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About Ninetailefox92

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ninetailefox92

    Secrets of DayZ in the Last 4 Months

    Love this whole mystery thing... Green mountain is super creepy.. but I still like going up there lol :) Did a little creepy video on it, on my channel if anyone wants to check it out, its just a cinematic with the "radio broadcast" on it, unsure if its the original radio broadcast or just one someone created:
  2. Ninetailefox92

    DayZ Standalone w/ Vengeance

    Hey guys! Ninetailefox92 here! also known as Taeniura or Vengeance in game! I started a new DayZ series and it would be awesome to get some of your guys feedback on my videos! So check em out and give me suggestions and so on <3 so far it seems to be going well and its such a fun game, love running into people and having a chat or a firefight :3 Also I have been playing a bit on experimental aswell- (plus watch out there is a fake mr.moon going away) -Nine <3
  3. Ninetailefox92

    Group Chat, private messages from admins

    I was talking about standalone, not the mod, thats why I am confused.. as there is no group chat in standalone? I am just using direct?
  4. Hey guys! Hopefully someone can help clear this up for me.. I keep being messaged on certain servers privately by admins giving me warnings for using group chat? but I have no idea what group chat is... I was guessing they were referring to having mic constantly on.. because I left it on to chat to a guy one of the times I got warned.. but then I was getting further warnings when I was literally doing nothing.. if someone could help clear this up for me that would be great! Its just annoying that I was trying to record a hacker and the admins seemed more concerned with this group chat rather than the guy hacking... Thanks Ninetailefox92/Taeniura/Vengeance