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Rocko D

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Everything posted by Rocko D

  1. I´ve already posted this in an other "bandit" thread but didnt get any reaction. Perhaps this thread fits better: I wanted to let you know my suggestions about the humanity system - but didnt want to open an new thread because there were plenty. So i chosed this one. My suggestion is to add "social needs" that decreases like food or water - but very slowly. To increase your "social needs" you have to interact with other player. slow increase = have other players around (talk?) faster = trade goog stuf (?) fast = bandage woundet / give blood decrease a amount of "sozial need" by killing humans or stealing Waht happens when you have less and less "social needs"? - tremble - tunnel view - psychosis (acoustik ore visual) - as lower your "social needs" as higher the chance that you do a random shot with your weapon. (nevous hijack behavior) Player interaction will be necessary. So you wount shot a human if you see one, because you could need him. It increases your chance to survive. Organized bandit gangs could move on - because they arrange good "social needs" stats. The "psychotic-killer" could play on his way. He only gets the (realistic?) psycho behavior. PVP is still possible but it is not reqiured to shot at every human bevor he shots at you - so much less player - player kills. What do you think about it (rocket?)
  2. I would be happy if anyone answers my idea. IMO it sounds great and answers the only-PVP-shoter problem. What is your opnion?