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About Gimpo

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  1. Gimpo

    When did they make DayZ look so awful?

    Ive seen quicker pole shifts than the progress on this game. And I laid off the game came bsck after 2 months gfx worse and less fps .
  2. Really , so you get more than 30FPS in cities maxed out on a populated sever ? prove it.................. And for the record i did say it still runs smooth its just low FPS. hence why i said it could be server side. Arma 3 on the other had is god awful. and dont get me started on the A3 life servers.
  3. Yup , The engine does not reward a high end PC. Ive got an R9 290x 16g Ram i7 4k Oc Day z now getting 50FPS and in some cities 25FPS. however Dayz standalone seems a lot more stable at 25 compared to A3 which leads me to believe it may be a server drop in FPS but i totally agree with you the optimization in either game is way off. And the worse thing the more content that goes into the standalone the worse the FPS will be
  4. Gimpo

    A very big complaint

    Sounds funny "after only 500 hours" I know what you mean though.
  5. If you take the announcements from January and apply the timeline to actual progression ratio I would say 2017 rough guess.
  6. This game sounds worse as time goes by. Whens the loot going to respawn ffs its july ?
  7. They don't post here because they are focusing on hot spot capture mediums. Reddit twitter etc are places where potential customers could be convinced into a purchase if they see dev participation. These forums however are mostly occupied by current users of the game. Thus equals zero worth zero payback.
  8. Gimpo

    Worth coming back

    Ok guys thanks for the heads up. I only uninstalled due to ssd space issues. I will look out for the latest patch.
  9. Gimpo

    Worth coming back

    My first post , Uninstalled the game about 2 months ago waiting for new content. I'm finding it hard to find a concise list of current features , but sorry if there on this forum somewhere. Is it worth me re-installing Is the loot re spawning and do they have storage etc. oh and whats the state of the zombies. Any info would be much appreciated. thanks