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synergies (DayZ)

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Posts posted by synergies (DayZ)

  1. Fucking read the thread. Your stuff is at the same place you were before spawning at the coast. Man up and run there. I did it three times already.

    I just ran up there on the same server I got instantly killed on, no dead body, no stuff :(

    I was also in a random forest, no way anyone could have found it within 10 minutes.

  2. Maybe you didn't read properly, i didn't even was on a server yet.

    Thank you, Drogur.

    I hope this will help.

    The dayz staff cannot unban people from battleeye. The only way is to buy a new copy. It is the same policy as steams VAC, once you get banned, its gone forever. If you honestly were banned before even playing, then take it up with whoever you bought it from and ask for your money back.

  3. I think people misunderstood my overall point. I am not saying it's a bad thing to start without a gun, nor did I complain in anyway about the current state of the game. Having a gun is in fact completely irrelevant, I was simply using that as an example. I am just saying that the development of the game seems to be making the learning curve greater and greater (thus putting of new players).

    The main thing I want people to take away from this is:

    We need a better community that is more accommodating to noobs. Anyone noob that posts asking for help instantly gets trolled. I feel that taking away the option for all-chat was a mistake. Most servers didn't use it unless it was a noob server anyway, and I felt it had a huge impact on allowing me to learn more about the game. You could ask questions about the game and have them answered very quickly and efficiently.

    We need a better community that allows people to develop friendships and group up outside of the game (be that a forum board or whatever). That way you cannot complain about people shooting on sight, as this is to be expected.

  4. I don't usually find a game with brilliant concepts and slowly see it degrade through questionable development choices. Before I get buried under a million posts saying that "it's only an alpha" etc etc. I don't want to talk about the current state of the game so much but the future state of it.

    I can see the developers situation and their motives. The problem is that there is not enough team play, too much murdering and death-matching going on. Solution: Lets make the game ridiculously hard so that players MUST team up.

    This simply doesn't work. I don't find the game so hard at the moment, but for new players, it is near impossible to find a gun let alone survive more than 10 minutes. Guns don't spawn enough near the coast, deathmatchers/bandits/pvpers camp the cities and starting players don't have a gun to even clear out zombies that are spawning in buildings that have loot.

    Why does it not work? Because new players try and try again to find a gun, only to fail and quit after only a few hours of playing. I was lucky enough to be in the patches where you start with a gun, when you actually stood a chance at finding loot amongst an army of zombies. I could see how fun it was once you get some basic loot and start exploring. Unfortunately, for my friends who have just started, this is not the case. They tried for a few hours but eventually quit forever before even seeing the fun aspects of the game.

    My solution to the problem is far more simple. Don't worry about deathmatchers, don't worry about making people team up. These kinds of influences should be kept out of the game. You cannot stop humans from being assholes when their lives aren't on the line, and because of this, no matter how realistic you make it, people will always shoot on sight.

    To summarize my point, we shouldn't worry about shoot on sight rules or teaming up in game. We should do that within the community, on websites and forum boards. That is the only realistic solution to fixing the problem, because there is no way (no matter how hard you try) to stop it happening in-game. Too much realism can kill a game.

  5. So lately I have found it very hard to get on a decent server. There is no queuing system (that actually queues you) and you have to spam enter until somebody leaves. This is basically due to:

    a) Large user base

    b) Not enough servers.

    I think we would see a lot more servers and variety if you ported the server over to linux as well. I know for a fact I could easily run a 24/7 server but only if it was linux compatible.

    This should obviously be a low priority task as the mod is still very much in alpha, but just thought that for a future heads up, linux is the way to go.
