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Everything posted by ovaryeater

  1. I will give you an M4 + 3 magazines, 2 full medical boxes, and some water for a reward. I am at the military base north of Kamenka, I am dying of starvation, low on blood, and don't have a screwdriver, knife, or can opener, to open my food with. I accidentally deleted my screwdriver otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation. Please reply if you want to help and we can connect to each others server through steam. I have been alive on this character for almost 36 hours. Help me please! :(
  2. I already died. :s Thanks for the consideration of helping me I guess? ^_^
  3. You are missing the point. The point is, I'm just trying to see if there are any heroes out there.
  4. I'm not that mean. Just trying to do my best to fight the plague of KOS and banditry.
  5. I'm actually losing blood though, already tried that option. I was trying to open a can of beans, and it dropped the screwdriver into an inaccessible cabinet. :) Edit: I'm just trying to see if there are any decent hero players out there who would make the trek to help someone out. I'm not actually attached to my gear that much lol.