear is and thus flock there. You made it to the NW AF? I assure you walk back there on a server that has 20+ people in it ( you should definitely be able to find one with a low ping) you'll run across, and probably get shot, more times than not by players. I, personally, don't really want the confrontation or constant pvp so I stick to either outskirt cities on the high pop servers or just low pop servers. This game, well this development, is what you make of it. There's no "missions" no "objectives" no "quests" no "instances". You do what you want anddd well until they develop it more and more and implement the content in the various mods you're kind limited to just what you can do BUT if nothing else you can familiarize yourself with the map and with the current weapons available.
I could def see how that'd work but unless you needed something to get the "search" command to pop up...say have a crow bar or axe or shovel in hand.....would def be a worry to me that it'd be too easily found...even if the dug hole had dirt placed over it or some kind of fake covering....u could def find ways/places to hide that without someone just stumbling across it and being alerted by a "search" command lol I do like the idea though. As for the tents....even though you could see someone elses tents if you did a decent job you could almost entirely hide them.....especially by lowering them into the ground till only the point was sticking out lol. Some innovative in-game storage would be lovely though. Not saying a GI but somehow finding a way to make a "realistic" way for players to store stuff I just enjoy the thought of.
Killed a siren and her minions...
ASMS_Leader replied to ASMS_Leader's topic in New Player Discussion
Yup and....swear man Now that I have my screenshot button engraved in my head and ALSO dl'd OBS you know there's not even a peep in that server anymore? There's really never anyone in there any more... getting kinda creepy -
Dude I died once out of my 20+ deaths from a player's bullets and that's bc my legs were broken and it was a mercy killing. I've died the other times half from starving/thirst(that was when SA first came out) and the other have bc somehow I glitch walking up stairs and go through a building and fall to my death....lol
Thoughts on dead corpses and Situations generated from putrification
ASMS_Leader replied to TheLast-StaR's topic in General Discussion
OHHHHHH you mean putrification lol ok. Dude I saw 'dead corpses and purification" and was thinking you were talking about some Satanic ritual or some religious thing lol Def like the ideas though -
lol well could also just do it to the dude who you rescue, let team up with you, but than the guy turns into a little d-bag loot whore lol Just sayin....act like a scummy with me you're going for a ride in a burlap sack....lol OMG even better keep em in the trunk and run the car off the bridge into the water....or off the docks lol!!!!!!!! YES!!! It just got real folks
Killed a siren and her minions...
ASMS_Leader replied to ASMS_Leader's topic in New Player Discussion
Totally agree bro lol and that's why I posted the whole event lol it was, surreal would probably be the best word to choose. Both times in fact. I've been back to that server multiple times now, and to my regret, haven't seen this same person lol did they perhaps learn a lesson or maybe they're just forming a much larger bandit party? only time shall tell I guess -
ahaaaaaaa well ty for that explanation...now I get it I def was trying to combine a N and a NE map lol
Well ty sir I do try to think outside the box lol I do like the burlap sack idea.....could possibly tie the sack and throw them off a bridge into some water too :)
Awesome video...and you should prob hit up Mr_13ig on Twitch...first time you hear him yell "you have no honor" lol you'll def have a new sound bite lol epic video though brotha
lol I'm sorry but is it just me....or would it have been EPIC if a zombie just stormed through that door after seeing the stoves fire, ran through the fire at the sitting play, caught fire and than, while ablaze, just mauled the $#$% out of that guy sitting there?!?!?!? Lovin it though
Isn't "DayZ" quite possibly the dumbest name ever?
ASMS_Leader replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
lol sorry but you just said in your post " Personally, I don't know why anyone would have wanted to buy a game named just "DayZ"....um you did right? Even if you downloaded just the Mod....and played it....I mean sure you didn't "buy" the mod but you still chose to download, install, run, and play a game with a name that is so horrific by your standards it would baffle the simpler minded as to your reasoning to do any of those things and be a part of a game with such a horrible name right....? Being simpler minded myself, lol, wtf did you? NOW, in the event you actually have the Standalone too.....HOLY SCHNIKEYS.....I think a black hole might've just opened bc that reasoning could rip apart the space time continuum....