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Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

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About Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

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  1. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    I think the game is just fine. Aside from the bugs, but the game is unfinished and it clearly states that before downloading as well as after. Soon the bugs will be gone and we'll all be happy, lol.
  2. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    Killed a siren and her minions...

    Awesome. Good to see some bandits were taken out. Always a joy to see such bottom feeders eat dirt. Lol!
  3. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone looting guide

    I tend to camp outside of a building for up to several seconds to even a minute if necessary. If it's a small building such as a house I'll usually go right in because you can pretty much see the inside of an entire house from the windows. Usually. Great guide though, thanks.
  4. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    How to look and act like a hero ?

    It's not so much what you wear, it's how you act. I've seen harmless looking players on YouTube videos with no pants and a red checkered shirt going ape shit crazy on other players. Just a side note, don't trust a man who doesn't wear pants.
  5. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    How are players finding me!

    Lmao, horrible luck indeed.
  6. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    Not sure exactly where I am, maybe Polana?

    I use iZurvive for the iPhone to help me get around. Great app for when you get lost or want to locate items. You can just type in street sign names and it pin points it on the map on the app itself. Bunch of other features, I barely use it now because I've memorized a lot of locations because of the app. Shows water supply, weapons, etc.
  7. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    Ella's standalone guide

    Very helpful. Better than Google, lol. You ma'am get a fresh can of beans!
  8. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    99 second spawn time

    I've been wondering the same thing. A bit new to DayZ. Thought it was just servers messing up, lol.
  9. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    Your first kill

    My first kill was an accidental KOS. I was entering the airfield tower building, the airfield to the North East, and it was getting dark but not full dark yet and at the top of the stairs was a guy crouched down walking towards me. He scared the shit out of me so I started firing like a freakin' mad man. I'm pretty sure we both got the shit scared out of us, but one of us ended up having the shit coming out of multiple holes. LMFAO That is probably the only type of situation where I'll KOS someone.
  10. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DayZ hero groups?

    Cool, will do. Mine is: prometheus____
  11. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DUCK HACKERS - DAY 1 - ☆ DayZ Standalone ☆

    I played the mod maybe once. Found it quite difficult to find a working server. Didn't even get a chance to do much, didn't know this feature was on the mod and not here.
  12. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DUCK HACKERS - DAY 1 - ☆ DayZ Standalone ☆

    They need to make it to where when you are killed by a player that players name should pop up next to yours in the messages to indicate who killed you. And not just the in game name but the Steam user name. Like this: (Your Steam name - Your in game name) -===;=[] (Their Steam name - Their in game name) The -===;=[] is a horrible attempt at a gun I've made, lol. Or they could just use both players Steam name. This way when people get video/picture evidence of hackers there can actually be something done about them. I'm new to DayZ and am baffled as to why there is no account name indication in the game. Hmm....
  13. Did they should through the shed? Because there was nobody in view of your front and the shots sounded almost from the side and very close.
  14. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DayZ hero groups?

    Oh ok. The reason I got the standalone was because the Mod was so difficult to get into a working server. So I avoid the mod now. Strictly standalone.
  15. Zombies8MyGF (DayZ)

    DayZ hero groups?

    DayZ Epoch and DayZCommander are for the Mod right? Not the standalone?