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About ken_kennagi909

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  • Interests
    Slaying Zombies

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  1. ken_kennagi909

    DayZ Mod On Offline Mode

    i have create a dayz SP with a tutorial from you**** that work perfectly ... i have chernarus version and namalsk ... the only thing they need to do is make the AI visible to zombies eyes or ears coz the zombies won't chase the AI its hard to find a bandit AI in town
  2. ken_kennagi909

    DayZ Mod On Offline Mode

    i managed to create a new mission on arma 2 with DayZ Mod but .. there's no Zombies/LootAble items in .... do any of you able to survive on online mode? coz its give me more FPS while in offline mode thats why i really want to try it on offline ... i've search on google but some people said that was bad they can't play the DayZ Game anymore (blank screen) Thanks
  3. ken_kennagi909

    ARMA II is better than DayZ Mod

    could you give me a link to vanilla mod?
  4. ken_kennagi909

    ARMA II is better than DayZ Mod

    how can i know the mod i used now? coz im new around this game .. i download the mod from steam ... and i play through DayZcommander in an unofficial server
  5. i see there is a big diffence between DayZ Mod and ARMA II ... coz everytime i play ARMA II it run on good performance without any problem but whenever i run DayZ Mod it give me 5-10 FPS i've tried editing ARMA2.cfg and ARMA2OA.cfg .. but it do nothing ... do any of you have a same problem ? how do you fix this i run it on 2GB RAM Thanks for Help
  6. ken_kennagi909

    Under 5 FPS

    i have the same problem as you ... do you have fixed it now?
  7. ok thank you guys .. you got all of my beans ...
  8. after installing steam ... what should i do next? how about copying all the files and folder in Steam folder .. is it works? or i will get ban from steam?
  9. is i need to Re-download it? ... i got a low download speed is about 500-600 kbps it waste almost 7-8 hours to Re-download Both arma
  10. I want to Transfer my Arma II and Arma II: OA to my PC coz my Laptop run on Low Fps its about -20 Frame .. Any help? or maybe a Tutorial to Transfer it? Thanks :)