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Everything posted by stonecutter357

  1. stonecutter357

    Problems with current state

    the first Q is a fail Q1 2015 Basic vehicles Central economy (advanced loot distribution) New renderer New Zombie AI Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, ...) Diseases
  2. stonecutter357

    Next DayZ Sale?

    Full price will come if the game is complete.
  3. Dayz is a mod............ :emptycan:
  4. stonecutter357

    too many "do not join" servers to report

    you don't know what you are talking about i set my server to public all the time.
  5. stonecutter357

    too many "do not join" servers to report

    How do you know this server are not privates set to public and How much money do you think fragnet is will to give up to please angry gamers?
  6. stonecutter357

    Server Hoster

    You might want to do some checking, renting a server it is not what you think it is . ..
  7. stonecutter357

    Server Hoster

    you can chang it when ever you fill like it, and i am on fragnet.
  8. stonecutter357

    memory leak + non-persistent inventory

    one more nail in the coffin. :emptycan:
  9. stonecutter357

    0.54 Hotfix today?

    It's a Arma2 mod, that is all it will ever be a MOD!
  10. stonecutter357

    0.54 Hotfix today?

    That is a very stupid thing to do. If each patch makes it harder to play who will be left at the end?
  11. stonecutter357


    Try H1Z1 it has a BR and no lag!
  12. stonecutter357

    has something changed...

    It look's as good as 20 FPS can :emptycan:
  13. stonecutter357

    What do you think will be the lifeblood of this game?

    It's dead move on !
  14. stonecutter357

    Comparing DayZ to similar games.

    H1Z1 look's way better than dayz and at 130 fps.
  15. stonecutter357

    Player bases you found

    If you have hacked gear you are a hacker..........
  16. stonecutter357

    [Next Patch] Character reset

    I Character reset every day :D :beans:
  17. stonecutter357


    It's hard to find an OP about good servers. <_< :thumbsup:
  18. stonecutter357

    Are Helicopter Crashes Working in .52?

    All visible on my persistent server.
  19. stonecutter357

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    Keep your food alive if you don't have a refrigerator.
  20. stonecutter357

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    #1 Take a look to the sky just before you die! Cliff Burton? #2 Your dead, Some very evil Dev.
  21. stonecutter357

    Urban Legends/spooky scarry skeleton stories.

    there is a scarecrow in an outhouse north of green Mt., that will scare the beans out of you.
  22. stonecutter357

    PVE Servers

    604 hrs on record and i have not killed one player. Do you think i am not having fun?
  23. stonecutter357

    PVE Servers

    My server is open to the public for now but your ping is to high.
  24. stonecutter357

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pike Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/albert_pike.html#E17gj1GDzQ2golDe.99
  25. stonecutter357

    Haters gonna hate. Bandits gonna die...

    you can't see at night it's dark!so your monitor should not matter it's dark.