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Everything posted by taytaythekiller

  1. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Hopefully this will happen. :D
  2. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    What I'm trying to say is most people use Dayz commander to connect to Dayz servers (Dayz, Epoch, Origins, etc) and also get there beta updates via commander. If this is a steam only beta download then it won't be available in commander correct? Most people wont have a clue how to update to the beta branch via steam and even realize they need to do so. Commander as of now is using GameSpy's master server I think. I did see somewhere josh has a backup of all the server ip's also but he would be switching over to steam master server at some point but cannot confirm anything as the commander forums are offline. I guess its up to him to put a message in commander explaining how to update Arma 2 OA for the people who use it.
  3. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    May I ask how you disable the flies? And I'm assuming to disable blood you set "dayz_bleedingeffect" to 2?
  4. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Right this is looking like a right mess to me. So we need to update to a steam only beta? When the majority of people use dayz commander to play dayz? I'm guessing people wont be able to connect via commander anymore when the server is updated? I think relying on the dayz launcher in steam along side haveing to opt into the ArmaOA beta is going to kill the player base even more. :(
  5. taytaythekiller

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    Yep our server is to stay up for the for the foreseeable future as it isn't costing me anything in keeping it up (server it's hosted on has other purposes) Amazingly we have had a few players on we hit 20+ the other night and I'm seriously shocked that there is that many people who want to play vanilla still lol. It's pure Dayz with full 24 hour night and day. The only thing I have added is anti hacks and disabled speaking on side chat. Your welcome to join anytime man.
  6. taytaythekiller

    Dayz Mod's essence is dead.

    This x1000 I have done full circle with Dayz servers I started with Dayz done epoch, overwatch, origins and now after getting sick of all the added mods and wanting that first Dayz experience I set up a vanilla Dayz server with nothing added and got that first time Dayz experience again. After 2+ years I finally got the feeling back again and even got lost in the night lol Dayz is my drug it's like heroin always trying to chase that first hit or in Dayz's case first experience. After hosting epoch, overwatch, origins and coming back to the classic with nothing added it has been amazing experience. I just hope more people will do the same.
  7. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

  8. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    This issues we are having is people cant give blood to others untill the person who needs the transfusion relogs. So say me and my friend go to the hospital and on the way we both get hit and lose a lot of blood. We make it into the hospital and use blood testing kits to find out what type of blood type we are. After we get the correct bloodbag to give each other and try to select the transfuse option.But the give blood transfusion option doesn't show until the person who needs the transfusion relogs. This can happen when 2 or 25 players are online and 5 mins of uptime or 4 hours. im using vinilla server files havnt modded or added anything in any way. Also right clicking on the empty bag to fill dose nothing the option shows to fill it but you click it and nothing happens. I hope that has explained it a bit better for you sorry.
  9. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Could you explain the issue with blood bags not working when filling and or using them? My servers fps is great and still have issues. it can happen even with only 2 people on right after a restart.
  10. taytaythekiller

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Blood bagging is definitely broken, the person who needs to get blood needs to relog for the other person to get the scroll option to give blood. Also we get the gear icons for loot in the loot positions even tho there is no loot there. >> Edit>> I see the gear issue is fixed for next patch. What about the blood bag issue?
  11. Servers player base is starting to pick up nicely. Amazingly it looks like there is still a few people who want the stock experience with no over the top mods.
  12. Updated to Dayz 1.8.1