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Everything posted by Strawcrow

  1. Namalsk was my fav, and now with bloodsuckers and EMP blasts, it is even better. The only map that really makes you fight against the enviroment, not just other players. Regular DayZ has some enviroment pressure, but not much, so if you want a real grity experience this is it; AND this is the server to be on. A few tweaks on the map...medical boxes and food caches, makes this grity, yet faster paced than DayZ regular version tends to be. Admins are on every night, and day sometimes, great group who play on Grave's Yard. Get on and hunt bloodsuckers with us!!!!!!!
  2. Strawcrow

    Graves Yard, Come join the fun

    This server is awesome, lots of weapon caches and high end loot spots like barracks on top of Klen mountain, more vehicles and also events from time to time that give the winner special gear or weapons. Noob or long time players will love this server. It is now whitelisted, so you will need to give Gravedancer your GUID if new to the server. Just get into any BattleEye enabled server and type "#beclient guid" and write down your GUID and send it to Grave via message on these forums.
  3. I vote for the big coyote backpack, I die enough as it is. Would be nice as far as getting the PvP stuff going, at the same time, things like sniper rifles sre rare compared to other weapons. Either way, vehicles being there for use makes the map smaller and more likely to see action.
  4. Someone on our private server was kicked by BE for this. Is it a restriction for hitting the server controls button, or is the guy really trying to cheat?
  5. Strawcrow

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I love the mod and understand things can not roll out as fast as we all want them. Despite any glitches or bugs, I gladly give you a golden can of beans Rocket. You have changed how I view and enjoy games forever in a positive way. Right now, my group is running on a public server one of us has, and a private one another one has got for us.....We have about 15 now and with a few more trustworthy folks, we can have almost have a full server. I can say until standalone gets here, there is nothing better than a passworded private server where all your deaths are legit.
  6. Strawcrow

    Why does the L85 not have normal scope?

    I think it is the trade off for having night and thermal vision, yet I would like to be able to turn both off.
  7. Strawcrow

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Fair, you entitled feeling pieces of shit.....it is not meant to be fair; but I guess when you have no self respect you will do anything......Shitass! I put a pox on all hacker ways, best log in and out 5 times in a row fast or tragedy will strike...do it...do it now!.
  8. Strawcrow

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    How old are you you spoiled piece of shit hacker? I know you must be real young or very immature. That is so lame excuse to be a shitass, most hackers seem to know how big a shit they are; yet you come on her to get sympathy because you and your pals played and got pwned with better gear....or you serious or just a troll turd. This is a survival horror game with particular stress on survival..... getting shot by a KOS player is part of the game...you want fair fights, play BF3, but this game is not built around ballance and fairness because survival has nothing to do with either. Go back to the console cesspool from which thee spawned. I can not say shit enough in response to such a post...I only hope you never have children so your hacker DNA does not get passed on. I pray for your shitty assed soul dude, I hope you a redeemed from your shit eating ways. May you be cleansed of your scat playing ways and your balls drop so you can play and act like a man and not some piece of shit with an internet connection.
  9. It is only the alternate clothes like camo that get better textures, but that means camo and guilly look better and work better...FOR WHOEVER YOU SEE IN THEM. That means you make them work better for others that may be hostile. If you keep it as is, then you may see them easier.
  10. How do others see custom skins if they themselves do not have the files? In other games, to be seen in the skin others need the file. So does this make people invisible to those without the custom skin file? If so it is a hack of sorts.
  11. I am 46 and I see that some people never wise up, no matter the age. If you get rid of the ignorance, all would be great. I care less how old someone is, just do not hack, do not be a asshat and do not be a bigot.
  12. Ha, ban for teamspeak and voice apps? You serious or just trolloin' because there is no way to ban someone using other programs on their computer...or third party maps.....suck it up and play better.
  13. Strawcrow

    Missing Chopper.....

    That is the weird thing, leaving a vehicle auto saves it, saving is only for gear in it; but with things not working right you can destroy a vehicle saved or not and it will return to last spot it was located.
  14. Vehicles auto save location when you exit a vehicle, saving only has to do with any gear in it........when everything is working that is.
  15. I had that take place after a game crash once....in the menu screen, I clicked on expansions and the @dayZ or DayZ was not enabled..... not sure if it is your fix, but never saw it again.
  16. Strawcrow

    Pls remove the ugly and rediculous sepia effects

    Mine loses no color till I am under about 9,000 blood.
  17. Strawcrow

    US 443 - Banned for Using a Hacked Chopper

    If you asked for one then got one at any time after that, you were working with hackers. I assume you were talking to people you knew were hacking and asled for a chopper, and you still expect not to be punished. Also you knew 4 or 5 hackers were on, yet you were in no fear of that, you just stayed on. Were the hackers your friends? I am not an admin, but I would not have punished for just using it, but asking, then getting hack gear delivered, yeah I would punish for that.
  18. Strawcrow

    theres a crate out here?

    Have you guys never seen it before? If you have been to a lot of crash sites you will see them. They tend to have ammo in them, but I have seen medical loot in them as well, bloodbags, injectors and epi pens.....even anti biotics.
  19. Strawcrow

    theres a crate out here?

    It is not a hack, downed chopper sites can have crates of ammo and also medical loot besides weapons.
  20. He was trying to DC, not alt f4. If he had hit alt f4, it would have closed the game in an instant..... but he was hitting escape and trying to log out of the game, but it was not an alt f4, subtle difference.
  21. I do concur, most legit players have a server they call home. If players and server admins could come together somehow and get the password from the admins, then a vast majority of the community could play without fear of hacks. Then if someone does hack, it would be easier, I think, to track down. I got a chance to view the logs on the server my group hosts and calls home last night trying to see who was hacking , we think. Yet, from a layman's point of view that log was anything but easy to make heads or tales out of. This would stop loot hoping to an extent as many servers would be passworded. Since I assume the hive itself has the needed info, it would also be easy to check on reported admin abuse. I hear the masses saying, what about new players, well we all know that every server would not be passworded. Maybe this is not something that would work, but the hacking thing is making legit players blood boil. I am ready to see something done about it, if it is in someones power to try and do something about it.