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About Xytra

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  1. well good fucking job having the ak101 brought to chernarus just in time for the apocalypse, where 5.56mm is nonexistant
  2. Don't worry guys! When they allow mods, they'll remove everything with the ak101 using 5.56mm and that shit and bring in the good guns and ammo.
  3. Xytra

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    yes very nerfed
  4. magazines overflowing loot spawns now too, police station had like 6 mags in 2nd floor
  5. Xytra

    Newly Found Easter Egg in DayZ Standalone?

    its the r.i.p. sign of the grass pyramid. rip grass pyramid. look at the drawing.
  6. lol all 1pp players talking about 3pp servers dont play 3pp angry noobs lol what utter fucknuggetry
  7. Xytra

    How do I install this mod?(2014)

    the latter
  8. thread was merged noob
  9. most of the 0.45 actions and items are removed, basically 0.44 now already got an m4 with pristine MP and acog, 3 60 round mags no ability to create fireplace kit this isnt a bug they dun fucked up good
  10. Xytra

    New Sprinting Animation

    looks like its running slower after getting used to it but its the same speed, unless im delusional which i probably am
  11. plus m4s replaced AKMs again, no sign of AKM, no longhorn, nope! m4s everywhere, m4 parts, scopes, mags and ammo everywhere no heli crash no animals no hunting no making campfires pink glow like 'dis be enchanted items from minecraft no megavest anymore can split ammo to pristine again can do the glitch in NEAF jail again its 0.44 again edit: i've only been in the west after this, so is novodmitrovsk still there?
  12. Xytra

    New Sprinting Animation

    wow man nice ur like 4 weeks late or not
  13. Xytra

    [Discovery] Devil's Church

    "devils church" nope